Bleach: In World Of Soul With A System

Chapter 56 - Ichigo's recollection of memories

Karakura High.

Kendo club.

"and that's another point for me. " says Takashi with a smug smile as he hits Tatsuki on the head.

"No, I don't agree, let's try again. " says Tatsuki in disagreement she attacked Takashi once again just to get another hit and asks in frustration "Can you become so strong overnight? "

"If only you knew. " says Takashi with a sigh before saying with a smile "Just admit defeat you can not win against me. "

"Never. " says Tatsuki as she rushed in frustration towards Takashi.

After a few rounds of devastating loss, Tatsuki and Takashi finally decided to take a break as Tatsuki asks while breathing heavily "How can you dodge all my attacks so effortlessly when you were not able to keep up with me in the past? "

"Experience my dear, it's all because of years of experience. " says Takashi with a mysterious smile while thinking about his days as a Shinigami captain and the life and death battles he had gone through if after all that battle Tatsuki can land a single hit on him, does he even qualify to call himself Unohana's husband.

"What do I smell? " says Tatsuki, inhaling a few times as she looks at Takashi in disgust.

Getting confused by her sudden actions Takashi also smelled himself but found nothing wrong and asks in confusion "What is it? I don't smell anything. "

Giving a nod and inhaling a few more times Tatsuki makes an understanding face before saying affirmation "I know what I smell. "

"What? " asks Takashi with surprise cause he can't even smell something with his enhanced senses, so how can she smell something.

"It's bullshit. " said Tatsuki with a chuckle.

"Are you making fun of me? " asks Takashi with a red face indicating his frustration from the way Tatsuki makes fun of him.

"What if I am you shameless, idiot? " asks Tatsuki with a smile as the second round of fierce strikes began.


After the purification of a Hollow not far from the school Ichigo and Rukia were returning to the school when they got attracted by the noises from the Kendo club and stopped by just to discover Takashi and Tatsuki going against one another to claim the other party's life.

"Will the two of them ever stop arguing with one another? " asks Ichigo, shaking his head.

"What do you mean? " asks Rukia in confusion as she doesn't have much information on Takashi even when she is curious about him as Ichigo starter explaining about the past.

Tatsuki, Takashi, and Ichigo are friends from their childhood and the first time they met was in the park near his home.

At that time he went to the park with his mother to make friend with the other kids at the same age as himself however, the moment he arrived in the park he found Takashi ans Tatsuki are fighting with one another and to his surprise after the two of them were stopped by their mother.

Takashi's mother started scolding Takashi instead of complaining to Tatsuki's mom who was even stopping Takashi's mother from hitting him instead of caring about Tatsuki's injuries after the fight.

Honestly, Takashi was also injured however as kids how much harm can they do to one another.

"Why would aunt Tamako scold Takashi instead of complaining to Tatsuki's mother? " cutting Ichigo Rukia asks in confusion.

"You aren't wrong to ask that however, I want to tell you something more interesting.

You see at that time I and mom thought it was Tatsuki's mom who was scolding Takashi not his mom.

However, after approaching them we found it to be the other way around and it turns out the woman who is scolding is not Tatsuki's mom but Takashi's mother herself.

As for the reason why she was scolding and hitting is that in their first meeting he pulled Tatsuki in a hug after shaking her hand for friendship before raising her skirt to see her underpants after which he declares that he has marked her and now she belongs to him.

When someone wants to fight he doesn't care about gender and fights back and by the time their mom reacted we had already arrived. " explained Ichigo with a smile.

"So he was a perverted shameless from childhood, no wonder he has a sweet mouth and I think it's good for me to be careful around him in the future. " says Rukia with a thoughtful face as Ichigo resumed his explanation.

From our first meeting, they would fight the first chance they got and I would have to get caught in the crossfire every time I would try to stop them, so after a while, he decided to stop himself from interfering in their quarrel.

Anyway, after they started their preschool they would go to school together, play together and fight against the bullies when one of them is in trouble however the more days passed the argument of Tatsuki and Takashi never stopped instead it grew more and more as days passed, however, Ichigo has already understood they also care about the other very much.

By the time they joined the middle school Takashi and Tatsuki has already become famous delinquents after betting on anyone for no proper reason and meddles in others business.

Although my high school Tatsuki has stopped meddling in others problem however she would still fight as a young heroine when she sees a crime in action but Takashi is still the same as a few days he had smashed a few guys whom Ichigo has fitting even when he wasn't sure why is he doing so.

"Then what about you? " asks Rukia, pushing him in his explanation.

"I have stopped meddling in other's business a lot at the death of my mother and if not for aunt Tamako who is like a mother to me and my sisters, I am not sure if I would regain my ability to stand back. " says Ichigo said with a sad sigh before shaking his head he continued his explanation "Anyway let's return to the topic at hand first.

It was middle school when Takashi and Tatsuki's active aggression had reached the limit when they started their Kendo training.

He also told us it is because Takashi has more strength as a man so he is more reliant on his strength while Tatsuki on the technique.

This is why whenever they would have a match Takashi would lose by a single point each time and so the score.

5000 (Tatsuki) vs (Takashi) 49036. "

"Then why is Takashi playing around with Tatsuki instead of losing. " asks Rukia in confusion when Takashi turns towards them to ask with a smile "Hey Rukia what are you looking at come join us? "

"Are you sure? " asks Rukia with a smile before entering the Kendo club leaning Ichigo behind speechless.

"Come on I am not done yet? "

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