Chapter 1126 Trial Tower

   "I remember that grandpa didn't get sick until two months after the studio was built."

  When Fu Xiyan said this, his eyes fell on Master Fu, and he was always paying attention to the changes in his expression.

  Although he didn't believe that his stupid father would commit patricide, what if.

  After hearing Fu Xiyan's words, Master Fu was stunned for a moment, and then stared at Fu Xiyan after a few seconds, "Are you out of your mind? Don't you really believe what the studio and our family say?"

  Looking at his reaction, Fu Xiyan felt that this guy was not suspected of killing his father, so he didn't hide the truth from Patriarch Fu anymore, and simply explained, "Master Xuan said that the studio destroyed the spirit gathering array set up by uncle."

  Patriarch Fu rolled his eyes silently, "It's ridiculous, if the Spirit Gathering Formation is really destroyed, why is our house still warm in winter and cool in summer, and still supporting people?"

  Fu Xiyan: "Because someone is suffering for you."

  Patriarch Fu:?

  Fu Xiyan is not a patient person, so he said indifferently and ruthlessly, "If father really thinks that the studio has nothing to do with the safety of the family, then build it back."

   "In order not to allow him to restrain Grandpa, I will take Grandpa to live elsewhere tomorrow. At that time, it should be Father's turn to be restrained."

  Patriarch Fu:? ? ?

  Why do you have to move if you disagree?

  Fu Xiyan: "After my father dies, I will come back to attend the funeral."

  Patriarch Fu: "..."

  It’s just a studio, so it’s not impossible.

   Fearing that Fu Xiyan would come and ask his mother to remarry again, Patriarch Fu immediately said: "Well, let's demolish it, we have so many empty rooms, just clean up two rooms and renovate them."


   Not knowing what happened to the Fu family, Su Yunling and his party have already arrived at the site of the ancient martial arts competition.

  As soon as they arrived in the official arena, they were surrounded by a group of people. Gu Zhiqi sneaked out of the crowd directly, and Tang Yichen also slipped out.

  The location of the big competition is set at the central square of Guwujie.

  In the central square, stands a trial tower. It is said that there are more than a dozen trial gates in the trial tower, and each gate corresponds to a track.

  Participants do not need to register, just enter the trial gate corresponding to the track of their choice.

  After stepping into the trial gate, you will be randomly sent to an unfamiliar environment, where countless challenges and tests are hidden.

  Through the test and practice, you can get points, and the trial tower will refresh the list of each track according to the points.

Those who successfully find the exit and come out can enter the semi-finals. Those who cannot find the exit and want to give up in danger during the process can crush the extra jade talisman on their body after entering the trial gate, and then they can be sent out. However, This means that the trial failed and could not enter the next round of competition.

  The game has a time limit. The time to enter the trial gate can be later than the start time, and the entry before the end counts, but the time to exit the trial gate cannot be later than the end time.

   There are four rounds in total, and each round lasts fifteen days.

Once the round of competition time is over, no matter when they go in, those who have not found the exit will be sent out by the trial gate. People who died in the trial tower because of the talisman.

Tang Yichen told Gu Zhiqi about the Trial Tower. After talking about the Trial Tower, Tang Yichen approached Gu Zhiqi and continued to whisper: "However, not every trial gate is full of Dangerous, just like refining equipment, refining alchemy, refining incense, etc., after entering, there is a small space of one's own, as long as you keep refining, you can be sent to the exit by the trial tower when you meet the requirements."

  However, even so, the pass rate is not high.

  (end of this chapter)

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