Ren Yu hurried to the detachment after dinner. He was still struggling about whether to report to Chen Xiaofei. As a result, Chen Xiaofei went out for a meeting, which saved him some explanation.

Ren Yu found the two accident reports he wanted in the archives. These reports had been backed up in electronic files a few years ago, but the original data would not be destroyed until 20 years. Ren Yu looked at the handwriting on the documents. Some of them came from his father, so he looked very familiar.

Ren Yu compared the original documents with the electronic files and found that the clarity of the photos was not very ideal. It was related to the light, angle and camera pixels when shooting a few years ago, as well as the seriousness of the photographers. After all, it was impossible to carefully select each of the millions of paper materials.

These materials themselves are very old. If you don't pay attention to the old photos when remaking them, you will lose a lot of details. So Ren Yu carefully photographed all the image materials with SLR and copied the electronic files together.

When he returned to the squadron, Ren Yu typed out all the information. He put the thick information on the table, held his chin for a long time, took out his mobile phone, took a picture and sent it to Gong Yingxian: I got the complete report of the accident that year from the detachment archives. Should I praise me?

Then Ren Yu stared at the dialog box.

After several minutes, he saw that the curtain of the dialog box showed that he was inputting. After inputting for a long time, he didn't send a word at last.

Ren chuckled and felt that Gong Yingxian was really like a child. Although he was sometimes very angry, he just couldn't seriously get angry with Gong Yingxian and always took the initiative to find an excuse for him.

He sent another paragraph: are you still angry? You are a pupil, so careful.

A few seconds later, Gong Yingxian's phone called, and Ren Yu pressed the call button without delay.

Gong Yingxian's voice sounded angrily: "who do you say is a pupil, who is careful!"

"I, I can do it." Ren Yu's voice couldn't hide his pet, "are you still angry?"

Gong Yingxian snorted and said coldly, "where's your actor friend." When it comes to the word "friend", it's like gnashing your teeth.

"Left in the middle of the night." Ren Yi asked, "what did you eat in the morning? What did you eat at noon?"

"... egg rice in the morning and sandwiches at noon." After Gong Yingxian finished, he began to be annoyed. Why did he answer such a retarded question!

"Wow, it sounds delicious. I really want to eat with you." Ren Ying smiled, "I still have your thermos box. Next time I'll send it to you, shall we have dinner together?"

Gong Yingxian's face eased instantly, but he said reluctantly, "whatever."

"Then these materials..."

"When I finish handling the case in Wanyuan community these two days, so many people are involved now. It's hard to finish." Gong Yingxian paused, "those photos in my hand have also been repaired."

"Good. Gather all the clues and do the fire investigation again."

"In addition, today we got a clue about the red flame."

"Oh? Tell me."

"According to Xiao Tan's undercover work in blazing Angel during this period and the search of some past cases, we suspect that red flame may be related to a body burning case five years ago."

"Burn a corpse?"

"Yes, five years ago, an old couple who got up early for a walk found a charred body under the bridge cave. After autopsy, it was determined that the body was a man between 40 and 45 years old. The cause of death was that a blunt object hit the skull and was burned after death. Their identities have not been found out now, so it is a pending case."

"How did Xiao Tan find out?"

"He saw the photos of this case on the blazing angel. The police could not publish the photos. These photos on the blazing angel are different from the version circulated on the Internet after being taken by passers-by, which shows that the photos are likely to be taken by the murderer. Xiao Tan continued to investigate along with the ID of the posting person and found that this person has been active on the blazing angel for at least three years, and there are many mistakes in his English grammar In addition, the location of the body found in that year is in line with the scope of red flame's activities inferred from the three circle theory of criminal geography. "

Ren Yi exclaimed: "awesome. If Zhou Chuan and Chen Pei can reveal more clues about Hongyan, you may catch him!"

"Yes, but Chen Pei's understanding of Hongyan is really limited. If he knew more, he would have talked about conditions. On the contrary, Zhou Chuan concealed a lot. Zhou Chuan has room for commutation, so he will speak sooner or later."

"Now these people have been arrested. I'm afraid that red flame will run away when he hears the wind."

"We are also worried. Now this case is one of the top priority cases in the Branch Bureau. Everyone is working overtime."

When Ren Yu thought of Gong Yingxian's tired eyebrows, he couldn't help feeling distressed: "you should pay attention to rest and don't make yourself too tired."

"Yes." Across the phone, Gong Yingxian could also listen to the tenderness and worry in Ren's voice. He suddenly felt a warm current pouring into his heart, and his eyebrows stretched out.

"You don't just 'well', will you eat and sleep well?"

Gong Yingxian's mouth was filled with a smile that he didn't even notice: "yes."

"Then you're busy. Ah, by the way..." Ren Ying asked with a trace of expectation, "how about new year's day and the new year together?"

Gong Yingxian was silent for a moment. The silence made Ren Xuan inexplicably nervous. Then, the elegant voice sounded: "OK."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Ying excitedly waved his fist to the air. Maybe on New Year's day, he and Gong Yingxian can go out for a meal, a movie, a stroll and a real date like an ordinary couple.

He didn't want to worry about whether Gong Yingxian would like him or whether it was possible for them to stay with Gong Yingxian even as friends, which made him really happy.


After dinner and evening class, Ren Yu shut himself in the dormitory to study the accident report.

The case of Baosheng chemical plant is very complex. There are more than 300 pages in the police report submitted by each squadron leader and superior commander alone, as well as the investigation involving the professional field of chemical industry. He simply can't understand it. It's only the fire control part. He can't imagine how much content the investigation report of the task force in that year.

After watching it for a while, he really couldn't see it anymore. He put the case of the chemical plant aside and began to watch the Gong family arson case.

Despite his psychological preparation, with the contents of the in-depth thinking report and the photos of the scene, Ren Yu's mood was gradually brought into the fierce burning hell 18 years ago. He couldn't help looking for the little figure of that year, but when he really found the content related to Gong Yingxian, he was distressed and overwhelmed.

The cruelest tragedy in the world is left to a six-year-old child.

Ren Yu looked at a few pages, and the heaviness in the thin paper made him suffocate. He could not restrain himself from thinking about Gong Yingxian. Those anxious and dilapidated, those ruins, those darkness and terror, tears and pain penetrated into his heart through words and images. As long as he thought that the little Gong Yingxian had been in such an abyss, afraid, painful, desperate and crying, But I can only stand on the other side of the long river of 18 years, and I can't do anything.

He saved so many people from the fire that he couldn't save the people he liked alone.

Ren Yu was upset and didn't see any fame for a moment. He hesitated for a long time with his mobile phone, but he still resisted the impulse to call Gong Yingxian.

Just when he decided to take a bath and go to bed, the alarm rang.

Ren Yu and the soldiers rushed out of the dormitory, quickly and orderly gathered in the garage and put on their equipment.

The on duty correspondent reported: "Ren team, Hongwu hospital, Hongwu Hospital..."

Ren Yi's heart tightened: "what's the matter with Hongwu hospital?"

"It exploded!" The three words thrown by the correspondent are equally explosive news.

The soldiers were stunned.

Ren Yu's mind was buzzing, but he soon calmed down. He grabbed the police list: "what scale of explosion?" He looked at the paper in his hand. The police only described the oral content of the alarm person, which is generally not very detailed. At this time, he couldn't see anything. He quickly said, "all except the platform car."

On the way, Ren Ying heard the instructions of the corps and dispatched the luoxiangkou squadron and sanning squadron. Xu Jin, the chief of staff of the detachment, was also going to Hongwu hospital and used the police intelligence of the three squadrons. It was definitely not small. At that time, the fourth view bar caught fire, which was also out of their three squadrons. The hospital is the most important unit. The soldiers are obviously more nervous and serious than usual.

Ren Yi was trying to make a phone call to ask clearly, but his mobile phone rang first. It was gong Yingxian. He seemed to have a hunch in his heart: "Yingxian, Hongwu Hospital..."

"Zhou Chuan, Zhou Chuan..." Gong Yingxian's breathing voice was very rapid, mixed with strong anger and anxiety, "may have been silenced."

Ren Yu's brain was temporarily blank. Then, he only felt the blood surging up and experienced unspeakable anger and shock.

These animals are so bold!

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