Chapter 804 Danfang; many treasures

   Those puppet pills are indeed defective products.

However, although this defective product cannot control the eater like a puppet, it will disturb the spirit of the eater, making people irritable and bloodthirsty. Over time, the bloodthirsty will make people become A killing machine.

  Things that harm people are better burned.

  Mo Qingxue still refused to believe it, unable to move, so she could only rely on her mouth to output, "You are talking nonsense! How could it be a defective product? How could the alchemy that the lord gave me personally produce a defective product."

  Gu Zhiqi heard the words and looked back at Mo Qingxue, "My lord? Who?"

  When Mo Qingxue heard Gu Zhiqi's question, her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately shut up.

  Gu Zhiqi's expression flickered, but he didn't ask Mo Qingxue any more, but wandered around in the alchemy room.

  Walking around the alchemy room, I finally found three prescriptions on a wooden table, namely the prescriptions for Puppet Pill, Jueming San and Jueming San's antidote.

   "Puppet Pill?" Gu Zhiqi looked at Fang Zi and muttered in a low voice, "This is Fang Zi."

  It’s no wonder that defective products are produced, this is clearly a defective recipe.

   "That's my prescription, let me put it down!"

   Seeing Gu Zhiqi holding the three pills in his hands, Mo Qingxue was burning with anger, the anger in his eyes seemed to turn into a ball of flames and burst out from the bottom of his eyes, burning Gu Zhiqi to ashes.

   "Is there still time to care about Dan Fang? Worry about your own life." Then, put the three prescriptions into the storage bracelet.

  Hearing Gu Zhiqi's words, the anger in Mo Qingxue's eyes was extinguished instantly, and she became lost and panicked.

   Gu Zhiqi saw that she was quiet, so he didn't speak again, looked through the alchemy room, and then walked towards another room.

  Pried open the locks of the boxes in another room one by one, and found that there were countless gold and silver jewellery, antique calligraphy and paintings, and rare herbs.

  Gu Zhiqi looked at the gold and silver jewels that were shining with golden light, his eyes were glued to them, and he almost couldn't resist putting them all into the storage bracelet, but he held back in the end.

   "Zhizhi, there are so many jewels, it's better to just take them away, anyway, it belongs to a vicious woman like Mo Qingxue." Seeing that Gu Zhiqi didn't take away the gold and silver jewels, Fei Jiu immediately said something.

  A lot of treasures, if Zhi Zhi accepts these, when the next upgrade, won’t he have the money to directly enter the task trigger state.

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way." Gu Zhiqi said, with a wave of his sleeve, he closed all the boxes, made a handprint by the way, and sealed all the boxes with a formation, "And these things are not Clear snow."

   "Huh? If it's not hers, then whose is it?" Fat Jiu said in a daze.

   "She snatched it all, and the item should be returned to the original owner."

Fei Jiu was confused: "Ah? Return things to their original owners? With so many things, they can't automatically find their owners by setting up a formation like luck. Returning things to their original owners is not easy, and maybe the owners of many things are already Not in this world anymore."

  Based on Fei Jiu's understanding of Mo Qingxue, a vicious woman, she might have done many burning, killing and looting things.

  Gu Zhiqi heard this, and replied indifferently, "Whether there is an owner or no owner, it has nothing to do with us, and someone will take care of it anyway."

  Fat Jiu blinked lightly, "Who is it?"

  Gu Zhiqi raised his eyebrows and didn't speak any more.

   "You want someone from the Changying Army to deal with it, right?" Fei Jiu remembered that Fu Xiyan and his party seemed to come to the Medical League this time to investigate this series of incidents.

  Gu Zhiqi smiled but said nothing.

  (end of this chapter)

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