Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 300, when the person is still there


A series of Mars spilled, Zhang Wenyi looked blank and squatted back.

I saw a ghostly figure, just happened to be behind Zhang Fan, Jian Mang like a cold star, Zhang Wenyi a sword retreat.

The man was slender and slender, dressed in a black gown, and covered with a black towel on his face. It was like a wall that could not be climbed. It was a cover for Zhang Fan, and a sword in his hand. The sight was difficult to capture, and a sword flew away from Zhang Wenzhao. The swordsman slammed out and smashed the other youngsters who had chased them over and over again.

"Go!" The black-faced masked man held Zhang Fan, who was about to exhaust himself, and jumped up and swayed toward the outside.

In the alley of the alley, Zhang Fanzhen, after the outbreak of Tian Heng, was numb and was unable to stop.

However, he did not mean to block it.

There was a strange smile on his face.

Because the moment when Zhang Fan was about to jump out of the Hutong mouth, the incredible change suddenly happened. The two suddenly seemed to have hit an invisible wall. They slammed two times and even flew back, slightly embarrassed. It fell to the ground.

There is also an ambush?

"A dozen years have been to repair a sword, and to seduce the world, do not ask right and wrong and grievances, just ask for money!"

In the clear voice, a young man with a calm smile on his face, half a meter from the ground, stepped on a foot, and the dust swelled like a gray lotus flower. Step by step, lotus, step by step lotus, Like a fairy, I came to Tian Heng’s side.

This person does not have such a strong volatility.

But standing quietly, the thin body is like a mountain, cross-blocked in the mouth of the hutong, completely blocking all the way out, even the light is blocked, making the whole hutong dark.

"Sword is not flat brother!"

Tian Heng and Zhang Wenzhao and others changed their face and bowed respectfully.

This new appearance is like a young man who stepped on a lotus flower. It is one of the famous inner disciples of the sword. The great Wu Zong’s hero of the level is not flat. Unlike the ordinary inner disciples, the sword is not well-known. The strength is strong, only one step is the core true disciple, the status is extremely high, Tian Heng and others do not dare to neglect.

The sword nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on Zhang Fan and the black-faced masked man who supported Zhang Fan.

"Let's get it, you are there, you can't escape," he said with a smile.

There is no doubt in this sentence.

Even Zhang Fan, who has never given up hope, has a deep sigh of relief.

"Since I can't escape, let's fight." The black-faced masked man slashed his chest and his momentum climbed.

Junxiu swordsman Zhang Wenzhao walked a little step forward, so he regretted the tunnel: "Where is the brother, why? For a traitor who betrayed the teacher, it is worthwhile to take your own good future."

"Of course it is worth it, because he is my friend." The masked man took off the black towel, revealing a handsome white face, a fascinating look, a sword eyebrow star, is the famous sword master of the Tsinghua East Hospital Fang Tianyi.

"Began to fall!" Tian Heng disdainfully mocked.

Fang Tianyi laughed and laughed: "Why are you like Lu Pengfei's submissive slaves, how can you understand the true friendship between men and men? You said that I am self-satisfied, but I feel that you are very pitiful, in order to cultivate resources and ethereal Promise, regardless of the dignity of the inner-door brother, let Lu Pengfei instruct the villain, not as good as a dog!"

"You..." Tian Heng was mad at the face, and he was shaking.

He is already an inner disciple, but he has listened to the assignment of Lu Pengfei, a named disciple. He has been criticized by many people. It is his painful foot. Now Fang Fangyi is unceremoniously out of the public, and he is about to burst into flames.

"Why would Tian’s brother compare with such a courageous idiot." Junxiu swordsman Zhang Wenzhao smiled and said: "Fang Tianyi, you know, Brother Lu has long been aware of your misconduct, deliberately release the news and lead you. Save Zhang Fan, just to wait for you to vote for yourself, oh, pity you are kept in the dark, still here to fight the courage of the husband, if you say pity, I see you are the poorest person."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Fang Tianyi burst into laughter: "Zhang Wentao, you are a clever jumper. Lu Pengfei's mind of the hypocrite, I will not guess, but the husband does something, knowing that his friend is in trouble. I can sit still and ignore it. How about self-investment, my Tianyi act, just ask for conscience, if I don’t come today, that is the real pity!"

"You..." Zhang Wenzhao and Tian Heng and others are all discolored.

Originally it was very stupid and ridiculous, but in the eyes of this boy, I didn’t know why, but there was a shocking feeling that all the disciples who participated in the killing plan had a feeling of shame. .

"Oh, stupid." The sword snorted with disdain.

However, no one saw that a complicated feeling was flashing in the depths of his eyes.

Between the speeches, Zhang Fan, who was seriously injured, finally breathed out slowly. With a little bit of power to speak, the Orion teenager stood up and stood steady with a hundred swords. He sighed and said: "Tianyi, you should not come."

Fang Tianyi shook his head and solemnly said: "I must come."

"Ming knows that it is Lu Pengfei's trap. You will appear at this time. It will only let him find the handle against you. It will not help. Once you are also charged with the rebellion of the Zongmen, then the Tsing Yi East Court can really become Lu Pengfei's world is over... You should keep a useful body and lead the brothers and sisters who still have justice, against Lu Pengfei, waiting for Mr. Ding Hao to return."

"If I don't come today, I can't explain it to Master Ding in the future."

"But Tsing Yi East Hospital..."

"The future things, I will talk about it later, I only care about you today." Fang Tianyi firmly said.

Listening to the short conversation between the two teenagers, I don’t know why, many people present in the heart can’t help but show the figure that has disappeared for four or five months. The rust sword is electric, irresistible, and always on the face. With a touch of gentle smile, no matter who is dealing with him, he will feel a touch of warmth.

When the man was still there, the Tsing Yi East Hospital was very popular, and the interior was also a piece of iron.

The teachers and brothers are bent on cultivation, and everyone can feel a positive energy that is flourishing, and now...

Lu Pengfei’s sudden emergence did not bring any benefits to the disciples of the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital. Instead, he himself got a lot of benefits, and the East Court became divided and smoldering. In the five courtyards, the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital also It was completely suppressed by the White Shirt Intermediate Court, and even the momentum of the Sequoia West Court and the Yellow Shirt North Court was faintly above the East Court.


The third is more.

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