In the vast universe, the chaotic Apocalypse Empire and the Alliance with Mayn, after withstanding the offensive of the source beast, are slowly repairing their own strength, and the pressure of the source beast's offensive is slowed down, the pressure is not reduced less.

The pressure of the source beast is light, and the real autumn is coming. No matter whether it is the Apocalypse Empire or the Meiwen Alliance, they are undergoing reorganization. Some powerful people are okay, they have the army, and they have strong military power for their own The cost has not been greatly affected.

However, some small forces were directly subjected to tragic cleansing.

However, as soon as the cleansing began, the high-level and fleet of the Apocalypse Empire and the Mayvin Alliance suddenly joined together for some reason, forming a huge fleet, building a line of defense, and watching the depths of the dark universe with vigilance.

"You believed that Noah's words?"

After Qi Feiwu received the highest order, he had a better fleet protection, and his natural status rose rapidly, and he and the Vietnamese Army, the former head of the Southwest Army of the May Union, now the commander-in-chief of the May Union, Stand together and say.

"Sicheng ... I dare not believe it. After all, this is too ridiculous. I don't believe that there is such a terrible race in this world. It actually fights in the universe directly in the flesh. . "

The Vietnamese army shook his head, and there was a suspicious look on his face. Although he had to come together with the Apocalypse Empire, because of the source beast, and because of external forces, he had to appreciate Qi Feiwu from the bottom of his heart.

"Really .. If it is really like the Noah tribe, it is really terrifying."

Qi Feiwu also showed a touch of light on his face, but before he finished his words, he immediately raised a strong alarm, which immediately attracted the attention of the Vietnamese army and Qi Feiwu.

"What the **** is that ... too many .. immediately dispatch the reconnaissance plane."

The Vietnamese army glanced at the source of the alarm, and there was shock on his face. He looked at the dense black dots appearing on the screen, which were coming towards them at an irregular speed.

However, the Vietnamese army immediately issued orders, and the same was true of Qi Feiwu. Immediately in this huge fleet, a dozen of reconnaissance jets spraying blue flames suddenly appeared, quickly moving towards the black spot. After a while, the specific situation of these black spots appeared, and the Vietnamese army and Qi Feiwu were instantly sent to all the people who saw this scene clearly, and their eyes were dull.

"This ... the Noah tribe is true."

The Vietnamese army looked at the pictures returned by the reconnaissance plane, and there was a look of horror on his face. He could n’t believe what he saw, because this was really shocking. These black spots were actually the wreckage of the spaceship, and there were Countless strange and strange races, and at the same time, there are wreckages after the destruction of the planet, which makes him completely dumbfounded.

Because this amount is too huge. In the universe, after the war, the fragments of the wreckage, if not recovered, will float freely in the universe, especially if they are subjected to the initial explosive force. Wandering in the universe at an extremely irregular speed.

"It seems true .. There are so many interstellar wreckages just here in our country. To what extent did this war happen? If the Noah tribe really said that the race that claimed to be God, then It's a real horror race. "

Qi Feiwu also looked slightly dumbfounded, with a look of horror on his face. The race that claimed to be the Protoss, he heard from the Noah tribe, but he could walk in the universe physically and kill the entire fleet of terrorists alone .

The scene in front of him proved indirectly that in the universe not far from them, there was indeed a war, and the coalition was defeated. This made them feel a sense of death to the end, after all, Noah The clan's scientific and technological strength is much better than them, but in the face of the race that calls itself the Protoss, the coalition formed is still defeated.

This caused a haze in the hearts of Qi Feiwu and Yuejun, who had just experienced the Apocalypse Empire and Mayvin Alliance, foreign enemies and internal chaos.

"What are you going to do?"

Qi Feiwu was silent for a while. Although he was younger than the Vietnamese army, he really didn't have any pressure in the face of the Vietnamese army. After all, he was the most powerful prince in the Apocalypse Empire.

"Notify the headquarters, report the situation here and see how the headquarters responds."

When he felt that there was no stability in the Vietnam Army Alliance, he had been under pressure from the Apocalypse Empire before the source beast did not appear. Then he was attacked by the sudden source beast, which caused the civil unrest in the entire alliance. Having lived the wormhole attack point that the source beast kept opening, he was once again facing tremendous pressure.

And this time, facing pressure is more unprecedented, a race that calls itself the Protoss, a killing Protoss who faces the non-my race and wants to wipe out all other races, a truly unprecedented pressure. To slaughter the Meiwen Alliance, it was only a relatively intimidating sentence. The race that claimed to be the Protoss really did it.

Because the Vietnamese army looked at the floating body in front of him, the horrible race made him tremble in his heart.


"Wang Hao, is there a solution?"

After seeing Wang Hao coming to the command center, Tao Hongguo looked at ~ immediately, and he said quickly.

"Reassure ..., the problem should not be big, prepare for both hands, if you can communicate, then communicate, if you can't communicate, you can only protect the planet by force."

Wang Hao was silent for a while, with a solemn look, raised his head and said, and his words also relieved everyone else.

"I now use signals to communicate with each other before I talk."

Wang Hao thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, and while he was talking, suddenly a virtual screen appeared in front of him, and Wang Hao quickly gave orders.

"Establish the signal structure of the other party and set up the connection channel."

"Confirmation is complete, the connection channel is completed

"Establish a connection with the fleet."

"Trying to establish a connection."

Wang Hao said, with his words, a lot of data appeared on the virtual screen in front of him, and even a boy came out with a childish voice.

"Wang Hao, where is your current scientific and technological strength?"

Ye Lao and Tao Hongguo glanced at each other and said involuntarily.

"This is hard to say ... without a standard of measurement, it has improved a little bit. After all, in the interstellar age, it is impossible to want a big step."

Wang Hao thought for a moment, and shook his head gently, as if he was feeling emotional. He would not be so stupid as to hand over all his foundation, and he was accustomed to hiding. How could he study Haohan just because the other party said a word The bottom of the center is handed over.

"Signal access to the other party has agreed."

After Wang Hao glanced at the signal access, he looked up and said, he wanted to stop this topic, and Wang Hao's words made Ye Lao, who wanted to ask some questions again, also stopped.

8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college

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