Bleach System Within Bleach

703 Chapter 703 : Hueco Mundo 15!!!

The scene that unfolded in front of their eyes was something that made them froze...

All the blades and doors that C. Sora has summoned were getting shattered one by one in front of the mighty sword slash coming down for his life...

Before they could move though, suddenly half the giant sword vanished and appeared sideways slashing at the remaining visible sword cutting it apart...

From one perspective the sword was split in three but they knew that it was in reality split in two through a more condensed and stronger door right in front of C. Sora...

Getting connected in the side for its only purpose to split the sword in half...

However, at that moment, Gerard let out a chuckle and soon a shredding rip was heard as they saw the body of C. Sora splitting in half from the right shoulder downwards to his left thigh...

Gerard: "Hahahahahaha..."

Gerard: "Damage Reflection..."

Gerard: "Thanks to The Miracle, Hoffnung is the "hopes" of people bundled together."

Gerard: "Damaging "hope" causes "despair", so if Hoffnung is damaged in any way, the combatant who damaged it will suffer injuries in return."

Gerard: "For example, a small nick in the blade will result in a disproportionately large cut in the opponent's body."

Gerard: "However you... Managed to cut it in half with your abilities, therefore, you were insta-killed..."

Gerard: "A self-made instakill through despair that the first time I'm seeing this..."

Just as he spoke all that in hopes for C. Sora to hear him he turned his head towards the other two and looked at them slightly stunned yet not the least bit afraid...

He was puzzled and just as he was about to go towards their place, he heard a familiar voice behind him as an intense pain washed over him...

C. Sora: "Heavenly Counter!!!"


Gerard: "Ugh... Sppppllllurt..."

His body suddenly stopped moving and got split apart in the same manner that C. Sora did and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes...

Sora had used this skill that is only made for those that reached Demi-God rank, only a handful of times and it was quite useful as it takes any damage done to the user with this skill it is reflected on any target the user wishes...

Thanks to that he can reverse any damage done to him or his clone...

Gerard looked at where C. Sora was slowly falling in two and was now in one piece while he crushed on the ground in two pieces...

C. Sora: "Damage Reflection huh... I have that too... Anything else??"

C. Sora: "If not just rot there till your last breath comes out..."

Gerard: "How audacious!!!"

Gerard: "I am the biggest, strongest and fastest of all Quincy! A warrior granted every blessing! Did you really expect to outwit me in battle??"


As Gerard yelled out on the provocation of C. Sora, his reiatsu burst out and immediately his body burst apart in yellow lights enlarging and enlarging in front of their eyes...

From there a voice resounded along with a condensation of a new form...

Gerard: "I am 'Aschetonig'. Noble warrior of God. Even in death, I wield this blade for my divine master!"

Gerard recreated his entire body in front of them, but unlike his initial form, he now has a face resembling a knight's helmet and two spikes on his shoulders.

He seems to be devoid of clothing and has golden energy patterns on his shoulders and waist.

Grimmjow: "Oi, oi... Are you kidding me..."

Harribel: "This is getting out of hand... It will be hard-pressed for us since I'm feeling the limit of my resurrection if getting near..."

C. Sora: "You won't have to worry... Right now his body is composed of only energy..."

C. Sora: "And that is our favourite food..."

C. Sora: "Eat And Drink, Devour And Swallow - Tengoku Gyakusatsu-Sha!!!"

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