Bleach: In World Of Soul With A System

Chapter 57 - Western Tokyo Kendo Tournament 1

Western Tokyo.

Central Kendo Stadium.

All the students who wanted to participate in the preliminary matches of the National Kendo tournament from the schools under the jurisdiction of Western Tokyo gathered in the central Kendo Stadium of Western Tokyo.

As the Karakura town is also under the jurisdiction of Western Tokyo it was no exception for the Kendo club of Karakura High to gather here as well.

"Remember everyone when you take part in the match you need to make sure you don't underestimate your opponent and If a boy is fighting a girl... " Misato started explaining and encouraging her students at one side of the stadium.

While listening to Misato's explanation Takashi suddenly felt a Devil aura from his left side and training his head he discovered a group of girls in the Kuoh academy uniform entering the stadium from the front gate then he focused his gaze on a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye finally her charm increased from the blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses that she wears.

While Takashi was looking at the girl it seems the girl in question also discovered his instance gaze and turns to meet his eyes with a cold face.

"Takashi, why are you checking out the Kuoh academy girls instead of focusing on teacher Misato's explanations. " asks Tatsuki pulling him by the ear as he retreats his gaze from the Devil girl.

"Please don't pull my ears in the future. " says Takashi with a serious as he quickly freed his ear from Tatsuki's grip while thinking 'Although that Kuoh academy girl has strong Demonic energy in her however from the mixture of human energy, so I can assume she is not a pure-blood devil but a reincarnated Devil.

I wonder how are you doing dear, please forgive me for leaving you alone for so long but worry not husband will visit Kuoh soon and visit the underworld soon

Sigh~ '

After the appointed time the Stadium gates got closed and the authority stopped allowing entry for the late arrived schools while the matches officially begin.

"When is your number Tatsuki? " asks Takashi with a smile after he returned beside his school's group.

"My match is on the stage numbered C.

What about you? " asks Tatsuki with a smile as she showed her token to him.

"My match is on the stage numbered A.," said Takashi with a smile.

"I will be chairing for you so don't lose to someone alright. " says Tatsuki with a smile.

"Alright let's do our best and make sure some strange with no name defeats us alright. "  Takashi agreed with a smile.

"There are a total of 256 participants in this year's Western Tokyo Kendo Championship.

The Participants who can reach the top 8 will be able to take part in the Tokyo Championship and if you can keep your position among the top 8 in there you will be able to participate in the Japanese Kendo Championship for the Highschool level.

Today the first 4 rounds will be the elimination rounds in which if you are defeated you will lose the chance to participate in the next few rounds.

The 5th round will be for the Semifinals and the ones who win will directly be moved to the 7th or the Semifinals.

As for the 6th round will be among the participants who lost in the 5th round and will be given the chance to prove themselves and get the position in the semi-finals if they can win in the 6th round.

Now that we are done please prepare yourself and good luck. "

After that, the elimination rounds started and after a few hours, it ends and the only remaining members in the Karakura high are Tatsuki and Takashi.

"It seems you guys are the only ones left. " says Misato with a serious face.

"Don't worry teacher we will not lose. " says Tatsuki with a confident face.

"Although the competition will be hard from this point on, however, I am still confident enough to stay in the game for a while. " says Takashi with a confident smile.

"Just try your best. " says Misato with a smile when the announcer again starts calling in the loudspeaker.

"As the elimination rounds have ended now the final rounds will be held in the Central stage.

Please wait for the authority to remove the extra stage meanwhile you can rest. " after that, it took around 5 to 10 minutes to clear the extra temporary stages before long only the central stage is left in the stadium when the announcement came once again "The first match will be between Tsubaki Shinra of Kuoh Academy Vs Takashi Yamamoto of Karakura High.

Please take your position on stage soon. "

Hearing the announcement everyone of the Karakura high turns in the direction of the Kuoh Academy direction just to find the glasses girl to walk out from the group of girls as Tatsuki says with a smile "It's the glasses girl you were checking out before.

I bet she will be surprised after fighting a shameless guy like you who will hit a woman without a second thought. "

"Don't put it like that when you the woman are the ones who always ask for gender equality and now that I am giving you the same thing you want.

Why are you complaining? " asks Takashi with a serious face.

"Whatever just don't get defeated cause I am the only one who can defeat you. " says Tatsuki with a serious face.

"You need to worry about yourself and make sure to not lose when before the finals. " says Takashi with a smile while looking at Tsubaki with has already walked to the stage.

"Are you done with gawking at me? " asks Tsubaki with a cold tone as Takashi steps on the stage.

"No, I can never be satisfied looking at you no matter how long I look at you. " says Takashi with a smile while shaking his head in denial.

"You shameless guy, stop wasting my time and take your position. " says Tsubaki with frustration after getting teased by this shameless guy.

"As you command my beautiful Princess but you need to be careful as I am a person who follows the rule of gender equality.

So I won't be holding back. " says Takashi with a carefree smile as he takes his stance.

"Say that if only you can land a hit on me. " says Tsubaki with a serious face.

"If you say so? " says Takashi with a smile when the referee gave the signal as the both of them have taken their position and the next moment they started moving.

Sound of whistel~ after whistling the referee shouts out "Hit"

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