Ren Yu could fully understand Gong Yingxian's anger at this time. He comforted: "Yingxian, calm down. Are you there?"

"I'm on my way to the scene." Gong Yingxian's voice was still trembling, "what about you?"

"I'm on my way, too. Do you know the situation at the scene?"

"All I know is that the explosion point is Zhou Chuan's ward." Gong Yingxian gasped and gnashed his teeth. "Now the West ward has collapsed, and Zhou Chuan is almost impossible to survive. These bastards... Animals..."

They had just seen the vague shadow of the criminal organization, and the other party killed and destroyed the evidence. Zhou Chuan may be the biggest breakthrough at this stage, and his death dealt a great blow to Gong Yingxian. Moreover, it also implicated innocent people.

"If they dare to do such a thing, it is a dog jumping over the wall. The planning time is so short, it will leave a lot of flaws." Ren Yu comforted in a determined tone, "don't worry, you're one step closer to catching them."

Gong Yingxian took a deep breath: "how long will it take you to get there?"

"Six or seven minutes, and you?"

"Me too." Gong Yingxian hesitated, "don't hang up."


"Just don't hang up." Listening to Ren Yu's voice, Gong Yingxian could feel that his anger was slowly calming down.

"OK, I won't hang up." Ren's tone unconsciously became gentle.

The soldiers in the same car looked at Ren Yu with different eyes.

Ren Yi coughed softly. "Have you transferred the design drawings and fire plans of the hospital?"

"Here." Ding Qing handed the tablet computer to Ren Yu. Ren Yu took it over, looked at it and whispered, "what else do you know about the hospital?"

"The assistant policeman on duty guarding the ward lost contact." Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid... More bad than good."

"Not necessarily. Wait until we go to the scene to see the collapse."

"Our original plan was to go to the hospital tomorrow. After this period of work, Zhou Chuan was about to let go. I didn't expect them to start first."

"It seems that Zhou Chuan knows more than we think. Once he speaks, the police can catch Hongyan, so Hongyan will take risks."

"This man is more dangerous than Chen Pei. Chen Pei is just a local ruffian who takes money to do things. He plays hard at most, but he dares to blow up hospitals and murder certificates." Gong Yingxian said in a cruel voice, "you're a poor animal."

A few minutes later, the fire engine arrived at Hongwu hospital. Several police cars and ambulances were parked in front of the hospital. They were the first squadron to arrive.

Ren Yu looked at the inpatient department not far away. The fourth floor on the west side began to collapse from the second floor, and the first floor had been crushed. The third and fourth floors still maintained a rough shape, but they were seriously tilted, the wall chapped, and even tore a big crack in the building. Someone waved clothes from the window and shouted for help. The hospital was evacuating, and the scene was chaotic.

Ren Xuan's face was dignified. He knew that tonight must be a hard battle. He shouted, "turn on the lighting."

The driver turned on the fire lighting equipment on the fire truck, and a beam of strong light shone on the collapsed building. The scene was shocking.

"Team Ren, there seems to be someone here. I heard a voice!" A soldier pointed to the ruins.

"Sun defined, take class one and class two to dig." Ren Yu commanded, "the third shift lifted the ladder up and rescued the people upstairs first. It is not allowed to go deep into the building without my order."


1、 The soldiers of class 2 began to move out the broken stones, and the ladder slowly moved to the window where someone asked for help.

A man in a white coat came to Ren Yu: "Captain Ren, right? I'm the vice president. My surname is song. I'm on duty today."

Ren Yu is still studying the plan: "President song, do you know how many trapped people are in the collapsed part?"

"There are at least sixty or seventy people." Jiao anxiously said, "some of them are patients who have no ability to move."

"Is there any medical staff who can get in touch?"

"Yes, there are trapped medical staff on the third and fourth floors, and on the first and second floors..." president Song endured tears. "I don't know what the situation is."

"Ren Yi!" Gong Yingxian, who had just arrived at the scene, ran towards Ren Yu, as well as Qiu Yan, Cai Qiang and others.

When Ren Yu saw Gong Yingxian, his heart settled inexplicably. When the two eyes met, there was an indescribable emotion surging. He nodded to Gong Yingxian: "you should organize forces to search the surrounding areas as soon as possible. It has been less than 20 minutes since the explosion. The killer is probably still around."

Qiu Yan said: "we have sent a large number of police for the first time."

Gong Yingxian said, "if we can determine what kind of bomb it is, it will be more beneficial to catch the murderer."

"I'm afraid we'll have to wait until the time of excavation. We..." not far away, the siren of the fire engine sounded one after another. Ren Yu patted Gong Yingxian's arm, "our chief of staff has arrived."

A fire patrol car drove in front of Ren Yu, Xu got in and out of the car, and a man came down from the back seat - Chen Xiaofei.

Wang Meng, leader of luoxiangkou Squadron, and Lin Shaoping, leader of sanning squadron also reported back and forth.

"Captain, chief of staff." Ren Yijing gave them a military salute, handed them the tablet computer and briefly introduced the situation on the scene.

Chen Xiaofei observed the scene: "the detector and search and rescue dog will arrive soon. Wang Meng, drive your platform car to the back of the building and assist the Phoenix squadron to evacuate the people on the third and fourth floors as soon as possible; Shaoping, take two people in from the third floor to see the situation. Don't go too deep and pay attention to safety; Lao Xu and Ren Yi, let's study the architectural drawings."


They circled the collapsed building several times and first observed the damage from the outside.

The inpatient department is the first batch of buildings built by Hongwu hospital. The floors are low and the facilities are relatively old, but the internal structure is simple, which is the horizontal and vertical design of rooms on both sides of a row of corridors.

In order not to affect other patients, Zhou Chuan's ward was arranged at the end of the west corridor, and the collapse caused by the explosion was mainly concentrated in the last few wards, which did not affect the main structure, which is a great luck in misfortune.

After a while, Lin Shaoping's voice sounded from the intercom: "Captain Chen, we basically found out the situation on the third floor. The fire passage on the west side has been completely damaged and can't go down to the second floor. The steel structure on the third floor is under the pressure of attack from up to down. It seems stable at present, but the risk of secondary collapse is not ruled out. In addition, I saw a fire on the second floor from the crack on the third floor. I don't know if the explosion ignited something."

Several people looked at the building together and didn't see the fire, which showed that the fire was not big. Chen Xiaofei said, "to be safe, inform the hospital to cut off the switch and heating pipeline. Shaoping, you withdraw."

At this time, through the ladder and climbing platform, the fire fighters evacuated all the 36 trapped people on the third and fourth floors. Except one was seriously injured, no one was fatal.

Class 1 and class 2 also rescued a buried woman and quickly sent her to the emergency room.

President Song said anxiously, "Captain Chen, the heating can be cut off, but the switch can't be completely cut off. There are still patients relying on ventilator in the building, and there are operations in the operating room."

"You get the electrician to see if you can cut off the power supply of the collapsed part as much as possible. There is a fire in the building. If there is a short circuit in the wire, it will be sooner or later to cut off the power. You should make preparations early."

President Song nodded hurriedly, "I'll find an electrician."

Chen Xiaofei summoned the three squadron leaders to the front, Seriously said: "there are a large number of patients and medical staff trapped on the first and second floors. The building down from the third floor has been damaged. We can only search and rescue from the cracks in the building on the first or second floor. This task is very dangerous. Pay attention not to aggravate the structural pressure and do not go too deep. Listen to me. Don't go too deep. Once we find the precursor of collapse, we must withdraw immediately."

The three said in unison, "yes."

"You take two soldiers alone and are divided into three groups. Each group is not allowed to act alone. Report the wounded in time. Don't rush to save people. First observe whether there are conditions for saving people. I will arrange for the rest to carry gravel outside."


"Captain Chen."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Gong Yingxian standing beside them.

Gong Yingxian said calmly, "Captain Chen, I'm the criminal police of the first Criminal Investigation Brigade of Hongwu branch. I ask to go in with them."

Ren Yu stared round: "Gong Yingxian?!"

Gong Yingxian glanced at him lightly: "fire rescue will inevitably damage the on-site evidence. I want the most original evidence. Moreover, it is very important to understand the explosives as soon as possible to catch the murderer. If we wait until a few days to clean up the ruins and then analyze the explosives, we will miss the best opportunity."

Ren Yu pressed Gong Yingxian's shoulder and pushed him back: "catching bad people is your job, but rescue is my job. What are you involved in?" Looking at Gong Yingxian's serious and firm eyes, he was flustered. It was too dangerous to search and rescue in the collapsed building. How could he let Gong Yingxian risk his life with him.

Chen Xiaofei frowned and said, "this little comrade, we have our own division of labor. You are not a professional rescue worker. Don't hinder our work."

Gong Yingxian grabbed Ren Yu's wrist. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He pressed the palm of his hand on his heart. He looked at Chen Xiaofei, Sharp eyes: "what caused the explosion was the tainted witness of the case I was working on. He was killed. Buried under the ruins, not only the truth that the murderer wanted to cover up, but also my colleagues, innocent people, the dead and injured residents of Wanyuan community and the justice of your sacrificed fire fighters!"

The scene was suddenly silent.

Ren Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "Gong Yingxian, I know you're worried, and I'm worried, but do you know how dangerous it is inside, that's not..."

"Afraid of danger, I'll be a policeman!" Gong Yingxian snapped.

Ren Yu stared at Gong Yingxian's red eyes and stared at each other.

Ren Yu's hand pressed on Gong Yingxian's chest, with thick gloves, across Gong Yingxian's early winter coat, seemed to still feel the vigorous and powerful heartbeat.

"Captain Chen." A middle-aged man came over. He had a firm face and a burly figure. He looked like a tough man.

Ren Yu met this person twice in Hongwu branch. He is Zhao Pengfei, leader of the first criminal investigation team of Hongwu branch.

"Captain Chen, let him go. This case is now the top priority case of our branch. The murderer participated in at least three arson cases and involved a criminal organization. Plus this..." Zhao Pengfei raised his chin towards the collapsed building. "It involves at least double-digit human lives. Even if we can catch him one day earlier, we are willing to take the risk."

Chen Xiaofei sighed, "Lao Zhao, you are embarrassing me."

Xu Jin whispered, "Captain, Ren Yu has been helping them investigate the arson case. Behind it is a criminal organization specializing in arson. This organization is our common enemy. Now the only witness has been killed. I understand their mood."

Zhao Pengfei said, "Lao Chen, there are still our young policemen buried there. We urgently need clues and catch the murderer. Please help us."

Ren Ying clenched his trembling fists and helplessly watched Chen Xiaofei finally nod his head. He grabbed Gong Yingxian and said, "go change your clothes with me."

The two jumped into the fire truck together. Ren Yu closed the door, pressed Gong Yingxian on his seat and said angrily, "why do you have to do these desperate things! The chemical tank car overturned last time, so why do you have to put yourself in danger!"

Gong Yingxian glared at him fiercely: "what about you? Why do you want to do these life-threatening things, and why do you have to put yourself in danger!"

"This is my job!"

"This is also my job!" Gong Yingxian raised his voice. "My job is to fight crime at all costs."

Ren Yu's face turned red with anger.

They sat in the chair opposite each other in the narrow space. Their knees and eyes inevitably collided with each other. They could even feel each other's heavy breathing on each other's faces.

Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yu's stuffy red face, tight lips and undulating chest. His good-looking eyes were full of worries about himself, but the tip of his eyebrows was angry and wronged. His heart trembled hard, his blood boiled inexplicably, and a strange stimulus was ready to move. He was immediately flustered.

Ren Yi threw a fluorescent orange rescue suit on him: "put it on."

Gong Yingxian didn't answer: "I don't wear other people's clothes... I want to wear yours."

Ren Yi was so angry that he rolled his eyes, roughly took off his clothes and threw them back to Gong Yingxian.

Gong Yingxian changed into a rescue suit with Ren Yu's temperature. The feeling of being gently wrapped restored his peace of mind.

Ren Yi also changed his clothes. He said seriously, "listen, Gong Yingxian. From now on, you must strictly obey my orders. I'm not just talking. You must act in full accordance with my instructions, okay?"

"I see."

"You swear, you swear you will never make your own decisions and will obey my orders." Ren Yu accentuated his tone, "I can listen to you at ordinary times, but not when rescuing. Your unauthorized action will not only endanger your own life, but also affect others, so..."

Gong Yingxian suddenly put his hand on Ren Yu's cheek. He stared at Ren Yu's eyes and solemnly said, "I swear, I will obey your orders."

Ren Yu's heart beat twice. He hid his face and took a deep breath: "let's go."

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