Chapter 1711 Same birthday; Zhizhi wakes up

  Listening to Fu Hong's words, Gu Yuluo glanced sideways at him, "Do you know other people born on August 8, 1988?"

  Fu Hong nodded, and said: "Gu Xiao... Miss Gu Xiyue's birthday is August 8th, and she is the same age as Miss Gu."

  When Gu Yuluo heard this, he immediately lost interest.

  However, there is something complicated in my heart.

   It seems that Yueyue and Fu Xiyan are really familiar.

   Even his subordinates know Yueyue's birthday.

  Thinking of this journey, Gu Xiyue and Fu Xiyan's way of getting along, and thinking of Su Yunling and Gu Zhiqi, Gu Yuluo's mood became more complicated.

  The two younger sisters were targeted before they even reached adulthood.

   Unfortunately, she still can't beat the opponent.

  Thinking about it makes my heart choke.

  Gu Yuluo was thinking about something in his heart, so he didn't speak, but Jiang Qi who was at the side said smoothly, "Of course the boss and Gu Zhiqi were born in the same birth, otherwise they wouldn't..."

  Before he finished speaking, Gu Yuluo glanced at him.

  Facing Gu Yuluo's cool gaze, Jiang Qi shut up knowingly.

After Fu Hong finished speaking, he also remembered that Gu Yuluo was Gu Xiyue's sister. However, if he remembered correctly, when Gu Yuluo asked about Gu Zhiqi's situation just now, he also called Gu Zhiqi younger sister.

  Thinking of this, Fu Hong looked at Gu Yuluo and asked, "Miss Gu San, just now you said that Miss Gu is your sister?"

  Gu Yuluo nodded.

  Fu Hong blinked, "You are not Ms. Gu Xiyue's..." He paused, then continued to guess, "Could it be that Ms. Gu Zhiqi and Ms. Gu Xiyue are twins?"

  Gu Xiyue and Gu Zhiqi are both Gu Yuluo's younger sisters, and they are born with the same birth.


  Gu Yuluo looked down at the sticky note, and said to Fu Hong, "They're not twins. They hugged each other wrong when they were young, and now they're both my sisters."

   Didn't say who is the real sister, but Fu Hong understood it, and regarded the two of them as real sisters.

  This kind of situation... is rare.

  Fu Hong nodded to show his understanding, and said by the way, "Coincidentally, the birthdays of our third lady and Miss Gu Xiyue are on the same day, and the third lady was also born on August 8, 1988."

  Gu Xiyue lived in Fu's house for a while before.

   Once, it was a birthday together.

  The Fu family knew about Gu Xiyue's birthday at that time.

  Listening to Fu Hong's words, except for Yun Xin who thought it was a coincidence, the others didn't take this matter to heart.

  Wei Jingyu has no interest in this, he just wants to quickly enter the laboratory to meet Shen Tong.

   Going to Gu Yuluo's side, he asked, "How is it? Is there a reminder in the note?"

   "Yes." Gu Yuluo nodded, and then glanced at the people behind him, "Everyone follow my footsteps, don't make a mistake."


  Gu Zhiqi woke up again at noon six days later.

  After waking up, he stared at the ceiling for a long time. Gu Zhiqi got up straight from the bed after the memory completely came back.

  Perhaps it was because he had slept for too long, and his movements were a little slow.

  Su Yunling was sitting by the bed and guarding, holding a book and reading it.

  Hearing the movement, he closed the book immediately, then threw the book aside, got up and walked to the bedside to hold Gu Zhiqi's arm.

  At this time, Gu Zhiqi realized that Su Yunling was also in the room.

"elder brother?"

  The voice is a little hoarse, and even a little unable to make a sound.

   "En." Su Yunling responded softly, helped her up, looked at her and said, "How is it, is there any discomfort?"

  Gu Zhiqi shook his head slightly, then turned sideways, looked at Su Yunling, and called him in a hoarse voice, "Brother."

  (end of this chapter)

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