Qiu Yan thought, "if Ziyan wasn't the murderer, why did he wear a bird mask?" She seemed to think of something, "Ying Xian, he wore that mask, probably for you and to disturb your thinking."

Gong Yingxian's eyes changed: "Yes, yes! From the beginning of the video, he explained in a tone of dialogue with us. Both the mask and what he said made us feel that he was targeting US and was retaliating and declaring war on us, but this may be just his means to confuse us and limit our thinking. In fact, we never understand what his motivation is."

Ren Yu whispered, "motivation..."

"Is it revenge? Is it provocation? Is it just a pure desire to commit a crime?" Qiu Yan frowned and asked himself, "what's his motive?"

"Prometheus, missionary, fire, prairie fire..." Gong Yingxian repeatedly whispered several words mentioned by Ziyan in the video, falling into deeper thinking.

Everyone is racing against the clock to try to find the answer to the question at hand. Ren Yu paced repeatedly. He kept looking at the time. He was angry at his inability at the moment and panicked at the relentless passage of minutes and seconds.

This is not an ordinary New Year Countdown. It is the countdown to the lives of tens of thousands of people. They must not fail.

At this time, a message came from Cai Qiang. They found the car that transported explosives. It was one of the equipment cars of the main stage construction company. Now they have set out to find the person in charge.

Although the vehicles involved have been found, this is not good news. Due to the different sizes of projects undertaken by such companies, such manual work as on-site construction usually does not employ full-time employees. The personnel mobility is very large, and the gangsters may not be found soon.

Captain Zhang immediately locked the vehicle involved through monitoring. The vehicle went in and out of the venue three times today. A total of 11 people, all young men, contacted and carried equipment.

"The man looked suspicious. He looked left and right several times as if he were observing something."

"Send his picture to Cai Qiang."

"Dr. Gong." Tan HaoChun said, "I have summarized the fire cases in China in the past few years, but the amount is too large. I need to narrow the scope of keywords."

Gong Yingxian said, "screen out fires in underdeveloped areas, retaliatory arson, arsonists over 45 years old, large-scale fires, secondary fires caused by other reasons, and focus on fires in first, second and third tier cities, taking fire as the first or main criminal means, which can be caused by one person and with more text or image content on the blazing angel."

Tan HaoChun stuffed a handful of melon seed kernel into his mouth and rubbed his hands: "give it to me!"

Ren Yi couldn't help urging: "there's less than half an hour left. If you can't determine the location of the bomb, it's really too late."

Gong Yingxian took a deep breath: "give me more time."

At this time, why there was progress at the other end: "officer Gong, be the captain."

They hurried over.

All kinds of complex design drawings covered a full table. Why did I take the action track diagram of the gangster counted by Tan HaoChun and explain: "according to this diagram, I compared the places he may have been in several time periods with the buried lines of the equipment. I think his goal is not a single system, but a chain explosion caused by explosion."

Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes and looked at the drawing: "the monitoring time of each hacker intrusion is no more than 30 minutes. If adults walk quickly, it is about 100 meters a minute. Coupled with the time to avoid ears and eyes and install bombs, it is more than a distance of 20 minutes. It is likely that it is a smoke bomb made by hackers, which can be eliminated."

"OK." Why delete the long span, leaving fewer and clearer motion tracks.

"What are these devices?"

"This is the boiler room, but the boiler room is the first place to be inspected. Criminals will not bury bombs in such an obvious place. This is the gas pipeline extending from the boiler room, and these are water pipes. The gas pipeline is the most likely to cause explosion, fire and a large number of casualties."

"The combustible gas valve has been closed by us, and the residual gas in the pipeline is not enough to form a chain explosion," Ren said

"Yes, so the ultimate goal of the gangsters should not be gas. There are two very dangerous things in these lines, one is the solar power system and the energy storage generator, and the other is the hydraulic system. The former has a very large power storage, and the latter has several hydraulic cylinders. This hydraulic system not only plays the role of sewage discharge, but also the expansion and contraction of the canopy on the top of the venue , the lifting and rotation of the stage all involve hydraulic pressure. "

"However, these two things are relatively stable. The circuit fire is easy to put out, and the hydraulic oil is difficult to burn," Ren said

Gong Yingxian said, "He Gong, you know these equipment better than us. Imagine how you would use these things and six bombs to cause the greatest loss if you were a gangster."

Why did he frown deeply: "in principle, I think these devices will not cause large-scale explosion without gas combustion support."

"But Ziyan couldn't have imagined that we would cut off the gas."

Qiu Yan said: "maybe we think things are complicated. The purpose of Ziyan is not to cause large-scale casualties, but to send a signal and a horn to declare war. After all, as long as a bomb explodes here, it will become international news."

"But in this way, the burial point of the bomb may be random. Then we can't find it all in an hour. I don't think Ziyan will set up an unsolved Bureau."

Ren Yu said coldly, "he is a leader of X sect and a perverted arsonist. Do you expect him to kindly prompt us?"

"I think he will." Gong Yingxian said firmly, "because of his conceit."

The crowd looked at Gong Yingxian in disbelief.

"If he just wanted to create an event, he wouldn't send this video in advance to remind us that he can blow us all up when we are in the dark. He said it was a new year's gift. In fact, it was a battle paper for us." Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yu, "He said that we are connected with him and have fetters. It is God's will that makes up all these coincidences. He wants to follow God's will and light the fire. In the past few exchanges, although they have done a lot of evil, we have also solved the case and arrested people. We are even the highest on the reward list of Blazing Angels, which makes us invisible opponents of this organization, The death of red flame is our victory for them. It is likely that purple flame will be humiliated and even challenge his authority. Therefore, he will defeat us on this symbolic day in this stadium with great attention. "

Ren Yu felt his hands and feet cold, and a chill rushed straight to his forehead.

Gong Yingxian's lips trembled with a flash of inspiration in his brain, "He is broadcasting live. No, six media stations and one network station are broadcasting live, and he will perform his feat in this live broadcast. The people of that organization and the secret users on the blazing angel must all be watching in front of the screen. Therefore, he will set up a relatively fair game, and he will give us the opportunity to resist. If it is a dead end at the beginning, his strength will not be reflected He is so conceited and arrogant that he wants to watch us dying and finally broadcast our failure to everyone. "

Qiu Yan bit his red lips and scolded a dirty word.

Why did he suddenly slap the table? He said in a deep voice: "I thought of it. I neglected it before. Now I think of it!"


Why did you rush to the table, draw out a few design drawings and look at them carefully.

"He Gong, in the end..."

"Antifreeze!" Why did he stare, "the antifreeze in the condensate circulation system will be added only in winter. Antifreeze is a relatively safe thing with high ignition point, but in case of high temperature and explosion..."

Gong Yingxian clenched his fist: "the ignition point of ethylene glycol can reach more than 400 degrees, but once it reaches its explosion limit... The water circulation system is all over the whole venue, including the structural column, that is, once the gangsters detonate the antifreeze by using the explosion of gas, storage motor or hydraulic cylinder, the whole venue is in danger."

Why did you pick up the design drawing with a trembling hand: "I now mark out the key nodes where these systems intersect. Those places must be the burial point of the explosion!"

Ren Yu looked at his watch and his voice was shaking: "there are still 20 minutes left."

At this time, Cai Qiang came the news that the suspicious man photographed on the monitoring was a temporary worker recruited by the construction company. At this time, he had disappeared. They were searching the whole venue, and the photos had been sent to the mobile phones of each relevant person.

Why did he finally mark 24 nodes? Qiu Yan immediately sent out the information and asked multiple teams composed of police and firefighters to search. Once found, he immediately informed the bomb disposal team.

Ren Yi also wanted to lead the team to search, but Gong Yingxian stopped him: "you stay."

"I can't help here. I'll go..."

"You stay." Gong Yingxian accentuated his tone and said, "you know these lunatics better than most police. Xiao Tan's statistics will be finished soon. I need you to help me." Although this is indeed one of the reasons why he wants to keep Ren Yu, he has a more important and unspeakable selfishness, that is, he wants Ren Yu to stay away from the bomb. Whether the bomb will eventually detonate or not, they will not leave and fight until the last minute. This is their mission, but he hopes that if that moment really comes, Ren Yu will be by his side.

"... all right." Ren Yu stared at Gong Yingxian deeply, and a dull pain came from his heart. Twenty minutes later, he did not dare to think about what fate was waiting for them, but he was not afraid to live and die with Gong.

Soon, a group of fire fighters led by Wang Meng found the first bomb in a power distribution box, which was successfully dismantled by the bomb disposal team.

Cheers came from the meeting room.

At this time, Tan HaoChun's data collection was also completed. He collected all the fire cases that met the conditions given by Gong Yingxian in the past five years, a total of more than 400.

Gong Yingxian frowned and said, "there are still too many. Delete... The criminals have been caught."

The number of cases dropped by half.

"Print it out." Gong Yingxian stood by the printer and said to Ren, "it's too late to analyze it in detail. According to your experience, your intuition and your understanding of these people, you can pick out those you think they did it with a sense of intuition."

Ren Yu nodded.

As the printer spits out paper, Gong Yingxian browses quickly. His memory is amazing. He can read a brief description of a case at a glance. If he feels suspicious after reading it, he gives it to Ren Yu.

It took them nearly ten minutes to pick out 27 cases from more than 200 cases. There must be missed and misjudged, but it has been able to provide them with some basic references.

While they searched the case, the bombs were found and removed one by one.

Gong Yingxian and Ren Yu read the 27 cases carefully again. The more he looked at it, the more he felt strange. He couldn't say what was wrong. These cases seem to have no connection, and the region, background and victims are also very different, but he still feels that there is something in them, which makes him see a shadow behind these briefs.

Gong Yingxian supported the table with both hands and his face was uncertain.

Ren Yi said, "Ying Xian, what do you see?"

Gong Yingxian nodded: "we will feel that these cases are strange because they are not retaliatory cases, but it is too coincidental to say that they are accidents. There is a little man-made trace in this coincidence, but if they are man-made, people can't tell the motivation behind them."

"Yes, for example, the traveling photographer's RV caught fire. There are suspected signs of arson, but it is uncertain. It may also be spontaneous combustion of gas."

"This is a blogger who likes to publish videos of strange clothes on the Internet. His apartment caught fire, and the arsonist and he were buried in the sea of fire, but the survey shows that the two people have no social contact."

"And this, what graffiti trash can, was very hot on the Internet for some time. The person who burned them was caught. The arsonist said that these trash cans looked very strange and evil."

Tan HaoChun blinked: "are there any similarities between them?"

Gong Yingxian's brain was running at full speed. He felt a headache. He had a strange idea, but it was difficult to catch it.

Qiu Yan said anxiously, "there are only seven minutes left. Why can't we find another bomb."

"Fire..." Gong Yingxian murmured, "fire represents the will of God. What is God's will? It is' fair treatment of every plant, tree, person and thing in the world '," reward and punishment, rise and fall, life and death are the way of heaven'. "

The crowd anxiously watched Gong Yingxian.

"Fire represents the will of God, who comes to the world and gets the Enlightenment of God..." Gong Yingxian kept repeating what Ziyan said.

Suddenly, he raised his head, his eyes bloodshot, and his expression even distorted.

"You, what do you think?"

"I see, the so-called evil soul of Ziyan."

"What is it?" Renyi emergency road.

"The evil soul refers not only to people, but also to plants, people and things. The one who gets the Enlightenment of God is the one who gets' fire '. Prometheus steals fire, but he is not to save mankind. He is just a missionary. He brings the will of fire to the world. Some people are enlightened and get fire, some people don't get it, and the' fire 'here is not true Positive "fire" is "Enlightenment". Ziyan is more than Prometheus. He is the missionary. He uses fire to enlighten all sentient beings. His believers get the "fire" he transmits and the Enlightenment of God. Most ignorant human beings do not get fire. These people are the goal of his continued preaching. But there is another kind of people or things that get fire but are not inspired by him. They are the evil souls that Ziyan said! "

Everyone was stunned.

"What is fire? Fire represents the heart, emotion, soul, life, great energy and vigorous energy." fire "is the power given by God to all living beings. Some people get" fire "and become believers of God, just like Ziyan and His believers. Some people get fire, but they are still all living beings and only use it to cook and warm, but there is another kind of people who use" fire "to make them warm They become strong - both externally and internally, make themselves different, and let God's will lose justice in them. For example, the fire will start a prairie fire and the short grass will be burned up, but the big tree will be reborn as long as the root system does not die. The fairness of God has been questioned here. "

Qiu Yan was surprised and said, "do you mean that his so-called evil soul, to put it bluntly, is those people or things who are too picky?"

Ren Yu finally understood Gong Yingxian's meaning: "in fact, the so-called elimination of evil souls is the elimination of dissidents. The more people or things are selected, the more shocking and demonstrative the effect will be. To put it bluntly, Ziyan is still to consolidate his rule."

"Yes, Ziyan brainwashed his followers with such logic. He thought that these people or things not only violated God's Fair will, but also some even used fire to fight fire, such as firefighters, and some used their own fire to infect others, such as writers, artists and singers..." Gong Yingxian suddenly changed his face and said seriously, "The last bomb, on the gangster, Ziyan's ultimate goal is song Juhan."

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