The production process of Tianji-1 is very complicated, and the production capacity is estimated to be similar to that of Tianji-0. It is expected that only about fifty pieces can be produced per day.

no problem.

Hao Zude responded quickly.

Fifty pills a day, 1,500 pills a month, which is already pretty good. After all, it's impossible to equip all arms with this kind of genetic enhancement potion. The first batch of 1,000 pills is enough.

However, I have one more question.

Is there any difference between the effect of an enhancer who has used Tianji Zero and then uses Tianji One, and an ordinary person who directly uses Tianji One?

Su Xin explained: There is no difference.

If the effect of Tianji No. 1 is to improve a person's physical fitness from one to three, then the effect of Tianji No. 0 is to improve people's physical fitness from one to two, and then using Tianji No. 1 is to improve it from two to three, and finally achieve The effect is the same.”

However, the cost of Tianji-1 is higher and the price is more expensive. Even if we supply it to you in batches, each one will cost 200,000.

Coupled with limited production capacity, there is no need for everyone to use Tianji-1.

That's true.

Hao Zude nodded.

No matter how good Tianji No. 1 is, they still have to control their expenses appropriately, and it is impossible to strengthen everyone according to the highest standards.

Some less important military units can be strengthened by Tianji Zero, and some are even just like ordinary people, and there is no need to strengthen them at all.

Su Xin added: In addition, Tianji-1's production capacity cannot be fully opened to you. I have to take care of the people in the group. After all, my R\u0026D team is also very large and there are many management teams. Some of them have great merit. Give it a reward.”

In short, I will arrange mass production as soon as possible. After you go back, we will discuss the first batch of orders. I can promise that I will mainly meet your order needs in the first month. Later, I will free up part of the production capacity as an internal reward within the group.

Hao Zude looked solemn: Okay!

After the two people discussed it, the ten people brought by Hao Zude began to inject Tianji-1 one after another, and then conducted various tests.

With the complete test video and various document reports, Hao Zude boarded the return plane with excitement.

Su Xin came to the group headquarters park.

An executive meeting was held for the first time in a long time.

Today's Tianqi Group has more than 20 wholly-owned subsidiaries, and as many as thousands of subsidiary companies.

There are more than 300 executives at the subsidiary president level and group vice president level. They are usually scattered around the world, and it is unrealistic to call them all back for meetings.

However, Tianqi Group has carried out more than one organizational optimization during the past two years, established a special board of directors, and executive meetings do not need to convene so many people.

There were only a dozen people in the conference room, including Liu Qingli and others.

Su Xin smiled and greeted everyone, looking in a good mood.

You must have heard of the press conference on New Year's Eve, right? Our topic today mainly revolves around the two issues mentioned in the press conference.

First, let's discuss how to retaliate against Sakura Country. But they are in chaos right now. Our retaliatory actions should not be too extreme, lest they irritate them to death, and then the gain outweighs the loss.

Second, discuss the special quota regulations for Tianji Zero. Everyone can freely use this.

Let's start with the first point. Everyone might as well share your opinions.

Everyone thought for a moment, and after whispering to each other for a while, someone said:

Since we want to retaliate, we should not go too far. We simply focus on expressing our attitude, or let the specific results of retaliation be postponed.

I suggest that we announce a ban on the sale of all subsequent products including Tianji Zero to Sakura people.

This not only expresses our attitude, but does not affect the current cooperation, and will not have a great impact on the current situation in Sakura Country. Instead, it will push the specific ban on sales to the future, and the results will only be shown in the future. Influence.

Someone nodded in approval: I agree with Mr. Song's opinion. This kind of behavior has a strong enough deterrent effect on Sakura Country without irritating the current situation. It can also act as a deterrent to others.

In the future, we can use this reason to propose various additional conditions to Sakura Country.

After several people discussed for a while.

Su Xin quickly agreed with this opinion.

Anyway, he doesn't care much about Sakura Country anymore, and the other party is not the real mastermind behind the scenes. He uses this reason to retaliate. In the future, he will take the opportunity to put forward some additional conditions and gain more benefits from the other party. This is the final solution. Good results.

Moreover, the recent situation in Sakura Country is indeed tense, and it is not suitable for continued stimulation.

Someone else asked:

Regarding the second topic, the quota for Tianji Zero, boss, I want to know, what is our current production capacity? Or how much production capacity can we achieve in the future when production is stable?

Currently, there are only 50 pieces per day. If the production line is reasonably increased, I estimate that the production capacity can reach about 1,000 pieces per day.

Su Xin looked at everyone and added a few words:

The quota distribution method should be as fair as possible, without distinction based on wealth and status. It is best to regard the quota as an incentive and not allowed to be transferred in any way.

After everyone pondered for a while.

Someone said:

Since wealth and status are not used to distinguish, it can only be determined by factors such as contribution, character, morality, knowledge, luck, etc.

“Among them, contribution should be the most reasonable and relatively easy to measure.”

Liu Qingli, who was sitting on Su Xin's left hand side, shook her head and said:

The boss said it must be fair. We can't always measure it according to the work contribution within the group, but should measure the social contribution so that everyone in the society has the opportunity to get a quota.

But social contribution is not that easy to measure. It is very difficult to set quantitative standards for social contribution, and statistics are even more difficult.

Not only does it require a huge amount of manpower and material resources, it will also cause quite a bit of controversy.

As far as work is concerned, if it is quantified into specific contribution data, who can say which profession has a higher social contribution?

Soldiers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, workers, designers, cleaners...

There are so many professions, and each profession is divided into levels, advantages and disadvantages. We cannot stipulate which profession has a higher social contribution, let alone quantify the specific gap.

In the same profession, in the same position, everyone's work results are different. Can our quantified contribution be recognized by everyone? Will it make everyone feel unfair?

There are also some confidential workers. After their contributions are measured, should they be made public?

If it is made public, it will be equivalent to telling the whole world who are our key talents, which will put some confidential talents at risk.

If it's not made public, will everyone recognize it or think there's something shady?

Liu Qingli shook her head and rejected the idea: Since we want to be fair, we must try our best to take into account everyone's opinions and not raise doubts. Otherwise, we might as well just set the price and sell it publicly.

Based on the degree of contribution, there will definitely be a lot of controversy, which is not advisable.

Su Xin looked at her and asked:

What do you think?

Liu Qingli seemed to be prepared and said without hesitation:

In order to prevent enhancers from causing chaos, I think the allocation of quotas should more importantly consider factors such as the user's personality or character.

My idea is that the two main factors are character and luck.

This was beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

Liu Qingli's expression remained normal and she continued:

Everything else, whether it's contribution or knowledge, etc., is all about one's own quality. No matter how it is quantified, there will definitely be many people who are not convinced.

No one is first in literature, and no one is second in martial arts. No one is willing to admit that he is inferior to others.

Although character is also one's own quality, it comes more from events and the evaluations of people around you. This method is equivalent to handing over the power of judgment to the people around you.

Even if everyone is unconvinced, it's not that they're unconvinced by our judging standards. At most, they're just unconvinced by the evaluations of those around them.

Someone wondered:

It's also difficult to establish criteria for judging character. Is it harder to quantify than contribution?

Liu Qingli smiled and said:

We need to make one thing clear first. Space-based Zero will eventually be popularized. Our goal is to slowly allow the vast majority of people to use Space-based Zero, rather than just selecting some people.

Therefore, our judgment standards do not need to be too strict. What I call character judgment is simply to eliminate those people in life who are annoying and have obvious character flaws.

This is at least much simpler than statistical contribution. It does not need to consider so many professions and levels, nor does it need to consider the innate differences between each person. It only needs to set the calculation logic and collect the evaluations around each person.

There is also the aspect of luck. Those whose character coefficient meets the conditions can be entered into a lottery, and everyone will not have such big objections.

Su Xin thought for a while and asked:

Collecting reviews from people around you can easily lead to people giving each other bad reviews. How can we avoid this?

Liu Qingli smiled and said:

There's no need to avoid it.

There are three reasons.

First, for those people who are annoying and hateful everywhere in their lives, people around them will not all cooperate in giving them good reviews.

“We can evaluate anonymously, hide the evaluation results, and support modifications. Even if some people give positive reviews in person out of favour, they can be changed at any time afterwards. It is impossible for the person being evaluated to know who gave the negative review.

Second, once complete anonymity is achieved, complex people's hearts will allow many people to secretly give negative comments to others, because this can reduce the number of people in the lottery and indirectly increase their own probability of winning.

So, it will never happen that everyone gives each other good reviews as the boss said. Instead, what we need to consider is what if everyone secretly gives each other bad reviews.

I have also considered this.

We can limit the number of positive reviews, or the ratio between positive reviews and negative reviews. For example, the number of positive reviews must be at least equal to the number of negative reviews.

This requires everyone to choose at least half of the people around them whom they like.

As long as the algorithm is appropriate and the selected people are at least good in the eyes of most people around them, then these people can be drawn into a lottery to get a spot.

Third, as I said just now, Space-based Zero will eventually be popularized, and the production capacity is not very low. We do not need to set too strict and precise quota allocation conditions.

Even if it wasn't to avoid chaos caused by the enhancers, it would be okay to just let everyone draw a lottery based on luck.

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