Chapter 1710 was also born on August 8, 1988? (repair)

  Su Yun heard this, turned his head to look at Yun Xin, "You follow Ms. Gu San to the laboratory, and listen to her orders at any time."

  Yun Xin immediately responded when he heard the words.

  Gu Yuluo stared at Gu Zhiqi for several seconds, and finally took someone to find the laboratory.


   Not long after Gu Yuluo left, Gu Xiyue stopped taking her pulse.

   "How is it?" Su Yunling looked at Gu Xiyue and asked.

   After all, he was still a little worried. The kid was hiding something from him.

  Gu Xiyue's expression was a little dignified. Listening to Su Yunling's question, she first said, "I fainted because I was too mentally exhausted and exhausted, so I fell into a coma, but..."

  Hearing this, Su Yunling's heart immediately lifted.

  However, Gu Xiyue didn't say anything to continue, but listened to Su Yun, "Can I take a step to speak."

  Su Yun heard the words, nodded, and immediately stood up holding Gu Zhiqi.

  Gu Xiyue took Su Yunling to a place where no one was there. Su Yunling raised his hand and set up a soundproof array, and then looked at Gu Xiyue.

  Gu Xiyue: "Her body is fine, but part of her luck is missing, as if it was taken away by someone."

   She hasn't learned enough about the art of luck.

  So not 100% sure.

  However, one thing is certain, her luck is indeed damaged.

   Today, if she hadn't felt Gu Zhiqi's pulse, she would not have known that part of Gu Zhiqi's luck was missing.

  Su Yun heard the words, and frowned slightly, "Can you know who took it away?"

  Gu Xiyue listened, and shook her head helplessly, "I'm not good at learning, so I can't know for the time being."

  Su Yunling: "Is there a way to get it back?"

  Gu Xiyue pondered for a few seconds before she opened her mouth and said: "She is stronger than me, and she should know about the loss of her luck. Why don't you ask her yourself after she wakes up?"

  Su Yun listened to the words, fell silent, and finally nodded.


  On the other side, Gu Yuluo and others have already found the laboratory.

  In addition to Yun Xin, Fu Hong, Wei Jingyu, Jiang Qi and others followed Gu Yuluo.

  Gu Yuluo remembered Su Yunling's words, the password of the laboratory gate was her birthday.

  When entering the lab password, Jiang Qi on the side said with some doubts, "It's strange, why did Angel's people set the lab password to be the same as your birthday?"

  Gu Yuluo heard the words, the hand that entered the password paused for a while, and looked sideways at Jiang Qi, as if looking at a mentally retarded person.

  Jiang Qi:?

   Wei Jingyu on the side also rolled his eyes, and said, "You are an idiot, obviously, sister Zhizhi changed the password later."

  Jiang Qi listened, with a puzzled look on his face, "Huh? Why did you change it?"

  Wei Jingyu: "Of course it is to protect the laboratory."

"We broke into the base. Once Angel has a tendency to lose the battle, they will definitely destroy the laboratory, and may even kill the experimental subjects in the laboratory. Sister Zhizhi changed the password to prevent Angel's people from entering the laboratory. .”

  Jiang Qi stretched out his hand and scratched his head, "So there are still so many things to pay attention to."

   While speaking, a group of people had already reached the office corridor.

   "There is a mechanism in front, stop for a while." Gu Yuluo said, looking behind him, "Will any of you know how to crack the mechanism?"

  Yunxin was about to speak when he heard the words, but Wei Jingyu preempted him, "Didn't Sister Zhizhi leave a note? Take a look."

  He did remember, Gu Zhiqi was very good at breaking through the mechanism.

  Yun Xin didn't speak when he heard the words.

  Gu Yuluo took out Gu Zhiqi's mobile phone and entered the password.

Fu Hong was standing next to Gu Yuluo. He was very sensitive to numbers. He saw and remembered the numbers entered by Gu Yuluo at a glance. Thinking of what Su Yunling said to Gu Yuluo before, he said, "What a coincidence, Miss Gu was also born on August 8, 1988?"

   One more chapter, four chapters left

Good night



  (end of this chapter)

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