Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 299, the narrow road meets the brave win

Although he was able to clearly feel that his body was getting weaker, Zhang Fan did not relax at all.

He plunged into the alley.

The cry of chasing after the soldiers is still there.

"There are still fifty meters..." Zhang Fan calculated in his heart that he took a sword from the treasure bag and took a navy cloak. As long as he crossed the hutong and mixed into the crowd, he could change the dress in an instant.

There are still thirty meters...

Twenty meters...

Ten meters...

The Hutong exit is already in sight, and you can see the crowds in the distant market.

Getting out is only in an instant.

But I don't know why, suddenly, an unprecedented dangerous feeling, instantly covering Zhang Fan's body, so that his hair is erected, he suddenly stopped his footsteps, posing a defensive posture.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

A string of crisp applause sounded in the alley.

"After practicing the magic power, the senses will become extremely sensitive. Oh, it’s been rebellious by your big rebellion, and I noticed my existence." A figure slowly came out of the shadows, just blocking Zhang. Wherever the way, this person's national face, a blue gown, is Tian Heng.

"I am practicing, not magic." Zhang Fan holds the knife in both hands and corrects it word by word.

"Even the general teaching has been confirmed, you have to be sophistry? It is really self-destructive!" Tian Heng is like a cat and mouse, looking at the ordinary boy in front of him.

To tell the truth, Tian Heng is also a bit shocked. This qualification is very poor. In the six or seven months of the sect, he has just entered the small hunter of a martial art. In the past half a month, he can actually be more than a dozen. I have escaped from the pursuit of people who are several times more powerful than him. Although all this is just a plan, Zhang Fan’s survival force in the process is still shocking everyone.

"That is the fall." Zhang Fan's chest, again like a giant drum that is sizzling, slowly agitated.

"How can the high-level general education fall into such a poor and poor pity?" Tian Heng sneered: "You are very embarrassed, but it is here, I know, you will definitely choose this road, so, All of us have already ambushed our people nearby, Zhang Fan, you will let it go, otherwise... Hey, Brother Lu has already passed down the order. If there is resistance, kill it."

The voice has not fallen.

On the top of the wall on both sides of the hutong, it was revealed that there were dozens of figures, armed with swords, and the breath was not weak, and Zhang Fan was trapped in it.

"Lu Pengfei!!!!" Zhang Fan gnashed his teeth and said the name.

In the calm eyes, there was a thick and indescribable hatred. The Orion teenager was extremely firm and said: "One day, one day, when the brothers come back, he will pay for what he has done."

"Ding Hao? Haha..." Tian Heng haha ​​laughed: "Ding Hao's era has long gone, are you still thinking about him to save you?"

Zhang Fan snorted and didn't talk.

He is obviously preparing for the final stroke.

The chest that is soaked in blood, the drums are getting more and more fierce, as if it is in the chest, wrapped in the heart of a dragon, powerful and powerful, the strange sound is pulsating in a rhythmic rhythm, even the naked eye. It can be seen that the dust floating around the air around Zhang Fan’s body was stirred up by an invisible force.

Zhang Fan's bare skin is like a **** red.

He opened his mouth and the white teeth were like a dagger.

It is like a demon who harvests souls in a dark night.

Even Tian Heng, a well-rounded samurai, felt threatened at this moment. He solved the black giant sword behind him and dragged it to the ground. He said: "It is really evil magic, it has such an effect. ......"

Between the talks, the chasing soldiers behind arrived, completely blocked the way.

It is Junxiu swordsman Zhang Wenzhao and his party.

At this moment, Zhang Fan is ready to complete, and the momentum has climbed to the top.

His feet slammed into the ground, and the bangs slammed, the bluestone at the foot broke open, the stone debris splashed, a whirlwind broke out, and the ground shook. Zhang Fan’s figure suddenly disappeared and he came to Tian Heng’s eyes. A hundred long swords rushed to the head.

Fast speed!

This is the power that relies solely on the power of **.

No one thought that at this time, Zhang Fan’s choice of breakthrough was actually the most powerful of all people.

"Give me a lie down." A scorned anger filled the heart, and Tian Heng waved a black giant sword and gave a backhand.


A cluster of Mars is like the most dazzling spark in the shadows.

The explosion of the general bang, constantly turbulent in the narrow alley, everyone only felt like thunder in the ears, was shocked pale.

Zhang Fan's body shape, his wounds collapsed, blood and water splashed, but did not step back.

On the contrary, it has been practicing the mysteriousness of the earth system. Tian Heng, who has always been known for his powerlessness, has been shaken back and forth again. A black giant sword has been dragged on the ground, rubbing a series of sparks.

"You..." Tian Heng exclaimed.

He never dreamed that Zhang Fan, who was in a martial arts scene, had such a terrible fighting power.

Zhang Fan said nothing, and the cold light flashed, and it was a knife.

Tian Heng re-blocked.




The black giant sword and the long knife continually hit.

Tian Heng was shocked and regressed, and the mouth was overflowing with blood. The horror of his face was simply unbelievable.

The bandages on Zhang Fan’s body have been broken and cracked, revealing the skin with undamaged holes. The scars and broken meats are smashed. In some places, even the white bones can be seen. It’s hard to imagine, and suffered such a serious injury. How did he persist?

"What do you do, deal with this traitor, don't have to talk to him about the rules, everyone together!"

Zhang Wenzhao shouted, the long sword came out of the sheath, and with the companions behind him, the volley leaped, and the lightning generally leaped toward the battle group.

If Zhang Fanqi has not heard of it.

He turned his back to Zhang Wenzhao and others, and the empty door opened wide. The long-range sword in his hand was still pulled out in a lightning-like manner, and he was lying on the black giant sword that Tian Heng had been unable to lift.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

As long as he re-opened the field five steps, he could enter the market in the distance.

"Dead!" Zhang Wenzhao's strength is second only to Tian Heng, the speed is extremely fast, and his body shape is a little flickering. He has already come to Zhang Fan's body. Jianguang is like a power, and a sword stabbed Zhang Fan's midfielder. No mercy.

And Zhang Fan, this time seems to have no chance to turn back and block.

He seems to be preparing to take the sword and hard to pick up the sword.

Seeing the end of the crisis, but in the moment of this millennium...


The second is even more.

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