Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 207 Cancer-killing drugs developed? What's so surprising

While Su Xin was quietly looking at various statements and report documents.


The knocking drum sounded softly.

Come in.

Liu Qingli pushed the door open and entered.

Su Xin looked away from the computer screen and looked at the graceful figure walking quickly. He raised his right hand to signal and said with a smile: Sit down.

Boss, you haven't been to the company for a long time. You seem to be in a good mood. Could it be that your research and development has yielded results?

Liu Qingli sat opposite him and smiled.

Well, the cancer-killing drug has been successfully developed.

Su Xin said calmly.

But Liu Qingli was not as shocked as he thought. He just smiled and nodded, as if he didn't think there was anything special about the news.

That's good. It seems that the group will have another heavyweight product.

Aren't you surprised?

Su Xin looked at her in surprise.

Hearing this, Liu Qingli covered her mouth deliberately and exclaimed: Is this true? The boss has actually developed a miracle drug to eliminate cancer? Oh my god! It's really amazing!

Su Xin looked at her speechlessly.

This look made Liu Qingli laugh so hard that her branches trembled with laughter. It took her a while to calm down, but she still said with a smile on her face:

I have been so shocked by your performance time and time again that my nerves are almost numb. Isn't this the cancer-killing drug? What's so surprising?

It's cancer for other people, but for the boss, it's certainly not that difficult.

Besides, you have been developing the cancer-killing drug project for more than half a year. I know that sooner or later you will successfully develop it.

Unless you suddenly bring out a spaceship one day, you might shock me.

Su Xin helplessly spread his hands:

I can't do anything about the spacecraft for the time being. I can only develop ordinary products like cancer-killing drugs.

By the way, you can arrange a press conference for this ordinary product. I'll host it myself.

Since I don't feel a sense of accomplishment from you, I'd better go to the press conference and show off.

Liu Qingli couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.

The two quickly returned to the topic.

Su Xin said: I think there are more than 600 billion remaining funds in the group account, and the profitability of each subsidiary is also very good. There is no need to keep so much money. Try to find a way to spend it.

Liu Qingli smiled helplessly:

Boss, we have always kept your instructions in mind and worked hard to spend money, but the profits of each subsidiary are too high and we cannot spend them all.

The financial management department has expanded to more than 700 people. They are scattered all over the world and are responsible for spending money, but they can't keep up with the speed of making money, so there is still more and more money in the account.

The key is that the shares and assets they invested have started to generate money, and the interest is compounding. It is impossible to spend them all.

Su Xin thought for a while and said:

Then do charity.

The group is so rich, it should have given back to society long ago. You arrange to set up a charity fund.

As he spoke, he added:

It is a true charity fund that does not need to accept donations from outside. It only focuses on doing various charity works within the Dragon Kingdom.

For example, donating to poor college students, helping education in mountainous areas, lonely elderly people and children, etc.

Liu Qingli nodded: I have been thinking about charity before, and I also sent you a plan. Maybe you didn't pay attention.

However, even if we want to undertake social responsibilities to do charity, we should not invest too much, otherwise it may cause a drag on the reputation of the group and bring some negative effects. The old saying of promoting kindness against michou is still very reasonable.

Su Xin said indifferently:

It doesn't matter. Let's set a limit first and spend one billion. We can increase it in the future depending on the situation.

Just remember to arrange the supervision link. It doesn't matter if you spend more money for it. Anyway, you must not let charity turn into hypocrisy.

I see!

Liu Qingli nodded solemnly.


Su Xin added: I plan to start a labor-intensive enterprise, such as express logistics or takeout delivery.

I have a good friend from my hometown who delivers express in Baohe City. I heard him talk about various chaos in the express industry, such as no social security, no basic salary, no benefits, and the company often uses various reasons to make chaos. Deduction.

All kinds of oppressive behaviors make the low-level couriers miserable, coupled with the large volume of express shipments and high timeliness requirements, this makes it impossible for them to deliver to the door, which leads to customer dissatisfaction, complaints, and deductions...

Speaking, Su Xin shook his head:

My friend lost his father when he was young, and his mother ran away. He is not in good health. He is often bullied at school, and his academic performance is relatively average. Work, even if doing express delivery is hard, I can only persevere.”

At that time, I wanted to arrange a job for him, but he had a strong self-esteem, so he didn't mention it. As a result, he was busy with financial warfare and research and development, and almost forgot.

Su Xin shook his head with emotion.

Actually, there should be many people in a similar situation to my friends. They do all kinds of hard and sweaty work, and are exposed to wind and sun every day, but the rewards are completely unequal to their income.

If I can set up a large express delivery company or takeout platform, provide better benefits, treat employees well, and change the chaos of the entire industry, it will be considered a help to many people.

“It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.”

This should be more meaningful than charity.

Liu Qingli pondered for a while and said:

The express delivery industry is very troublesome.

After a pause, she seemed to be organizing her words, and then continued:

Express delivery companies often cannot have both timeliness and service. Even if the boss comes in and offers high benefits, the courier can only satisfy one of them at most.

Given the current environment in Dragon Kingdom, no matter which item is discarded, it will cause complaints from users. This is almost an irreconcilable conflict between the two parties.

Unless the boss arranges for at least several times the current number of couriers, it will be possible to meet both timeliness and service needs.

But in that case, the company will suffer serious losses. Even if the boss does not consider profits, such a company is very unhealthy and is a vicious competition method for other companies.

To put it bluntly, this is bad money driving out good money. In the future, the entire express delivery industry will only exist in this unhealthy form, and no one will allow us to leave.

Su Xin nodded thoughtfully.

What do you mean?

“Either the market environment changes, the business model changes, or both at the same time.”

Liu Qingli was thinking about it while speaking, and was about to express her thoughts.

But Su Xin waved his hand casually: As long as you have ideas, just make arrangements directly. There is no need to report to me in detail.

Liu Qingli smiled: Okay, I will discuss it with other management later.

A week later.

In the exhibition hall of a five-star hotel in Tianjing.

Top executives from the media and the pharmaceutical industry from all over the world gathered here again.

Several important press conferences of Tianqi Group are basically held here, so the major media are already quite familiar with the environment here.

Many senior executives in the pharmaceutical industry present here are here for the third time.

The previous two times were when Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company released Tianmu Eye Drops and Tianmu No. 1. Both products caused quite a stir around the world.

In particular, Tianmu eye drops have saved the eyesight of more than 200 million people around the world so far.

Therefore, this time everyone is also full of expectations for the upcoming new products.

at the same time.

Some companies are also worried.

In case Suxin's upcoming new product competes with itself, it will be a great blow to them.

This is no exaggeration.

The most typical example is ASML, whose market value has shrunk by 60% in the past six months.

After the release of Tianke No. 1, the other party's market share continued to decline, and the stock price continued to fall. Many shareholders withdrew their capital and left, causing ASML to almost go bankrupt due to funding problems.

Counting further ahead, there are also major eyewear companies that have declined rapidly due to the introduction of Tianmu eye drops. In the past year, no less than twenty well-known eyewear companies have closed down.

Counting on, there are major power battery manufacturers, major car companies, major smart driving solution suppliers, major search engines, major instant messaging software, etc.

Many, many companies around the world.

Either decline or go out of business.

On the way of Tianqi Group's rise, too many companies have fallen because of them.

Some are competing with the Tianqi Group, while others are implicated by the rise of the Tianqi Group.

Nowadays, the executives of these pharmaceutical companies are extremely worried. If Su Xin solves a certain disease and they happen to make drugs for this disease their main profit product, then they may follow in the footsteps of companies such as ASML.

Mr. Liu, based on your relationship with Mr. Su, you must have heard the news in advance, right? I don't know what product Mr. Su is going to release?

On the seat in the third row, an old man with gray hair but combed meticulously leaned over to Liu Guosong who was sitting next to him and asked in a low voice.

Liu Guosong smiled bitterly: Mr. Sun, how could Mr. Su reveal such a major secret in advance? I am just like you now. I feel like a cat has scratched my head. I am extremely curious.

Mr. Sun looked at him with disbelief:

After all, your daughter is a senior executive of Tianqi Group, and Mr. Su is also your future son-in-law. She gave you such a large business before, which made your company's market value more than double, but this time the product was not disclosed to you in advance?

Mr. Sun, the press conference is about to start. If there is news, with our relationship, there is no need to hide it from you at this time.

Liu Guosong shook his head.

Mr. Sun sighed helplessly:

I saw rumors on the Internet that Mr. Su has been busy researching anti-cancer drugs these days, and I don't know if it's true.

If it is, it will be troublesome. It happens to be in direct competition with several of our main businesses. Maybe under the impact of Mr. Su's new products, our company will decline like ASML.

Liu Guosong comforted:

Based on what I know about President Su, in fact, you don't need to pay too much attention to this kind of thing.

Sun Zonggang was about to show joy, but he heard Liu Guosong continue to say:

With the high incidence of cancer and the huge threat to the entire human race, President Su will start to develop anti-cancer drugs sooner or later.

That is to say, whether you are worried or not, this day will come.

In this case, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Instead of being frightened every time, it is better to pray that Mr. Su has developed anti-cancer drugs this time.

That way you don't have to worry about it in the future.

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