Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 234 Find out the mastermind behind the scenes

In the experimental area.

Yamauchi Haruhiko pressed his broken left arm with his right hand, and ran forward with a look of horror on his face, looking back from time to time at the chimpanzee chasing after him.

The severe pain of broken bones, the abandonment of his companions, the contrast of having his self-confidence destroyed, and the helplessness of being chased, all of this made him despair and almost burst into tears.

At this moment, the question appeared in Yamauchi Haruhiko's mind again - if I have a chance, should I leave here?

Of course! This is hell. If I have a chance, I must leave here!

Haruhiko Yamauchi screamed in despair.

at this time.

A mechanized voice came from the speakers.

The battle is over, stop!

Yamauchi Haruhiko breathed a sigh of relief and felt as if he heard the sound of nature.

It's saved.

But the footsteps behind him didn't stop at all, and the chimpanzee was obviously still chasing.

This immediately made the string in his heart tighten again.

No. 9, stop!

Xiang Tianhe roared again and then pressed a button.


A burst of white mist shot out from the ceiling of the experimental area, filling the entire room in the blink of an eye.

Five strengtheners fell one after another.

The chimpanzee shook its body, staggered around for several times, and finally beat its chest hard, shouted a few words to the sky, and then collapsed.

With the current intelligence of chimpanzee No. 9, he can understand some of our instructions. His current behavior should be a deliberate resistance.

Xiang Tianhe explained.

Su Xin nodded slightly:

Yes, it seems that the effect of Potion No. 069 is not bad. You can continue to observe the data. I will have someone bring back some new materials.

After Su Xin leaves.

Xiang Tianhe restarted the ventilation system in the experimental area and discharged all the white mist.

Then arrange staff to put the enhancer and the chimpanzee into cages and transport them out.

Chimp Nine needs some lessons.

Xiang Tianhe ordered.

After Su Xin left the laboratory, he called the bodyguard Xiang Lianyun and said:

Please contact the other side. I need ten experimental materials. Please keep them confidential.


Xiang Lianyun nodded seriously.

Xiang Lianyun and Wang Zhao have always been responsible for the experimental materials.

After the last secret meeting between Su Xin and Masaki Kamiya, Xiang Lianyun established a secret communication channel with Masaki Kamiya, as well as a separate transportation channel.

The whole process has nothing to do with Tianqi Group, and it is only transported to the experimental building in the final step.

It is worth mentioning that.

When several people in Sakura Kingdom took the blame and resigned, Kamiya Masaki was lucky enough to keep his position and was still responsible for connecting with Xiang Lianyun.

After receiving the secret message from Xiang Lianyun, Masaki Kamiya immediately told several other people the news.

In the conference room.

Several people gathered together urgently.

Now Tianqi Group is caught in the vortex of public opinion about human experimentation. If we take this opportunity to expose him, is it possible to make Su Xin a public enemy in one fell swoop?

We don't expose it directly, but deliberately create some loopholes so that people can discover those who were transported and make this matter bigger.

Let's release various clues little by little so that people can discover Su Xin's experimental material transportation channel and beat him to death directly.

After hearing his colleague's suggestion, Kamiya Masaki hesitated and said: However, Su Xin's transportation channels are arranged too secretly. It has nothing to do with him on the surface. Even his bodyguard did not show up in person, but someone else. A person who has nothing to do with Su Xin is responsible for taking care of it.

An old man with gray hair asked:

What about the last step? They always have to transport it back to the experimental building. They can't avoid this step, right?

When they are transporting materials back to the experimental building, they can forcefully cause a car accident and stop the other party's vehicle to attract the attention of the people around them, so that they can't leave even if they want to.

Masaki Kamiya shook his head:

We are only responsible for transporting it to the designated location and handing it over to the man called the Owl.

Our intelligence capabilities in Dragon Kingdom are very average. I don't know when or how they transported the materials to the experimental building.

I have arranged for my subordinates to observe nearby, but there are many vehicles going in and out there. Our people have never found anything abnormal, and they are unable to lock the vehicle transporting materials at all.

And their experimental building has a lot of vehicles coming in and out every day. There are daily necessities, various experimental consumables, experimental equipment, and staff commuting. It is impossible for us to stop every vehicle. .”

Everyone was silent for a moment.

At this time, the gray-haired old man looked grim and said in a dark voice:

I have an idea.

Seeing other people looking over, he expressed all his thoughts:

We can implant liquid bombs in all the materials. The yield will be slightly larger. After the handover is completed, it will be detonated directly when the other party is in transit.

As long as the explosion is powerful enough, it will attract the attention of the outside world and let people discover that they are transporting human bodies.

Hearing this, Masaki Kamiya rubbed the corners of his eyes and said somewhat helplessly:

If liquid bombs can be implanted, we might as well implant a tracker to remotely monitor the location of the material, and then arrange for a car accident. Why make such a big noise as an explosion?

The problem is that implanting liquid bombs or trackers can easily be detected by the other party.

The premise for us to expose Su Xin is that we must not let Su Xin know that we did this. Otherwise, no matter what happens to Su Xin afterwards, our end will definitely be miserable.

The current Tianqi Group is definitely not something we can resist, so we absolutely cannot adopt such a direct method.

What's more, that's the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. If an explosion really happens, they have every reason to keep the incident confidential. It's impossible to expose Su Xin's existence.

The gray-haired old man was stunned and asked with an ugly expression:

This won't work, and that won't work either. Can we just cooperate with him obediently?

The others murmured among themselves.

Those people have launched such a big battle, which has plunged the Tianqi Group into public opinion. If we can take this opportunity to put the matter of human experimentation into practice, and all the forces join forces, maybe the Tianqi Group can be destroyed in one fell swoop...

With the size of Tianqi Group and their growth rate, this may be the only chance to eliminate them...

However, if Tianqi Group attacks us again before it is destroyed, we will not be able to resist another economic crisis.

Forget it, if those people want to deal with him, let them take action. We can't afford to offend both of us, so it's best to just sit on the sidelines.

So, should we tell those people about the experimental materials?

Forget it. Since you have decided to sit on the sidelines, don't interfere in their struggle, lest those people take action and involve us.

Several people discussed for a while.

In the end, it was decided to cooperate with Su Xin and grab some materials and send them to Su Xin.

However, a new problem arises.

Masaki Kamiya looked at a few people and asked: The issue of missing persons is so big now, can we seize ten suitable materials?

There are already huge complaints among the people, and those people are still arresting people. If we take action again, it will be like adding fuel to the fire.

The people will definitely make more noise.

The most important thing is that if the news leaks out or the people below find any clues, we may have to bear the blame for all the missing persons during this period.

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

After a long silence.

An old man in a suit slapped the table angrily and said with a look of dismay on his face:

Damn! These guys, every one of them thinks of Sakura Country as a place! They all come to us when they need materials!

These words reminded everyone of Sakura Country's current situation, and they couldn't help but look sad.

After all, Sakura Country is the third largest economy in the world, but its experiences over the years do not match this ranking at all.

Not to mention, just the fact that they have suffered at the hands of Tianqi Group in the past three years has made them quite depressed.

The Thor battery released by Apocalypse Company when it first started to rise caused Sakura Country to suffer considerable losses. The subsequent stock market storm, currency devaluation, and economic crisis caused Sakura Country's economy to set back for more than thirty years.

This year's full-year GDP data has not yet been compiled, but data from the first three quarters show that Sakura Country's GDP ranking has fallen out of the top ten in the world.

The problems revealed behind this are serious.

Countless companies in Sakura Country went bankrupt, and countless people in Sakura Country felt desperate because of this, which in turn led to a series of chaotic events.

Up to now, many industries in Sakura Country are controlled by foreign capital such as Apocalypse Group. The life of most people in Sakura Country is extremely difficult and there are many complaints among the people.

Before everyone could recover, there was now another series of mysterious missing persons incidents, which once again stirred up people's emotions, leading to protests again and again.

The old man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks sighed helplessly and said:

There is nothing we can do. Neither side can afford to offend us. If we don't cooperate, our situation will be even more difficult.

Strength, after all, you have to rely on strength!

The New Year is getting closer.

About half of the staff in the experimental building were already on vacation, and every area seemed much deserted than usual.

Su Xin simply adjusted the formula and conducted experiments on chimpanzees, then arranged for researchers to carefully record various data every day.

He came to the office alone.

I looked at some information sent by Hao Zude and Liu Qingli, as well as a series of data compiled by Tianwei Butler from a large number of media reports.

These days.

The reformer appeared several times in succession, and various videos and pictures spread wildly on overseas networks, causing more and more discussions.

There are also some related pictures and videos that have spread to the Dragon Kingdom through various channels, causing private discussions among a small group of people.

Especially seeing that Su Xin has never responded positively to the matter of being a reformer, more and more people believe that Su Xin is the mastermind behind illegal body modification.

Some organizations launched demonstrations to protest against Su Xin's anti-humanity behavior, and even called on international organizations to put Su Xin on trial.

Except for Tianqi media, most overseas media condemned Su Xin.

But in any case, Tianqi Group has not made any statement about this, and Su Xin has never appeared publicly to talk about it.


Su Xin certainly did not allow himself to be attacked by public opinion.

He arranged the media power under the Tianqi Group and spent a lot of money to suppress negative information related to the reformers.

It seems that no results have been achieved in this process, but Su Xin's goal has been achieved.

Because when he suppressed these negative news, he felt strong resistance.

These resistances are his real goals.

At this time, Su Xin's cell phone displayed pieces of information and a series of data.

The resistance he felt in the process of suppressing negative news, as well as the media who desperately published articles to smear him, what companies were behind them, what capital was behind these companies, and what was the connection between these capitals.

Everything is clearly laid out in the intelligence.

Just like peeling off a cocoon, the black hands hidden behind the scenes are revealed bit by bit.

Yongji Society...

What a bold statement for an organization that claims to secretly control the world!

Su Xin smiled lightly.

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