The leading dragons intercept the armor of the Galantho that has arrived.

Jiu Long waves a great sword as he slaps against the armor that has been slashed with a black sword. The Great Sword and the Black Sword crossed and scattered sparks violently. The power of the Great Sword prevailed over the Black Sword, and the armor rested heavily on it. There, the players in line next door jump. He activated his skills and slapped them into his armor. The HP bar that was displayed went to 0 and the armor splashed apart.

The other players also started fighting with their respective armor.

The armor pops from all directions as it surrounds the Akatsukis moving towards the facility. And he comes at me with a black sword in his hand.

"Don't fight more than you have to! Move on!"

Luke, who was lord at the rear of the line, shouts at the players trying to fight the armor. Try to match her voice. As the leading players kick in their armor and make their way, "Keep going!" he shouts up and forwards.

Mixed with the guild members of Illuminating Light, Akatsuki, who was walking next to Akatsuki, also tries to move forward, but is stopped from moving by the armor that hits him from the side. The other armor strikes at Akatsuki, who has stopped moving.



It was an attempt to get into Akatsuki's help, but the players coming from behind couldn't move as they thought.

Jump aside the black sword that is protruded and dodge, shaking the machete. The blade hits black armor and a hard impact runs into Akatsuki's hand. More defensive than I thought. Defeat him quickly and move on, or he'll be surrounded by other armor. Two armors were already approaching just around the corner. Tongue-beating, akatsuki trying to activate his skills.

"I'll take care of this place. Go ahead."

Zugaaa!! and the armor in front of me is broken in one blow by a slash flying from the side. The slaughter involves two armors that were approaching as they were, scattering shocks.

It seemed like the executives of Indestructible Dragons had helped Akatsuki.

He is holding a large sword in one hand with a tight length, while activating his skills to fly the slash all around him. The two names of the Arbitration are not Dada, and the slaughter has slashed and torn the hit armor in two.

Seeing, elsewhere, the executives of Indestructible Dragon are attracting armor and screaming for the players to move on. The executives don't let the armor get close with the strength of boulders. In the hall, Luke and his companions had stopped the armor from advancing.


Akatsuki turned his back like that and ran forward.

In front, the dragon activated Earthshaker and blew up armor in a straight line to the facility. The players make every effort to run through the path they could.

Waving back worryingly and reassuring him, Akatsuki also runs for the road.


Something red lit up.

At the next moment, a bright red light crosses the space right in front of Akatsuki. The players swallowed by that light set HP to 0 and disappear.

I see the same red light from behind and in front of me. I heard the players screaming.

Are you all right?

Akatsuki tries to make sure he's safe, but he couldn't afford it.

"Totally, I don't know what happened. Most features are restricted."

Because a man who seemed careless showed up in front of the Akatsukis.

The man wore the kind of white coat that the researchers wore, and he was responsible for the outfit with a black-black sword that was disproportionate. "I need to get rid of it," he mutters, looking at the Akatsuki and the others with more and more cloudy eyes.

"Are you... an operating man?"

Akatsuki asks the man with a trembling voice.

The man laughs as if he remembers, after asking back, "Ah?"

"Oh, he's the one who runs what they say? What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong, man?"

The man in white takes a step back to the look on Akatsuki's floating face.

I was a man in white who was proud to be a madman, observing the players for years in the game, but I still felt unexpectedly horrified when I saw the fierce look on Akatsuki's face to be called even the exact madman he was floating.

"I'm sure he decided to kill me."

Not only at Akatsuki's place, but also behind Luke and the others who serve as his hall, right in front of them, in front of the leading Nine Dragons and other places, a man in white has appeared, stopping the players from moving.

"Ha... I've been having a lot of trouble lately... I need to cage this guinea pig soon"

Front row.

(9) The man stuck in front of the dragons says stupidity in a sticky voice. The outfit was white, just like the man who showed up at Akatsuki's place, but what he was holding was a bastard sword, the same scarce weapon used by Akatsuki.

Those were the players who were surprised by the human appearance, but stop moving to the words of the man in white.

"guinea pig...... so?"

"Aha, that's right. Are you sure you're the master of an Alliance called The Immortal Dragon? That's what this guinea pig is all about. I was wondering if you could stop your people. [M] I don't like trouble, you know, me"

"I'm kidding!"

The Nine Dragons scream and wave their swords at the man in white.

It was thus that the battle between the players and the operation had finally begun.


"Ha ha. How did you get here? It was just now that this area was opened, and if the player breaks in, the alarm should be activated immediately. Besides, there must have been a lot of researchers here by the time we got here."

The boss of the operation - the warrior needle asks the katanas with a white grin. Asakura next door tries to do something by opening a staring tab at Katana and the others, but the warrior needle takes it a step forward by controlling it with his arms.

"I had your user data hacked into the axe the other day when I killed Mr. Warrior Needle. I always knew you weren't a regular player. As expected, you were the man of the operation. This is why I borrowed a small portion of your authority from the operating system following the data and came inside this facility. The alarm has been set to not sound. I guess I didn't see anyone on the way."

"... that's crazy. Sort of. But you, Katana. I've never had the impression that I'm an operating person in front of you?"

"Haha, I left the axe to you there. He found out that the hand axe had more authority as a player than you had as a general player."

That said Katana turns to the hand axe, but she still has a faceless look on her face. Katana smiles bitterly at the look of it and once again turns her gaze to the warrior needle.

"I see. That means it was you guys who opened the gate and came inside after the game started."

"Exactly. Ma... we got into this game because of the traitors in you, and we might not have been able to get information about the game without the traitors. It's only thanks to the power of the technology owned by us that we can hack while the axe is in the game."

The warrior needle listens to Katana, thinking of their qualities in the brain. From their actions, from the name of the man named 'Kukri', which Katana inadvertently leaked, and from their own names, somehow predictions arrive.

If their words were true, they would have leaked information to an organization with the power that someone in the operation could interfere with.

"Ha ha... the traitor (Judah) among us is very interesting, but let's just leave it at the moment. So, what's your goal? He just wants to get out of here. So you don't?"

"Naturally. Our purpose is threefold. The first is to get the 'technology' used in this game. I'm almost done with this, though. The second is to destroy all the data in this game. I've already used it. And the third is to capture or dispose of all of you. It's not funny how this technology can cross beyond us."

"... Ha ha. You can say whatever you want. She agreed with me, so she put me in my guild without brainwashing me around the corner."

"Haha, that was actually a selfie, wasn't it? I even built a guild. Besides... Mr. Warrior Needle's thoughts were disjointed, absurd, unintelligible, and completely incompatible. "

A provocative katana, but the warrior needle doesn't look uncomfortable just deepening his grin. When told to fall back to Asakura, the warrior needle opens a tab and summons the Great Sword from a space where there is nothing.

"Ha ha. Fine. After you repay your previous debt, let's brainwash it and make it one of us."

Ringing his pussy and fingers, a blackened man and woman emerged from a space of nothing, just like the Great Sword.

They are players whose warrior needles were brainwashed as part of the experiment. The warrior needle calls them 'Divine Soldiers'.

"Katana, can you fight me? I hope the other two are fighting the Divine Soldier. Asakura, you wait there."

He surrounds his hand axe when he is a soldier. Kekamaku leaks his stupidity, "I'm not interested in miscellaneous fish," but licks his tongue and takes out his weapon. The hand axe took on the axe without saying anything.

Katana walked up to the front of the warrior needle, pulled out her machete and gave a fierce grin.

The warrior needle looked at Katana and smiled, looking back at Asakura, who had been ordered to wait. I smile bitterly when I see Asakura with a sharp look on her face, I look forward again.

"Leading Must Win"

Katana was already imminent in front of me. Shake up the machete, try to slap it and shake it on the warrior needle.

"Don't look like that, Asakura-san."

The warrior needle releases words toward Asakura as he receives a machete with a great sword.

"- It'll be over soon"

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