Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 235 Gene enhancement potion is released

After reading the information about the Yongji Society, Su Xin began to take the existence of the Yongji Society seriously.

After all, the Yongji Society has been established for hundreds of years, and has claimed to have controlled the world for more than a hundred years. Even the combined assets of those members are not as good as those of Su Xin today, and their influence is far less.

But his connections and background are indeed much stronger than the current Su Xin.

However, no matter how strong the foundation is, so what?

As long as the identity of the other party is found out, Su Xin doesn't need to be afraid.

Tianwei, check the information on all members of the Yongji Society, especially their senior officials.


A deep male voice came from the phone.

After more than two years of learning and growth, Tianwei Guanjia has developed a very high level of intelligence and has reached extremely high levels in many fields.

Especially financial management and network technology.

After all, Su Xin’s original intention of developing Tianwei Butler was to help supervise the company’s financial data, coordinate the company’s internal offices, and monitor the company’s security through network technology.

Therefore, Butler Tianwei has always been his most effective financial butler and office assistant, and he is also the super hacker second only to him.

Moreover, Tianwei Butler has the foundation of the group's servers and has super computing power. It can not only quickly invade other people's networks, but also quickly analyze and summarize data to obtain intelligence.

From this point of view, Butler Tianwei is much stronger than Su Xin.

If the group successfully develops its own supercomputer in the future, Tianwei Butler's capabilities will be further greatly improved.

Of course, even the current Tianwei Butler can show strong assisting abilities in intelligence work.

Think about it.

Su Xin called Hao Zude.

Director Hao, the man behind this has been investigated and it is the Yongji Society.

Is it actually them?

Hao Zude was not particularly surprised, but his tone was a little solemn.

This is normal. You have risen rapidly in the past two years and made countless amounts of money. Those who are most affected are definitely the vested interests.

As one of the representatives, Yongji Club will regard you as a thorn in the side, which is normal.

Moreover, for many years, there have indeed been rumors that the biological laboratory under their name has been secretly conducting research on human enhancement.

With their technical background, it is indeed possible to develop a defective semi-finished product like the Green Scale Transformer.

Then are you ready to fight back?

Su Xin responded calmly: Yes, I am planning to arrange a press conference in a few days to announce the results of Tianji Zero.

This was the plan the two had discussed before, and Hao Zude naturally agreed without hesitation:

Okay! I will arrange for ten enhancers to cooperate with you. They will arrive the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Okay, get ready on your side too.

After the two of them finished speaking, they hung up the phone.

Su Xin called the vice president of the group who was responsible for rotation management during the Chinese New Year.

Mr. Xu, arrange a press conference, invite celebrities from all walks of life, and let the public know that I will personally release a blockbuster product.

Okay! I'll make arrangements right now!

The rotating vice president responded solemnly.

After the rotating vice president Mr. Xu extended the invitation, the news immediately caused a sensation all over the world.

This is Su Xin's first public appearance since the Reformer incident broke out, and all the major media will definitely want to take this opportunity to ask a few questions.

In addition, Su Xin is already a world-class topical figure, and now he personally releases a blockbuster product. This event itself is a blockbuster news that can shock the world.

So, on the day the news came out, many people rushed to buy air tickets, flew to Tianjing, and stayed in nearby hotels.

February 5, 2027.

This day is the New Year's Eve of the Dragon Kingdom, which is an extremely important day for the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

this day.

The whole world's attention is focused on Tianjing.

It's not because of the Dragon Kingdom Spring Festival, but because Tianqi Group's press conference is about to begin.

This five-star hotel named Yongjia has already been fully acquired by Tianqi Group. It has been renovated and built into a large exhibition hall for Tianqi Group to hold press conferences.

At this time, there were hundreds of people sitting densely in the exhibition hall, and there were dozens of cameras outside.

More people were blocked outside.

Su Xin was as direct and straightforward as ever. After walking up to the stage, he calmly greeted everyone and started to get into the topic.

In the past three years, I have not released many products personally, but every time I release it in person, it means that I am quite convinced of the market value or significance of the product.

For example, the Tiantian Assistant at the beginning, the Thunder God Battery, the Tianmu Potion, etc.

Among them, when I released Tianmu No. 1, I told everyone something. I don't know if anyone still remembers it.

Tianmu No. 1 is the first officially mass-produced human body strengthening agent in human history.

However, Tianmu No. 1 has a single effect. It can only enhance visual distance. Among human body enhancement drugs, it is at best an entry-level drug.

And I also said at the time that human beings have endless possibilities. Tianmu No. 1 is not only a potion, but also a key. It will open a mysterious door for human beings. Behind the door will be a path full of light. The broad road.”

This path leads to the evolution of the human body.

Hearing this, many people present subconsciously held their breath.

Everyone had guessed what product Su Xin was going to release, but everyone still felt a little unbelievable.

Is the human evolution potion about to be released?

Is the Green Scale Transformer really made by Su Xin?

Just as a few thoughts came to everyone's mind, Su Xin's next words shocked their scalps, making them feel dizzy and top-heavy.

That's right, what was released today is a human gene enhancement potion - Tianji Zero!

Although they had just guessed it, when they actually heard about genetic enhancement, everyone was moved.

Fuck! Fuck!

That's awesome!

Some internationally renowned senior experts in biology were so excited that their faces turned red with excitement. They opened their mouths but did not know how to organize their words, so they had to express their inner shock by using expletives.

In their view, gene-enhancing potions were products that transcended the times. Even though Su Xin had shown unparalleled research and development capabilities before, the direct development of gene-enhancing potions this time still had a huge psychological impact on them.

This is just like someone developing a fifth-generation fighter aircraft hundreds of years before the technological enlightenment.

Too ahead of its time!

So much beyond the current level of technology!

He is indeed a scientific research all-rounder...

No! All-round scientific research is no longer enough to describe Mr. Su. He is the god of scientific research! He is the only god in the scientific research world from ancient times to the present!

There was an uproar on the field.

Netizens watching the live broadcast filled the screen with words such as 666.

Really or not? This is about to enter the era of genetic enhancement? I didn't even brush my teeth in the morning!

Can we all become supermen?

Nonsense! That is the genetic medicine developed by Mr. Su. Do you doubt Mr. Su's level? Or do you doubt Mr. Su's words?

Since Mr. Su said it himself, it must be true. The human body is genetically enhanced! It's something that can only be found in novels. It's so awesome!

It won't be long before everyone uses gene-enhancing potions, and everyone has a huge amount of strength. A punch can break rocks, a kick can crack the ground, and they will definitely be able to control the so-called boxing champions like chickens.

That's great! I no longer have to worry about warehousing from the side, I can just push it with my hands.

Not only that, maybe we can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, control the elements, and give us all kinds of magical powers. This is how the novels are written.

I want to have the power of teleportation. I wonder if Mr. Su can help me realize it.

Don't dream too soon. Even if Mr. Su succeeds in developing genetic medicine, whether it can be widely used is still a question.

After all, if genetic medicine is really that powerful, it will have such a huge impact on social order that it cannot be directly popularized by the entire population.

If the world is in chaos, it will be of no benefit to anyone, and Tianqi Group will also be of no benefit.

Let's see how Mr. Su arranges it!

While the netizens of Longguo were talking wildly.

Overseas netizens who watched the live broadcast no longer cared about condemning human experiments, and began to excitedly imagine the changes that genetic medicine would bring to human society.

On stage.

Su Xin looked at the crazy people and couldn't help but smile and continued:

The effect of Tianji Zero may not be as powerful as some people imagine. It can only double the physical fitness of the human body.

Muscle strength, bone strength, physical toughness, etc., are doubled in all aspects.

This data does not sound very impressive, especially when compared with genetic medicines, which sound very high-end and super-era items, it seems so insignificant.

Many netizens were slightly disappointed.

There is no Superman.

There are no superpowers either.

It just doubled the strength.

Although it was also very strong, it was far from as exaggerated as they had just imagined.

And some people with a little experience, or people with a little knowledge of biology or fighting, were all stunned by Su Xin's words.

They know what it means to double their physical fitness in all aspects.

This means that with bare hands, you can at least fight one against ten.

This means that even if you just do hard work, you can earn several times the income of ordinary people. As long as there are not too many enhancers involved in each other, a monthly income of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan is not a problem.

This means that medals in all sports will be won by strengtheners, world records in all sports will be broken, and many sports industries will be subverted.

As long as the major competitions do not change the rules and do not restrict the participation of enhancers, any enhancer is enough to dominate any sports event. Even if they only have entry-level skills, it does not matter. Physical fitness alone can ignore the numerical advantage and forcefully Crush the opponent.

Therefore, the emergence of this potion will definitely bring new changes to the order of the entire world, and many laws will be modified accordingly.

While everyone continued to be shocked.

Su Xin introduced some important parameters of Tianji Zero to everyone, and introduced some data during the experiment, so that everyone can have a better understanding of this medicine.

Then he said:

“No matter how much you say, it’s better to see it with your own eyes.”

Next, I will invite ten enhancers to show you the actual effect of Tianji Zero Potion from all aspects.

Next, please invite the Enhancer to take the stage!

As Su Xin finished speaking, ten young men wearing green short-sleeved shirts walked neatly onto the stage from the side.

Stand at attention and turn around.

Ten people were neatly arranged in a straight line across the hosting platform, facing the crowd. Under the gaze of hundreds of people at the scene, their eyes were as calm as water.

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