Song Yanyong demonstrated it to everyone.

From chat software, music software, office software, to various stand-alone or online games with high configuration requirements, they can all flow seamlessly without any delay.

This is much better than ordinary screen projection.

It is also much better than the seamless transfer function of Hongmeng operating system.

Many guests and netizens couldn't help but exclaimed.

In addition to the seamless transfer function, Song Yanyong also demonstrated a variety of other important functions.

Of course, as an operating system, no matter how easy-to-use the function is, it can only be regarded as a bonus. The most important thing is to be smooth and easy to use.

Under the same configuration, a good operating system can indeed bring a better user experience.

This extremely tests the system optimization capabilities.

And this is the strength of Tianqi Group, and it is also the core highlight of Tianyun Operating System.

Song Yanyong carefully introduced some important parameters of Tianyun operating system to everyone, and made a horizontal comparison with other major operating systems, allowing everyone to realize the power of Tianyun system.

The major mobile phone manufacturers and computer manufacturers at the scene all looked very excited, and many corporate executives who were watching the live broadcast also began to think about it.

With the powerful performance of Tianyun Operating System and the invincible foundation of Tianqi Group, they will be able to seize most of the market sooner or later. If they enter the market as soon as possible, they may also be able to ride on the shareholder trend brought by Tianyun Operating System.

The reason why is sooner or later.

Because newly launched operating systems still face a huge problem, that is ecology.

Various operating systems have developed to such a level of perfection today that the outcome is no longer determined solely by the quality of the operating system.

Every mature operating system is a platform with a variety of applications that can meet the various needs of users.

No matter how powerful the Tianyun operating system is, it is just a better platform, but if the platform is completely blank and does not have a rich enough application ecosystem, it will be difficult to be accepted by users in a short period of time.

At this time.

Song Yanyong may have noticed their thoughts and continued to introduce:

Considering that Tianyun operating system is a brand-new platform, it is difficult to establish a software ecosystem in a short period of time. Therefore, we specially adapted and optimized it according to the installation procedures of various current mainstream operating systems.

At present, the installation files of Android desktop, fruit terminal or computer software can be used directly in Tianyun operating system. As long as the corresponding configuration requirements are met, all corresponding software programs can be installed.

The Tianyun operating system is a brand-new semi-closed intelligent operating system that is perfectly compatible with the application ecology of multiple operating systems and automatically adapts.

That is to say, any smartphone with sufficient hardware configuration can directly download and install the Tianyun operating system, and all the applications in the phone will be perfectly transplanted.

This is just like a computer that can freely change its operating system, or even more convenient than that.

Many people suddenly took a breath of cold air.

This is not only to compete with other operating systems, but also to directly seize the other party's existing market share in one fell swoop!

Normally, even if Tianqi Group releases an excellent operating system, it has to do it step by step if it wants to enter the market.

Equipped with various new smart terminal products that will be launched later, relying on its own advantages and promotion, it will seize the market step by step.


The current Tianyun operating system model not only directly borrows the mature ecology of several other operating systems, but also installs the system through program files, allowing everyone to directly become Tianyun operating system users now.

For Tianyun Operating System, this allows major terminal equipment manufacturers and users to eliminate the worries of changing operating systems, easily enter the market, and has a very obvious competitive advantage.

But for several other major operating systems, their mature ecosystem developed over many years has been directly borrowed by Tianyun Operating System. Many of the current existing users will also be robbed, and the number of incremental users who will purchase new devices in the future will be even greater. It may be taken away by Tianyun Operating System.

This kind of competition is too ruthless.

It's like being knocked out by the fate system.

Next, as long as Apocalypse Group makes a little effort, at least a large chunk of the market of other major operating systems will be snatched away instantly.

Sure enough, I answered that sentence.

As long as Tianqi Group seriously enters a certain industry, it will definitely become the king of it, and everyone else will become a foil.

In the guest seat, someone said with emotion.

The field of consumer electronics is about to change!

The people beside him couldn't help but nodded when they heard this sentence: Yes! Dragon Kingdom's consumer electronics field is finally about to counterattack!

The so-called consumer electronics field usually refers to TVs, stereos, mobile phones, tablets, smart watches, personal computers and so on.

At present, the world's leading consumer electronics companies are several well-known foreign companies such as Guoguo, Xiaoruan, and Four Star.

Although Dragon Kingdom has gradually risen in recent years, it still lags behind in the global consumer electronics field. There are only two companies in the top ten, and they are all at the bottom.

Although Apocalypse Group acquired several companies in the consumer electronics field some time ago and integrated them into Apocalypse Electronics Company, due to the lack of core technology advantages, the scale and revenue are still not as good as those top companies.

In particular, the fruit company is the absolute king in the field of consumer electronics terminals, mainly relying on its excellent fruit operating system and perfect ecology.

And now.

Once the Tianyun operating system is released, everyone can foresee that the market share of other major operating systems will definitely be seized, and the advantages of the fruit operating system will be gone. Its so-called good ecology alone cannot support it at all. the status it now holds.

From then on, any consumer electronics company in Longguo has the possibility to catch up with the fruit company.

Tianqi Electronics Company, under the name of Tianqi Group, is bound to surpass the fruit company and become the new king in the field of consumer electronics.

Think of this.

Everyone probably also understands what the third product to be released by Tianqi Electronics Company, which has not yet appeared yet -

It must be a new mobile phone equipped with the new Tianyun operating system, or other smart terminals.

The fact was exactly as they expected.

Soon, Qin Rudong, the president of Tianqi Electronics Company, stepped onto the stage.

After briefly introducing himself, he took out a beautiful black mobile phone from his pocket and introduced to everyone:

This is the third major product we are launching today - Tianshu No. 1.

This is also the first mobile phone we have independently developed and produced since the integration of Tianqi Electronics.

First of all, as a product of Tianqi Group, Tianshu 1 is naturally equipped with the Tianyun operating system newly developed by the sister company.

Tan Rudong swiped twice on his phone and connected it to the large screen behind him, briefly demonstrating a smooth operation.

Mr. Song has just introduced you to the various details of the Tianyun operating system, so I won't go into details.

Next, let me demonstrate to you another important function of Tianshu No. 1 mobile phone.

Tiantian, video call Xiaohao.

Following his command, the phone automatically dialed the video call and was connected after three seconds of ringing.

Due to the streaming function, the video screen was also displayed on the huge screen behind him.

In the picture, a man wearing a mask and a headscarf, whose face could not be seen clearly, waved and said hello to Tan Rudong.

Mr. Qin, hello!

Xiaohao, hello, please show everyone the environment you are in at this time.


The young man named Xiaohao turned his phone around and took a picture of the surroundings, allowing everyone to see the surrounding environment clearly.

There was nothing around him, and as far as he could see, at least within a radius of more than ten kilometers, he didn't see any rolling mountains and rivers, only the endless loess and sandy land, and dots of dwarf bushes.

This is the famous Keqin Sandy Land in our country. It spans three major provinces and covers an area of ​​more than 60,000 square kilometers. It is also the largest sandy land in our country.

Here, there is no signal tower of any communication operator. Once people enter it, they either lose contact with the outside world, or they can only use satellite phones to make calls with people.

However, it is limited to making calls, which is the basic function of the 1G signal era.

Our Tianshu No. 1 mobile phone can not only support calling in no-man's land, but also surf the Internet at high speed, and make video calls with people thousands of miles away. The picture is clear and there is no lag.

Tianshu-1 uses a high-frequency radio frequency chip to realize satellite communication capabilities. Coupled with the intelligent allocation of resources from a large number of satellites with the Skynet communication system, it allows everyone to realize satellite high-speed communication functions in no-man's land.

So, Tianshu No. 1 is not only a mobile phone, but also a satellite phone, and the signal is far stronger and more stable than a conventional satellite phone.

As he said that, Tan Rudong waved his hand at the phone: Okay, Xiaohao, you can continue with your vacation. I will trouble you this time. You must pay attention to safety in the wild. Remember to report to your family every day that you are safe. Goodbye.

The two said goodbye, and the video hung up.

But everyone was still immersed in shock and couldn't recover.

The satellite communication function is simply a dimensionality reduction blow for ordinary mobile phones.

What's more, Tianshu No. 1 is not an ordinary satellite communication, but perfectly supports high-speed Internet access in no man's land, and can even video chat freely. This is not just crushing mobile phones, but crushing all terminal communication products.

The two products, Skynet Communication System and Tianyun Operating System, which were just released, are perfectly integrated into the Tianshu No. 1 mobile phone, allowing it to surpass all competing products on the market.

This is the dimensionality reduction attack.

A series of data released by Tan Rudong later proved this point.

The advantages of Tianshu 1 are unmatched by any other mobile phone, and the advantages of other mobile phones, Tianshu 1 is even more impressive.

Various performances and configurations are at the top level among the current mainstream flagship phones.

However, such an epoch-making mobile phone, the first self-developed and self-produced flagship product of Apocalypse Electronics, is also in order to gain popularity, so it is naturally a high-end route.

There are four configuration levels in total.

The low-end version costs 6,000 yuan.

The mid-range version costs 7,000 yuan.

The high-end version costs 8,000 yuan.

The top version costs NT$10,000.

Although this price is not low, in today's Dragon Kingdom, during the rise of Tianqi Group, various industries are booming, the economy is improving in an all-round way, and the lives of ordinary people are getting better and better.

Among other things, the more than 200 factories under the name of Apocalypse Energy have directly fed more than one million people.

The influence of these factories radiates, driving the economies of various places, and a large number of related industries are also rising rapidly, indirectly driving the employment and economic vitality of more than ten million people.

This is just Apocalypse Energy Company.

There are also other subsidiaries under the Tianqi Group, and their contributions to the Dragon Kingdom's economy are also not very small.

The income and quality of life of most people in Long Country have improved a lot compared to two years ago.

A low-end version of a mobile phone priced at 6,000 yuan is completely stress-free for many people.

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