After the Apocalypse Group's press conference ended.

The whole world was shocked by it.

Skynet communication system.

Tianyun operating system.

Tianshu No. 1 mobile phone.

All three products have aroused heated discussions among countless people, especially the last Tianshu No. 1, which is a terminal consumer electronics product and is directly related to every mobile phone user.

On the day after the press conference, Tianshu No. 1 was put on the shelves of major online shopping platforms, as well as the official website of Tianqi Group and Tiantian Forum.

Many netizens rushed to buy it immediately, instantly putting it on the best-selling lists of major platforms.

And major companies are not idle at this time.

Because at the end of the press conference, Tianqi Group CEO Liu Qingli announced that both Tianyun operating system and Tianwang communication system would be authorized to external parties.

In other words, any mobile phone can be equipped with these two revolutionary products.

Mobile phone manufacturers such as rice, OPO, VOV, and Lizu, as well as computer manufacturers such as Acer, Shenzhou, and Changxiang, and even car companies such as Goyadi, Dream Car, Future Auto, and other terminal equipment manufacturers, all Get in touch with Tianqi Software Company as soon as possible and think of discussing the authorization of Tianyun Operating System.

Tianqi Software Company decisively agreed and provided a standard contract that had been prepared.

The licensing fee for each OEM version of Tianyun Operating System is 300 dragon coins. Whether it is a mobile phone, a computer, a car computer, or other terminals, the licensing price is the same.

This price is close to Xiaosoft's operating system OEM licensing price, so it is naturally acceptable to major computer manufacturers.

For major mobile phone manufacturers, although they use the Android operating system that does not require licensing fees, they also need to optimize and improve the native Android operating system, which costs a lot of research and development costs every year.

If the Tianyun operating system is used instead, this part of the research and development expenses can be saved, which is not a loss.

The key is.

Everyone is very optimistic about the prospects of Tianyun operating system, and naturally they are not willing to fall behind at the beginning. If it is abandoned by users because there is no Tianyun operating system, the loss will be huge.

Now that Tianqi Software Company has offered such a suitable price, everyone readily agrees.

However, cooperation regarding the Skynet communication system is a bit troublesome.

Currently, the only high-frequency radio frequency chip that can support satellite communications is a special processor designed by Tianqixin Technology Company.

That is to say.

If they want to add satellite communication functions, they have to purchase chips from Tianqixin Technology Company and give up cooperation with several internationally renowned mobile phone processor manufacturers such as Lianhuake and Changtong.


Since the rise of the Longguo semiconductor industry, major mobile phone manufacturers have successively reduced their cooperation with those processor manufacturers. However, after all, the production capacity of domestic processors is still very small. In addition, the major processor manufacturers have taken the initiative to cut prices to compete. Everyone's main cooperation It still falls into the hands of those internationally renowned manufacturers.

And now.

In order for all subsequent mobile phones to be able to perfectly use the Skynet communication system, they must use Tianqixin Technology's dedicated processors in all subsequent models.


Major mobile phone manufacturers, Apocalypse Communications Company, and Apocalypse Technology Company gathered together to discuss the next cooperation.

A week later.

At a grand press conference, major companies announced a strategic cooperation. In the future, they will fully develop new mobile phones that support Tianwang communication system and Tianyun operating system, and decided to use Apocalypse cores in large quantities in future new mobile phones. Processor developed by technology.

As soon as this news came out, the stock prices of the four major mobile phone processor manufacturers, including Huake, Changtong, Four Star, and Fruit, plummeted.

Especially fruit companies.

Several of their main businesses and core technologies were directly impacted by Tianqi Group and were the most affected. Major capital and stock investors expressed their disapproval and began to sell frantically.

Circuit breakers are triggered several times a day.

Major mobile phone manufacturers including the Dragon Kingdom have also been affected to some extent, but after all, most of their mobile phones are mid- to low-end and have no direct competition with Tianshu 1. In addition, they can also carry the Tianyun operating system and Tianwang communication system. Didn't get too much impact.

Only Longwei Company, with their communication equipment, operating systems, high-end mobile phones and other major businesses, also directly competed with Tianqi Group. Under the impact of this series of news, they also suffered a big blow.

no way.

The rise of Tianqi Group in every field is too great and is destined to affect the living space of other vested interests.

Eagle Sauce Country.

In a slightly dark conference room.

More than a dozen old men were arranged in two rows, and at the main seat was a handsome old man wearing a tuxedo, with thick black hair, and quite an air of temperament.

Everyone, this is the second time we have gathered together so completely specifically for Tianqi Group. I believe everyone knows the current situation, so you might as well share your opinions.

The leader of the old man said calmly.

Yongji Society is the master of the entire world. I will not allow anyone to challenge our authority. My opinion is to eradicate Su Xin and break up Tianqi Group at all costs.

An old man with a hooked nose on the left gently clasped his hands under his chin and said with a gloomy face.

The Yongji Association is a huge international organization that has been established for hundreds of years. It was originally brought together by the spirit of freedom, equality, and friendship.

However, during these hundreds of years of development, Yongjihui has long since changed its nature and become an interest aggregation composed of capitalists and dignitaries.

These senior members, through foundations and asset management companies, indirectly control huge amounts of wealth that can affect the world, and they also indirectly control the situation of the entire world.

Over the past hundred years, as the world situation has gradually become clear, they have indeed become the masters behind the scenes of the entire world.

Those world-renowned big companies, those big countries that lead the world and some major events can be seen behind the scenes.


Those behind the scenes sound powerful, and they can indeed indirectly influence many decisions, which in turn affect the direction of the world.

But precisely because they are behind the scenes, their influence is limited. They cannot make countries act according to their orders at will, let alone do whatever they want under the watchful eyes of the whole world.

They can only influence indirectly behind the scenes.

Therefore, in the process of the rise of Tianqi Group, they really can't stop it.

If they want to compete for strength, the technical strength of all the companies under their name cannot match that of Tianqi Group. They cannot compete no matter what, and all kinds of business competition methods cannot suppress the other party.

If they use evil hands, the Dragon Kingdom is not their territory. Their direct influence is limited after all, and with the fate of the Sakura Kingdom as a deterrent, even if they want to control certain countries secretly, they can't control them.

Therefore, they thought of some ways to suppress the Tianqi Group before, but they gave up this plan after there was no disturbance at all.

Although they claim to be the masters of the world, they also know that their influence must be exerted indirectly through those countries and big companies. Now those countries and big companies have nothing to do with Su Xin, and they are even more powerless.

They are not invincible after all.

Therefore, they can only watch the Tianqi Group grow step by step.

until now.

Tianqi Group's scale continues to expand, and it is involved in more and more fields. It has snatched more than half of the industry from the hands of senior members, causing heavy losses to everyone.

Now, the Apocalypse Group has released so many big moves in succession, making these senior members of the Yongji Society fully understand——

Tianqi Group is destined to be their mortal enemy.

At the speed at which Tianqi Group is developing, if they continue to tolerate it, Yongji Society will definitely decline completely and completely lose its ability to control the entire world.

They, senior members of the Yongji Society, will also lose their existing influence and assets, and become ordinary rich people from then on, and may even go bankrupt.

Another person also said:

That's right, we can no longer take chances. Only by destroying Su Xin and the Tianqi Group can we hope to regain our glory.

In the past two years, we have been too careless and failed to face the threat of Su Xin in time. Otherwise, if we had done whatever it took from the beginning, we might have been able to eliminate it.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say this now. What we have to do now is to use all our financial resources, power, resources, and all means to defeat the behemoth that is the Tianqi Group.

An old man sitting farthest from the main seat glanced at the speaker and asked:

Defeat? How to defeat?

With the current scale of Tianqi Group and the several core products they control, it is impossible for us to defeat them regardless of whether we use overt or covert, commercial or economic means.

Is it possible that you still want to start a war?

Now that the Dragon Kingdom has become a major trend, we may not be able to defeat them with all our power.

Coupled with the Tianqi Group's righteousness, no one in the public opinion will support us. A single destiny potion is enough to make the whole world afraid to attack the Tianqi Group.

In the event of a war, it will be obvious which side those countries will help. I am afraid that we will be in an isolated and helpless situation, and the possibility of failure is very high.

Or maybe you want another assassination attempt?

Have you forgotten the scene when the mysterious missile was suppressed as soon as the attack was launched?

Business methods are not good, war is not good, and secret tactics are not good. How do you want to defeat them?

As soon as his words came out.

Several people present looked at each other, but instead of the despair and loss he imagined, their eyes shone with a strange light.

The black-haired old man at the main seat looked at him calmly and said:

Mr. Farhad, you have not been a senior member for too long, and you may not have been exposed to some things.

This time, let me tell you something. The Yongji Association has been established for so many years, and its foundation is deeper and stronger than you think.

Even if all these conventional methods fail to defeat Tianqi Group, we still have trump cards that ordinary people can't imagine.

Hole cards?

Farhad's expression changed and he couldn't wait to ask: What's the trump card?

The black-haired old man looked around, and then said in a deep voice: Aliens.

Farhad suddenly took a breath and exclaimed: Are there really aliens?

The black-haired old man nodded:

Yes, we discovered aliens in 1927, more than ninety-nine years ago, but they died long ago. We also discovered the spacecraft left behind by aliens at the same time.

During this time, we established two secret bases for studying alien corpses and spaceships.

Some very advanced technologies have been harvested from it, but the progress has become more difficult as we go to the back, and there have been no results in the past 20 years or so.

This is one of the biggest secrets of the Yongji Association. Even for senior members, we usually do not take the initiative to disclose it. Only when we encounter matters involving this secret, we will discuss it together.

So, it's normal for you, who only became a senior member a few years ago, not to know about this matter.

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