The warrior needle that receives Katana's machete strengthens his power to hold the sword and bounces Katana backwards. Katana doesn't dare go against it and jumps behind herself to reduce the impact. Rotate like a light contractor in the air and land on the ground.

At the next moment, Katana was already approaching the sight of the warrior needle. Because the moment I landed, I jumped forward in Steps without getting my hair in.

Keep the momentum of Step on the machete and swing it down from the left diagonal.


The warrior needle responds to it and takes it with the blade of the Great Sword, but this time it is pushed by the power of Katana, with a slight center of gravity going down behind it. Katana doesn't miss that gap. Return the wrist and slap the machete into the empty lateral abdomen.

I killed him, Katana, I'm sure.

The blade ripped the flank of the warrior needle...

But Katana doesn't convey the feeling of slashing meat. It sounds as if the glass breaks, and the body of the warrior needle scratches off as if it were an illusion.

A zoary, unpleasant feeling behind my back.

Katana waves the machete behind her, remaining in an impossible position according to her senses, faster than the attack prediction appears in the Cut Out.

Soon the warrior needle was spinning around behind his back, swinging the sword wrapped in red light down to Katana.

A wave with an assist of skill from that upper section plays the blow of a machete lightly and Katana takes the shock to the moro. Instead of jumping behind himself, as earlier, the shock blew Katana momentum backwards.


Katana gets blown up but sticks a machete to the ground faster than it crashes into the wall of the room. He was blown away and rebuilt his big, backward position in the air. The blade grinds the ground galloping and kills momentum. While in a forward leaning position, Katana put her foot on the ground.

"My Big Sword 'Divine Sword' gear skills that allow the continuous use of skills, and then the swinging down attack 'Bone Crushing' from the top, to the rare skill 'Remaining' that disables a direct attack and moves to the target's blind spot"

The warrior needle speaks the name of the skill he used with a light grin.

Katana grins fiercely like a beast and plunges into the warrior needle again.

"Ha ha. Hey, the move now isn't something a normal person can do. From what I've seen, you're doing something real, aren't you? Fighting...... doesn't look like it. Well, I don't know, my skills. You can fight with your player skills. Apparently, things are just as troublesome as I thought they would be. So I..."

The warrior needle captures Katana's movements while sparing time to activate his skills.

Apparently, most of the operating permissions are limited, but player usable skills set within Breon can be used. The warrior needle has all those skills in mind. So you can look at the situation and determine which skills are best suited and use them as you please.

No matter what scarce skills it is.

(In this case, it would be good to have an immediate counter skill, "Heavy Return")

Warrior needles can be used without any problems, even with counter skills that are difficult to use. I don't just remember the effects of my skills. I can use all my skills.

That's how the warrior needle tries to mouth the continuation of the words, opening his eyes.

Because Katana, who should still have had a few steps in between, was diving into her own pocket.

The machete is swinging at a speed when the time of use of "Hot Return" is not timely. Katana waves a machete as she passes beside the warrior needle. The white blade sparkled, slashing and tearing the body of the warrior needle.

Originally, no damage can be inflicted on the person in operation. Because it has the same settings as an indestructible object. But at this time, a reduced HP bar emerged over the head of the attacked warrior needle.

Asakura breathes as she watched behind her.

Katana waves a machete toward the back of a warrior needle as she rotates her body grumpy. The warrior needle turns the great sword on his back and takes it, he looks back at Katana.

"I'm pretty sure it was" Acceleration (Acceleration) "with scarce skills. You have interesting skills."

Without saying anything back to the words of the warrior needle, Katana uses Acceleration to wave her sword in a row. Though the warrior needle prevents the first blow with a great sword and attempts to prevent a continuous blow

- Too fast!

(d) The third shot had already slashed and torn the shoulder of the warrior's needle when he prevented the blow with a great sword. When you tried to prevent a fourth blow, there was already a fifth blow and a sixth blow.

Through the defense of the Great Sword, a blade strikes a warrior needle. Even if you try to defend yourself, your next attack will already be swinging by then. The white blade gleams everywhere in sight, and every time a wound runs on the body of a warrior needle.

The blade that is swung down continuously is like a storm.

Speaking of which, the warrior needle recalls.

that Katana used a double sword before, although it is now time to use a machete. That once he was defeating a handsome player called "Meteor" with a double sword. Seeing a series of attacks then, people called him this.

Storm Emperor and.

"Kehihi, I'm not doing it"

Kadama watched Katana's onslaught as she pierced the heart of the Divine Soldier with a one-handed sword. Next to it, the hand axe leans faceless.

No divine soldier had been directed against them, and the last one had scattered his life by the hand of now.

Seeing the battle of the warrior needles, and watching the battle between the Kadama and the Divine Soldiers at the same time, Asakura saw too much one-sided battle and opened his eyes.

It was overwhelming.

The battle between the Axes was too overwhelming.

It's not even a fight anymore.

It was like we weren't talking.

The attack of the Divine Soldier was not a hit. They said they surrounded themselves in large numbers and launched an attack, but they dived through it lightly, launching an exact steep attack. Attacking steeples during battle is a considerable difficulty, we know from data made in half play within the operation. Take that lightly.

Divine soldiers are those players chosen by the warrior needle brainwashed. But not only that, it should give some strength, using some level and skill, title, and combat data produced by observing the players.

That didn't sound like a story to me. I wasn't as interested in fighting in the game as Asakura, but I still knew they were strong enough to line up at the top of a player called Two Names.

Asakura uses one of the permissions left to herself and reads their level.


The level of Kemaku is 80.

The level of the hand axe was 76.

Now that the final area has been released, the level of offensive players is above the average of 90. The highest level owner is 96.

Now what they fought for was a Divine Soldier modeled after the players at the highest level. Their level is about 90, not to mention the Divine Soldiers that about half of the warrior needles were producing in their hobbies.

10 different levels within the MMO can be a huge difference. Even if some difference is filled in terms of weapons, protective equipment, skills and titles, there would be no winning if it were normal.

Multiple people. They are destroying without difficulty.

Who the hell are you?

After the battle, Katana and the warrior needle cross their swords violently at the end of their gaze as they sat on the equipment.

Katana uses Acceleration to attack warrior needles from all directions. Running through the ground, kicking walls, dancing through the universe, waving a machete like a storm.

In contrast, the warrior needle used "Acceleration" just like Katana, but was unable to get to that speed and was thoroughly defensive with the Great Sword.

An attack leaked from the defense slashes the warrior needle, shredding HP, albeit slightly.

A stormy streak breaks and Katana falls back. Acceleration has run out of time. Acceleration accelerates the user's movement for a few seconds while consuming stamina. Although its usage time varies according to proficiency, it is about fifteen seconds for katana.

Once you know when to use it, it is possible to attack between them. The Warrior Needle attacks by activating a skill the moment Katana's Acceleration expires.

But that is easily taken by Katana. Because the skills used by the warrior needle are less powerful. Skills that can be used with the Great Sword require more than half of them to have a few seconds of 'stash time'. Though powerful for that matter, the gap gets bigger. Although the skills used by the warrior needle have little time to accumulate, they have killed the power that is the strength of the Great Sword. Katana, who understands it, does not attack and takes it with a chilled look.

"Ha... that's fast. The girl called" Meteor "moved around at an awesome speed in" Event "that Urabe's guy put in playfully, and they said" Fastest, "but you're faster than her, aren't you?"

In the midst of a fierce sword trident, the warrior needle speaks to Katana with a painful look.

Even as he spoke, the white light continuously scattered violently with metal noises and sparks.

"Haha, it's not me, it's not even you. Maybe it's him."

Katana returns words to the warrior needle as she moves endlessly around the room in Acceleration. Diving through the warrior needle defense, flashing. A wound enters the shoulder of a warrior needle.


"Haha, I won't tell anyone. It's my prey."

Giggy-giggy! and the continuous metal noise breaks. At that moment the warrior needle activates his skills and slaps him into Katana. It is lightly prevented and Katana uses Acceleration again. The Warrior Needle also uses Acceleration to counter it and withstand Katana's onslaught.

"Absolutely, it's going to stop, isn't it, the game? I left the level up somewhat for once, but I was neglecting it because I wasn't really interested in fine stats or anything like that. Then it becomes agility specific. Come on. You don't have much power in every blow, do you? Player skills alone have limits, hey, this game. Although someone was in a state where both agility and muscle strength were considerably higher than the same level band. It's amazing. Maybe he's definitely the strongest when he reaches the 100 level!"

The warrior needle bites his teeth as he listens to Katana happily talk about someone. Although I said it would be over soon, Katana was stronger than I imagined. It was unexpected to have Acceleration. I didn't use this skill when Katana was fighting Meteor. I mean, that's actually the only place I've ever seen Katana fight. Because I wasn't particularly interested. I think I should have looked closer by now.

Later, it's tougher to fight than I thought. When I was acting as a player, although it was good because I was sneaking around disabling the 'fatigue' setting, now the 'fatigue' setting is also in the person of the operation. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's so hard.

Still, the warrior needle doesn't break the grin.

That's a thin, creepy, empty grin, unlike Katana's fierce grin.

How many times on earth would I have exchanged blades?

The HP on the warrior needle was already dyed red. In contrast, Katana's HP is still more than half.

From Katana's face, the grin had already disappeared. The expression that is floating is chilled out.

"That's disappointing. I thought you were a little stronger because you're a lass boss character, but what's this weakness? I expected players to use their skills all they could, but it's a good place to miss expectations. Disappointing. Too weak."

"... ha. That's tough."

Though the warrior needle is still grinning, the status quo, the defeat color, was intense. Asakura understands that he has no chance of winning if he joins the fight. That's why I'm trying to contact the other researchers, but hardly anyone answers. Even if you leave, most of you can't move because you're in battle with the players or because you're supporting them. There is no doubt that something is happening in the facility.

A few minutes ago, a researcher finally contacted Cochilla to send a large number of monsters for institutional security. Almost there, I guess.

"Mr. Warrior Needle! The Guardian will be here soon!"

"I won't let you fight this fight."


Answering Asakura's words without hesitation, the warrior needle points the sharp edge of the sword at Katana. Towards Katana with a suspicious look on his face, he declared.

"Before the extras get here, let's say it's time to put an end to the fight. We'll settle this next time."

"... haha"

The warrior needle gives a thin grin and Katana a fierce grin.

And it moved at the same time.

The Warrior Needle is a skill I've been using since before, Flashing.

Katana accelerated.

The great sword of the warrior needle glows.

Katana's body scratched out and in the next moment it was even approaching right in front of the warrior needle.

Katana's machete is shaken, and late the great sword of the warrior needle is shaken.

At this time, even with the power of the Great Sword, they will be pushed off by the machete.

Katana was convinced that this was the end. Everyone who was here thought so, too.

Except for the warrior needle.

A metal noise of a different colour sounded in the room than when the sword exchanged with the kid.

That's the sound that happens when a weapon is destroyed.

Katana's knife, the Nine Chain Sword, was broken from the ground up. A broken body swept through the universe and fell to the floor in vain.

At the next moment, high-powered skills were activated by the equipment skill of the Great Sword "Divine Sword" used by the warrior needle, which allows the continuous use of skills only once every fifteen minutes.

The skill build-up time has been deadly to Katana opponents so far. However, Katana, whose weapon was destroyed, 'rigid' and completely defenseless, cannot move during its accumulation time.

"- It's over, Katana."

The red light flashed.

A great sword is waved on the flank of Katana.


The upper and lower body split, and Katana blew away.

The lower body became a grain of light and vanished.

The upper body was pounded against the wall with momentum and fell to the ground with dosari.

"Though it didn't end right away - it's my win"

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