Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 142 Chip self-development plan

The solution that Su Xin came up with is actually very simple, which is to use satellites instead of macro base stations.

Each small base station is no longer connected to the macro base station on the ground, but to the satellite. Even if various disasters such as earthquakes and floods occur, the signal will not be destroyed.

This method absorbs the advantages of both satellite phone and small base station solutions, and avoids most of the inherent defects of each.

For example, satellite phones are large in size and high in power, and mobile phones cannot meet the requirements, so small base stations can be used to relay, and then mobile phones can be used to receive them.

In the end, there are only two major problems: high cost and insufficient data processing capacity of satellites.

The former, after the program is fully popularized, completely replaces the current communication network, and the profit is definitely not low, but it can be solved.

On the contrary, the latter is quite technically difficult.

After all, in order to meet such a large amount of fast data calculation, programming technology alone is far from enough to solve it, and the most important thing is the chip.

There is no way. Modern technology, especially high-precision technology, is systematic. Breakthroughs in a certain aspect often require the coordination of upstream and downstream supporting industries and technologies.


For this seemingly perfect solution, the technical threshold is the biggest problem.

To solve the new communication solution, the premise is to manufacture the highest-end chips, and to manufacture the highest-end chips, he has to develop the most advanced lithography machine.

The photolithography machine is the core equipment of the modern semiconductor industry. Many people in the industry claim that its manufacturing difficulty is higher than that of an atomic bomb. It can be said to be one of the most high-end and most technically difficult high-tech technologies currently developed by mankind.

It is a product that combines top technologies in the fields of mathematics, optics, surface physics and chemistry, precision instruments, machinery, automation, software, and image recognition.

In addition to the extremely high difficulty of research and development, the biggest problem is that it has more than 100,000 parts, and some of the main parts are also monopolized by many overseas countries.

No country can produce the most cutting-edge lithography equipment alone, it is the sincere cooperation of various countries in related industries.

Therefore, if Suxin wants to fully realize the independent production of high-end photolithography machines and break its overseas monopoly, in addition to breaking through some core technologies, it must also solve the technical and production problems of many major components.

In general, he not only wants to develop lithography machines, but also solves the supporting production chain.

After thinking for a while, Su Xin reopened a document in the Tianwei housekeeper, and slowly entered eight large characters in the title——

Chip self-research and production plan.

If it's necessary, then do it!

Su Xin was extremely determined.

He has long known the importance of chips.

Chips are the foundation of all electronics industries, and all cutting-edge electronics and information technology cannot do without the support of high-end chips.

He has never entered this industry before. Firstly, there is no such demand. Secondly, he also understands how high the threshold of this industry is. Even if he has the strongest knowledge and technology in the world, many of the problems are not so easy to solve.

But now, he has enough funds and gradually begins to demand cutting-edge chips, which is the time to step into this industry.

the next morning.

After Su Xin went to work, he immediately asked Feng Haifeng to notify the senior executives to hold a meeting.

While waiting for the meeting, Su Xin called Hao Zude again.

Classmate Su, good morning!

Hao Zude greeted warmly.

Good morning Director Hao, I have something to ask for your help to report to the superior.

Hearing this, Hao Zude suddenly looked solemn.

He knew that Su Xin always went to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason. He must be preparing to develop some new products, or had already developed new products.

However, no matter what Su Xin was studying before, he would never greet him in advance, and he never asked him to report to his superiors.

But this time, Su Xin took the initiative to ask him to report to his superiors. Obviously, what Su Xin was studying was related to the overall national strategy, and he had to communicate and negotiate with his superiors.

Student Su, please tell me.

I'm going to develop a photolithography machine.

Su Xin said calmly.


Hao Zude felt a roar in his mind, and was completely shocked by Su Xin's words.

After a while, he suddenly came to his senses and realized that he had missed the last words of Su Xin, and asked quickly:

Wait...what did you just say? The mobile phone signal is not good, so I didn't hear it clearly.

Su Xin said again: I said that I want to develop the most advanced lithography machine, and I hope my superiors can help me create better conditions.

Hao Zude asked urgently: Do you know that the lithography machine is a very complex and systematic project, and it cannot be achieved by just a few technologies?

At present, ASML, which is the most advanced in the world, and their most advanced photolithography equipment, also has many core components that need to be supplied by other countries?

To put it bluntly, if the major semiconductor countries do not work together, no one can produce advanced lithography machines alone.

It is impossible to achieve self-development and self-production of high-end lithography machines in a short time!

Su Xin said calmly: I will cross as many thresholds as there are, and break as many obstacles as there are, until I develop them.

I know that the country has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in this area and vigorously subsidizes and supports it. I don't want to cause a waste of national resources, because this technology is enough for me.

If the country really wants to promote the research and development of high-end lithography machines, it can provide these supports to me, such as financial subsidies and policy preferences, such as establishing a lithography machine industrial park to attract a large number of upstream industrial chains to surround me, so that My R\u0026D and production are more convenient, etc.”

Hao Zude's expression suddenly changed.

He has no right to speak about this kind of large-scale national strategy, and decisions must be made through high-level discussions.

Let Su Xin pin such an important national core strategy on one person?

He didn't even dare to bring up this kind of suggestion.

However, when thinking about Su Xin's various miraculous performances in the past and the good cooperative relationship between him and the military, Hao Zude felt that maybe Su Xin could really do it.

Seeing his silence, Su Xin continued:

Director Hao, no matter whether the state supports this matter or not, I will do my best to do it and invest unlimited funds for it. If there are really difficulties, I can solve them myself. If there are problems in the industrial chain, then I will solve them one by one.

But in that case, once I wait for the results of my research, all the efforts the country has invested in this industry may be defeated by me.

It depends on whether you believe in my skills or not.

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