After Wang Hao's operation, no one dared to speak. He just stared blankly at Wang Hao, just adjusted his watch, and let them appear in the whole private room. The vast starry sky appeared.

"Lao Ye, don't worry. It's still a while before the Earth Star. I'll have a meal first. When I'm done, I will go to the headquarters."

Wang Hao glanced, with a gleam on his face. He took a serious look at this fleet. Although these warships are very advanced, they are even more advanced than the current first-generation warships of the Haohan Research Center, but he did not How much pressure.

If it was five years ago, Wang Hao would have a headache to encounter such a fleet, but now it is different. Although he has been studying the soul for five years, he has not spent too much energy on cosmic strategy, but Yang The warship research team composed of Lu and Chen Tang also has Wei Hongzhuang's energy weapon research.

These two research directions have made the research progress of the Haohan Research Center greatly advanced, but the current results are only staying in the research room, and have not been transformed.

As far as the current speed of the unknown fleet is concerned, it takes more than ten days to reach the earth star. In this period of more than ten days, Wang Hao is completely enough to reach the highest combat power level.

And he is still another card. As long as there are no errors in the aeronautical charts, the clones he cultivated in the world of Tianyan are now all in the Imperial Realm, and it will not take long to reach the Imperial Realm. The existence of these clones is where he lies.

"Wang Hao, you are free to eat, but I haven't ... otherwise, you are going to the headquarters with me now."

Facing Wang Hao's big heart, Ye Lao was also very helpless, and hesitated and said.

"Also .. I will explain."

Wang Hao thought for a moment, nodded his head gently, his hand gently swept over the silver-white mat the size of a mouse pad, and the silver-white mat suddenly changed like a science fiction, instantly flew onto his wrist and turned into a watch appearance.

"Brother .. what material are you making, how come the volume is not the same as before?"

Zhang Nan was a little curious and asked, he was really curious, how could this silver-white sci-fi thing about the size of a mouse pad become a watch-like thing.

"Smart brain made of nano materials ... If you want, you will be given one at the time, and by the way, bring one to Qi Ling's parents. There are still many functions, such as controlling smart appliances, monitoring body changes, and virtual projection . "

Wang Hao glanced at Zhang Nan and smiled on his face. Although this thing is said to be technologically advanced, in his view, it is not the core technology of the Haohan Research Center, and he is not afraid of leakage.

"Okay, I'm worried that I don't have any gifts at home."

There was a look of excitement on Zhang Nan's face. He was still worrying about going to Qiling's house, and seeing the other party's parents, what gift to bring. This was finally solved.

"Everyone has a share, one person."

Wang Hao looked at Zhang Xin and Huang Hai, and they were all a little greedy and couldn't help but smiled. This, for him, had nothing to do with wholesale.

"Brother, I know you are the best."

Zhang Xin smiled, she was really greedy for this high-end smart watch, and originally wanted to ask for one. After hearing Wang Hao's words, she suddenly laughed, even the Yellow Sea, also laughed.

"That ... Wang Hao ... I ..."

Ye Lao hesitated for a moment, and also had some greedy eyes. He glanced at Wang Hao, and there was a look of longing on his face.

"Lao Ye, I will give you one at that time."

Wang Hao smiled. For him, one is also giving away, and the other is also giving away. He does n’t care how much to send. To say that the technical content of this smart watch is actually not high, it is only this nano-material.

For the material, if there is no detailed formula, it is impossible to reverse the analogy from the material.

"Is this thing so good? On the vast island, this thing is described in heaps, and it is almost treated as garbage and returned directly to the furnace."

Fang Bing glanced at the wrist smart watch, and there was a doubt on his face. Others did not know the situation of the vast research center. How could he not know it? When interested.

He still has a sense of superiority in his heart, but considering the occasion, his voice is very low, even low, but he has forgotten that there is a small ancestor next to him.

"I think you're right ... Someone will like this kind of stuff, especially someone who studies it specifically, it's stupid."

Dragon Brain sat beside Fang Bing. After hearing Fang Bing's words, he immediately said, let Fang Bing instantly become the focus of other people. However, when Fang Bing looked at these people's eyes and looked at himself, Suddenly there was an urge to climb into the bottom of the table.

"That ... I didn't really say that it was completely wronged."

Fang Bing looked at other people's eyes, a bitter expression appeared on his face, and said quickly.

"Take off my watch, and the clothes are also made of nano materials, and I took it off. Your car was also developed by our vast research center and returned to me."

Wang Hao looked at Fang Bing with a gloomy look, a smile on his face, but what he said made Fang Bing's face even more bitter.

"Brother, give me some face ... Leave a suit and don't let me streak."

Fang Bing looked more bitter and said helplessly.


Zhang Xin and Qi Ling, looking at Fang Bing's hard face ~ ~ can't control the smile, even the Yellow Sea and Zhang Nan, so there is a smile on his face.

"Okay, don't hide, you give me a good treat to the Yellow Sea, Qi Ling, I have something to do, let's go first ..."

Wang Hao watched that the atmosphere in the room was relaxed, and nodded gently. Naturally, he did n’t really want to embarrass the soldiers, but he looked at the atmosphere because after Ye Lao came, he became a bit depressed and could n’t help adjusting it. .

How could he not know the current virtue of Dragon Brain, and it is estimated that all of this was belonged to the dragon soldiers, but after watching the atmosphere relax, he and Ye Lao greeted and headed towards the outside.

"This ... what's going on."

Gao Yun's face was originally good for the show, but he looked at the fully armed people on the periphery three steps and one post, and in the third room, only two people entered, and there was a look of unbelievable color on his face.

Especially looking at the number three private room, I walked out and entered the three before, a majestic old man, and a secretary-like person, and the other, like Zhang Xin ’s brother, looked at the station, Zhang Xin's brother actually sat on the same footing as the old man, and while speaking, walked outside.

The fully armed soldier immediately surrounded him and protected the three in the center.

"Gao Yun, otherwise, you should quit. Your brother, your rival, seems scary."

The other two people saw such a situation, a complex color appeared on their faces, hesitated and said, although they said they hoped to have an opportunity to enter the business elite circle, but they did not want this opportunity, so that they would have a disaster. , Obviously that rival is not easy to provoke.

Gao Yun didn't speak, but his eyes flashed through the complex. After a long silence, he sighed softly.

8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college

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