Chapter 1125 Plastic father and son love

  Although Fu Xiyan put away the book as soon as the door was kicked open, but, vaguely, Master Fu seemed to see words such as "murder" and "father".

  Patriarch Fu:!


   What did he see?

  Murder your own father? !

  This **** actually wants to murder his own father?

   "Take out the book." Master Fu rushed to Fu Xiyan in a few strides, and extended his hand to Fu Xiyan.

   "Didn't you want to talk about the studio?" Fu Xiyan directly changed the topic.

  Patriarch Fu didn't like his wish, and continued to hold on to the matter of the book, "What about the studio, let's talk about the book first, what about murdering your own father? Are you trying to kill my superior?"

  Fu Xiyan listened to his question, and there was a trace of teasing in his eyes, "If I want to be in power, do I need to kill you?"

  Patriarch Fu: "..."

  This...doesn't seem to be used.

   "That, that book..."

   "The housekeeper was reading a suspense novel recently, so I flipped through it."

   In fact, the butler gave it to him with his own hands, so he must take a good look at it, and don't let the ambitious people harm the old man.

   As for who this ambitious person is, the two of them are tacit.

  Listening to Fu Xiyan's answer, Master Fu didn't know whether to believe it or not.

   Believe it or not, the older the old housekeeper is, the more he likes to read novels, and the more **** novels, the more he likes to read them.

  Let me believe it, in case this **** really wants to hurt him...

  However, it seems that there is really no reason to harm him.

  After much deliberation, I didn't have any clues. Finally, Master Fu decided to put the matter of the book aside temporarily, "Why did you demolish my studio?"

  Fu Xiyan: "Master Xuan said that the studio would kill our whole family."

   "Bah, that studio has been built for ten years, and our family is living well. Then there is a mysterious master who said that our family's Feng Shui is not so good." Patriarch Fu looked displeased.

   Before Fu Xiyan could speak, Master Fu looked at Fu Xiyan and asked, "Has the little girl surnamed Gu come to the house?"

  Fu Xiyan raised his eyebrows.

   Indeed, there was a little girl surnamed Gu.

"I see, you are just bewildered by that girl. You can believe whatever she says. Even if she is your uncle's apprentice, she is only an apprentice. Our family has a spirit gathering array made by her master." .”

   "What's the matter, is she still better than your uncle?"

  Patriarch Fu was talking, and his favorability for that little girl Gu Xiyue instantly changed from -5 to -10.

  In the past, every time he came to his house, he always competed with him for his wife's attention. Now, because of her, the studio he designed for his wife has been demolished.

   This girl is really hateful.

  At first, I was thinking about explaining that this girl surnamed Gu and the girl surnamed Gu are not the same person, but after listening to the words of Patriarch Fu, Fu Xiyan couldn't sit still, "You are better than blue because of blue?"

  Patriarch Fu: "Your uncle is..."

   Without giving Fu Xiyan time to speak, Master Fu said a lot of words that praised his uncle to heaven, oh, in a sense, his uncle has indeed gone to heaven.

  The master of the Fu family exported unilaterally, and Fu Xiyan drank tea as if nothing had happened.

   It wasn't until Master Fu boasted that his mouth was dry, and Fu Xiyan poured him a cup of tea, "Come and moisten your throat, continue."

  Patriarch Fu: "..."

  Took the teacup, raised his head and took a sip, "Continue, sir, don't talk anymore."

  Seeing this, Fu Xiyan knew it was time for him to speak, "Father, do you still remember when grandpa fell ill?"

  Patriarch Fu: "Of course I remember, your grandfather has been sick for ten years."

  (end of this chapter)

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