Chapter 803 Defective product

   Four of the boxes contained pills, which were the same pills that Qi Yuanyuan gave Gu Huaijin just now.

  The other three boxes, one contained half a box of folded paper bags, which was the kind of poison given to Gu Huaijin and the others, and two contained small bean-sized pills.

  Gu Zhiqi pinched a pill from it, brought it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it lightly, and then he was sure that the pill was the antidote.

  When Gu Zhiqi was looking at those boxes, Mo Qingxue had already slipped away from Gu Zhiqi.

  At this time, the person had already moved to the wall of the dark room, watching Gu Zhiqi's movements, his expression flickered, and the dark light flickered in his eyes.

   Such a powerful little girl must be useful if she becomes a puppet.

  Thinking about it, Mo Qingxue sneered, and slowly stretched her hand towards the wall.

   Touching a protruding stone, Mo Qingxue carefully tried to turn the stone.


  The stone didn't move, but there was a stabbing pain on the back of Mo Qingxue's hand, and a dagger was added to the back of Mo Qingxue's hand.

The dagger pierced through Mo Qingxue's palm, nailing her palm to the wall, and the body of the dagger happened to be caught in a gap in the stone, firmly stuck the stone, and Mo Qingxue didn't even want to turn the stone. law turn.

"It seems that the effect of this poison is not good. I think you are quite energetic." Gu Zhiqi, who was standing four or five meters away from Mo Qingxue one second, looked like a ghost in the next second Appearing next to Mo Qingxue, a bone-chilling voice rang in his ears, which directly made Mo Qingxue freeze in place, not daring to move.

Looking at the motionless Mo Qingxue, Gu Zhixi's eyes were tinged with laziness, he raised his hand and tapped Mo Qingxue's body twice, and directly tapped her acupoints, making her unable to do anything except talk .

   "What are you doing? Let me go!"

  Gu Zhiqi ignored them, walked back to those boxes, waved his hand, and put all the antidote into the box, and burned the other five boxes in front of Mo Qingxue.

Seeing the two boxes containing the antidote disappearing out of thin air, Mo Qingxue shrank her pupils, and thought she had misread it. When the flames rose, Mo Qingxue suddenly widened her eyes, and instantly forgot about the disappearing boxes out of thin air. "Bitch! What are you doing? My puppet Dan!"

   "Puppet Pill?" Gu Zhiqi didn't turn his head, looked down at the pill that was being swallowed by the fire, and said in a low voice.

   "My puppet pill! That's my painstaking effort! Little bitch, who told you to burn it!" Mo Qingxue looked at the puppet pill being burned by the raging fire, and her whole heart was bleeding.

   That was the elixir for her to become the hope of being under one person and above ten thousand people, but now, it is all gone.

  Without Puppet Pill, how can she make those ancient warriors obey her?

   Blame this little bitch!

   She ruined everything.

  Gu Zhiqi looked at the orange fire, and just said plainly, "You call these defective products puppet pills?"

"What defective product? That's the puppet pill, the pill I used to control the ancient warriors, it's you! It's all because of you, if it wasn't for you, I would have used the puppet pill to control those ancient warriors a long time ago !"

  Mo Qingxue roared hysterically, as if in this way, those burnt puppet pills could come back.

   Gu Zhiqi suddenly realized, no wonder he had to refine so many antidotes after being poisoned. It turned out that it was to control those poisoned.

   Without even turning his head, he turned his back to Mo Qingxue and said lazily: "Don't be so distressed, after all, your puppet pill is indeed a defective product."

   "What nonsense are you talking about? What defective products!"

  Seeing that Mo Qingxue refused to believe it, Gu Zhiqi didn't bother to say more.

  (end of this chapter)

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