Hao Zude said quickly:

Student Su, of course I believe in your technology, and the higher-ups also believe in your technology.

It's just that the research and development of lithography machines is related to the core national strategy, and there has never been a reason to put such important eggs in the same basket.

But don't worry, I will report your request truthfully. I don't know if the higher-ups will agree.

After all, this matter is too big. As a small director, I just serve as a link to communicate with you and have no say in this matter.

Su Xin smiled calmly and said:

Then I'll trouble you, Director Hao. You should discuss this matter first. I will then arrange to acquire a photolithography machine manufacturing company and start researching cutting-edge photolithography machine related technologies.

Okay! Hao Zude responded seriously.

By the way, regarding the communication license, please ask Director Hao to help follow up.

Su Xin still smiled lightly and said:

Although I allocated part of my time to develop lithography machines, I have never forgotten the communication business. It was only because the communication business required high-end chips that I had to develop lithography machines.

Hao Zude couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

The communications industry is also a high-tech industry that is extremely difficult and has extremely high barriers to entry. Su Xin actually wants to continue to enter the communications industry while independently developing cutting-edge photolithography machines.

This is no longer self-confidence, it can be called arrogance.

However, Hao Zude didn't say much. After all, Su Xin's past achievements were too brilliant. Things that are impossible for ordinary people might not be so difficult for Su Xin...


Hao Zude thought so.

After hanging up the phone, he summarized and optimized Su Xin's ideas and reported to his superiors.

It is worth mentioning that as Su Xin has developed various top-notch technology products many times, the senior management has already attached great importance to Su Xin and specially arranged for Hao Zude to be the intermediary liaison person.

No matter Su Xin has any ideas or needs, he can directly go to Datianting through Hao Zude.

On the other side, Su Xin hung up the phone, put down the phone, turned on the computer in front of him, and began to supplement the details of the plan that he thought of last night.

Although the new communication plan cannot be implemented due to the problem of the satellite communication chip, this does not mean that he will completely shelve it.

While developing cutting-edge lithography machines, a part of the new communication solution can also be implemented first, which is equivalent to gaining momentum for the follow-up complete solution.

By two o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Xin sat in the office, turned on the video conferencing function of Tianwei Butler, and invited Liu Qingli and other senior executives to join.

Soon, all the senior executives arrived.

It's been a long time since I held a high-level meeting. Today I announced an important strategy. Starting today, Apocalypse will officially enter the semiconductor industry. Next, I will develop cutting-edge lithography machines.

Su Xin got straight to the point.

Hearing this, several people couldn't help but look at each other.

Su Xin just founded a communications company not long ago, and it has not achieved much yet. Now he has entered the semiconductor industry, and is directly developing cutting-edge lithography machines. This span is too big, right?

However, since Su Xin said these words, he has obviously made a decision, and no one dares to refute or question.

Su Xin continued:

Qing Li, you arrange to acquire a lithography machine company as soon as possible, at all costs!

Liu Qingli nodded and then asked:

However, the manufacture of lithography machines seems to have many parts that are restricted by the eagle sauce country, and we may not be able to buy them.

Su Xin said categorically:

It doesn't matter, since they have blocked it, I will research and produce it all myself.

I have just communicated with the official people and want to ask the official to support me. If the official does not support me, it doesn't matter. We will overcome the difficulties one by one on our own.

In short, one of the company's next most important strategies is to develop cutting-edge lithography machines.

To this end, I can invest all the money earned by other subsidiaries into this. If one hundred billion is not enough, then one trillion. If one trillion is not enough, then two trillion. If it doesn't work, I can also make more money through more industries. More and more money.”

I don't believe it. With my technology and unlimited funds, I can't build a complete semiconductor industry chain from scratch?

Although the capital demand of the semiconductor industry chain is huge, it is not invested all at once. The profitability of Su Xin's major subsidiaries is indeed enough to be called unlimited funds.

Hearing this, several people felt a little settled, inexplicably confident in the research and development of lithography machines.

In addition to the research and development of lithography machines, the development of communication companies cannot be left behind.

Su Xin continued: I have an idea to design a personal data center, or smart housekeeper, that integrates smart speakers, small base stations, personal cloud and other functions.

It can talk and chat like a smart speaker and control all smart appliances in the home. Moreover, with the technical foundation of Tiantian Assistant, it is undoubtedly the most intelligent.

It can also serve as a personal cloud to store personal data files, which not only ensures privacy, but also frees up more space on mobile phones and computers.

It can prevent theft and alarm. If it is invaded by a stranger, or the owner has an accident, the smart housekeeper will automatically alarm or call an ambulance. With the intelligence of Tiantian Assistant, it is not difficult to analyze these situations through sounds and images.

Finally, it can also serve as a small base station to enhance the signal at home, so that the 5G network can truly enter thousands of households and cover the whole country, allowing everyone to enjoy high-quality signals anytime and anywhere.

Based on the last point, we can even pay users based on the online time of the smart butler to encourage everyone to use it, thereby promoting the universal popularization of small base stations.

For example, if you use a smart butler for a few years, the reward can offset the purchase cost of the device, which is equivalent to getting it for free. I believe that most people are willing to buy it.

After all, judging from its various functions, similar products on the market cost at least one or two thousand dragon coins. Coupled with the advantages of our products, it is definitely enough to arouse everyone's interest.

What do you think of this idea?

Several people were lost in thought.

This model sounds like it is completely loss-making. All equipment costs are returned to customers, which is equivalent to bearing all costs themselves, and services to so many users are in vain.

But several of them were senior executives, and they immediately thought of the profitability of this model——

That is to cooperate with operators.

After all, once the smart butler Su Xin mentioned is popularized, the currently useless 5G network will truly enter the practical stage.

By then, various applications of 5G networks will explode, and users, countries, operators, and enterprises will all benefit from this.

Operators, in particular, not only save the high cost of popularizing base stations, but can also enjoy huge traffic revenue brought by a large number of 5G applications.

Therefore, if Su Credit subsidizes equipment costs to popularize base stations, it will naturally be possible to negotiate cooperation with operators, which will require a large amount of subsidies.

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