Ren Yi stared straight: "you mean, the purple flame is in the venue?"

"It may not be Ziyan. Ziyan has so many believers. I'm afraid he won't take risks himself." Gong Yingxian analyzed, "Now there are six radio stations and one network station broadcasting the concert. In order to ensure the stability of the live signal, the venue will limit the flow of other satellite signals, which means that remote control of the bomb is impossible. Moreover, if we use the signal shield to shield all signals, the bomb will only have the timing function. In this way, Ziyan will lose the control of detonating the bomb in advance Li, he won't leave such a loophole, so there must be a person on the scene. Even if all signals are blocked, he can detonate the bomb manually. "

"Manual? Doesn't that mean that person can't escape death?" Why do you frown and say, "I listen to your dialogue. It feels like an x-education organization."

"You guessed right." Ren Leng said, "many cases in the past six months are related to them." Thinking of the experience of these months, the innocent people who died in vain, the firefighters who died or were injured, the police and doctors, as well as the pain left to their families and the panic of the public, Ren Yu was gnashing his teeth at these perverts.

"In this way, in order to ensure that one person can detonate all bombs, the first one must be able to cause a chain explosion." Gong Yingxian looked at why, "this is better realized in the equipment system, right."

Why did he nod: "it's just that the scope is not reduced to..." he looked at his watch and said, "find it in 40 minutes. Many pipeline systems are all over the whole venue."

Gong Yingxian glanced at his mobile phone: "sister Yan has arrived, and captain Zhang has made progress. Let's go first and summarize the clues."

The three came to the conference room, which has become the emergency battle command.

Qiu Yan waved to them: "come here, monitoring has found."

Sitting in front of the computer, Tan HaoChun turned to greet them: "Hi, Dr. Gong, Captain Ren."

"What did you find?"

Tan HaoChun's fingers hit the keyboard quickly, showing them a fast forward picture.

Several people stared for a long time, and the picture didn't seem to change.

"What is this?"

"This is an example. The images of several surveillance cameras between 9:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. look unchanged. It seems that no one has passed by. In fact, they have been frozen."

Gong Yingxian frowned and said, "the system was invaded very early."

"Of course, how else did they get the design drawing of the venue? Now captain Zhang's people are watching all the surveillance videos in a week at the highest speed. They have seen them in reverse order. They have seen them four days ago and haven't found anything unusual." Tan HaoChun grabbed a bunch of French fries and stuffed them into his mouth, then secretly glanced at Qiu Yan, "sorry, I have to eat as soon as I'm nervous."

Qiu Yan patted him on the head: "go on."

"I analyze that there are no traces on the monitoring. There are two possibilities: one is that the monitoring has been tampered with, and the other is that they haven't seen it yet. The more time goes forward, the less likely the second is, so I prefer the first. I have compiled a software to find out the traces of the monitoring has been modified, but there are several T's in these monitoring. This year is definitely not over. Dr. Gong said in the group just now, The gangster is likely to be in the venue, so I only ran today's monitoring with this software, and soon found it. " Tan HaoChun took a sip of coke and called up a seemingly complex data analysis software. Several bar charts showed peaks, "Through cross comparison, it can be seen that the monitoring has been modified from time to time since the beginning of the concert. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the monitoring room, hackers only select some parts to modify each time, and the modification time is not continuous. According to the location and time of hackers modifying the camera, a person's motion trajectory can be described."

Tan HaoChun's fingers almost fly on the keyboard. Soon, a plan of the venue is displayed on the screen. The lines representing the route are displayed on the plan one by one, and the colors are different according to the time. There are eight in total, extending staggered with each other. It seems a little messy.

Several people stared at the screen in silence.

"It is difficult to see the rules of these lines at a glance, and it is almost impossible for a person to complete these lines in these times." Gong Yingxian said, "hackers are using this method to confuse us and cover up the real trajectory of the gangsters."

Qiu Yan said: "but at least it proves that the gangster is indeed in the venue, and his trajectory must be within the scope of this regiment line."

Gong Yingxian thought cableway: "yes, and it also proved that the bomb was planted after the concert. The bomb must follow the car into the venue."

All the spectators went through security, but the car entering the garage didn't.

"And it's the organizer's car." Qiu Yan said, "In order to prevent the audience from harassing the stars backstage after entering the venue, once they enter the venue, they will be completely separated from other areas and can't move in the venue. However, if they are the relevant staff of the concert, they may not only put bombs in the vehicles of the organizers, guests, equipment groups and media groups, use various equipment boxes or materials to hide the bombs and bring them into the venue, but also use their work permits Free movement within the venue. "

The security team leader immediately said, "their cars are zoned with the audience's cars. A total of more than 200 cars are parked on the negative first floor."

Gong Yingxian said, "bring test paper to detect ion mass spectrometry immediately."

Qiu Yan called Cai Qiang and took a group of people to detect explosives. Nitro explosive is the most common explosive. As long as the explosive has stayed on an object, nitrate, ammonium and sulfonate plasma can be detected in a short time with test paper and instrument.

Tan HaoChun murmured, "I hope brother Qiang can catch someone as soon as possible."

"Even if he catches people, it only relieves the crisis that the bomb was detonated in advance." Ren Yu looked at his watch and was worried. "It's only more than half an hour. Now there's not enough time to evacuate the masses."

Tan HaoChun said "ah", shaking his legs nervously, stuffed snacks into his mouth, and whispered, "we must find it."

Why do you point to the screen: "print me a copy of this action track diagram. I want to compare it with the design drawing, and at least eliminate some places."

"OK." Tan haochunqi said, "who are you?"

"I'm an engineer at the gym."

At this time, Ren Yu's walkie talkie rang. Xu Jin said, "we have checked the structural column, boiler room, power distribution room, power storage unit and other places, and we have found no explosives. The gangsters really won't put explosives in these places with large targets, but just in case, we will continue to investigate. What progress has been made by the police?"

"They should be able to identify the vehicle that brought the bomb soon." Ren Yi glanced at Gong Yingxian, "we are still eliminating suspicious places."

"OK, communicate at any time."

Gong Yingxian sat aside, holding his head in his hands, and repeatedly recalled every word Ziyan said in the video, even the change of tone.

Ren Yu looked at Gong Yingxian with a frown and pale face. He was very worried, but he found that he had no position to care.

Qiu Yan went to Gong Yingxian and patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, calm down and think."

Gong Yingxian nodded.

"Ziyan... Is that the man?"


"Are you so sure?"

"According to Liu Dayong's description, the man has serious obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Ziyan does not show the tendency of obsessive-compulsive disorder." Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice, "Moreover, song Juhan is a young singer. Ziyan should not be more than 35 years old when he listens to his songs. Ziyan introduces himself as a" humble "Messenger, but says that he is transmitting God's will. Subconsciously, he thinks that God is the only one above himself, and he is the representative of God in the world. He is arrogant and narcissistic, and his words are full of conceit and narcissism Frequency and the planning of the explosion, including his gestures and actions when talking, all reflect his strong desire for control and expression. All kinds of profiles are not in line with the characteristics of the arsonist. The arsonist has disappeared for 18 years and even tried to cover up his existence. If he was Ziyan, he would want the whole world to know his feat. This need to stand at the center of the world stage to express themselves and gain everyone's attention and worship is not only a common feature of the leaders of X religion, but also one of their sources of charm. So, they are not the same person. "

After hearing Gong Yingxian's analysis, Ren Yu took a cold breath.

What terrible truth is hidden behind this complex crime spanning 18 years?

"What makes me wonder now is..." Gong Yingxian thought cableway, "what kind of standard does Ziyan use to judge a person as an 'evil' soul?"

The question stunned everyone.

Gong Yingxian said to himself, "we can judge his behavior only from his motivation."

They have never considered this problem before. In the consciousness of normal people, everything x teach does is crazy and irrational, which is difficult to understand with the thinking of normal people. But now they have to understand.

Tan HaoChun said, "aren't they an arsonist alliance? Arson itself is their faith."

Gong Yingxian shook his head and said: "Maybe Ziyan thinks so, maybe others think so, but when x religion controls people, it must use a just reason. Ziyan needs such a reason to condense the group and brainwash all people with this reason, so that they lose their personality and only have group psychology. And the group also needs such a reason to constantly serve their own interests Behavior finds a correct starting point. When the outside attacks them, they will use this just reason to make excuses for themselves, and then the cohesion will be stronger. Therefore, Ziyan will never say that we kill because of fun. He will only say that we are to purify the evil soul with fire and say it again and again until he and others believe it. "

Tan HaoChun sat up straight: "I'll transfer all arson cases in recent ten years to see if I can find the cases committed by this organization, and maybe find their judgment standard for evil souls."

"They can't hide people's eyes and ears for so long. I think the real formation of this organization is related to the communication power of the blazing Angel website." Gong Yingxian said, "so, narrow the scope to five years."

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