Bleach System Within Bleach

704 Chapter 704 : Hueco Mundo 16!!!

C. Sora's clothes burst apart as a black attire appeared in their place, before bursting in black flames...

His eyes showed a dangerous glint, while his mouth was curved upwards as if everything was going according to his plan...

Both Grimmjow's and Harribel's faces fell as they realised that he wasn't even trying to defeat the Quincies and simply toyed with them...

Yes, a game...

Everything that happened so far with his abilities did appear as a game, a game that whoever gets trapped within is doomed to lose...

Gerard: "Heh... Even with your Shikai getting released you won't be able to do anything to me in this state..."

C. Sora: "Hahhahahahahahahahahaha..."

C. Sora: "I'm sorry to say this but even if you weren't a mass of pure energy I would still be able to kill you..."

C. Sora: "The problem is that I don't wish to kill you... But completely devour you..."

C. Sora: "Although in the end it's pretty much the same..."

C. Sora brought his hand on his face as he spoke to the Giant Gerard that was now at a height of 20 meters...

His Reiatsu started changing as he brought it downwards making a Hollow Mask appear before he continued speaking at him...

C. Sora: "And now that you used the Heart Of The Soul King I must thank you..."

C. Sora: "Creation Of Nothingness - Everlasting Void - Energy Yin And Yang - Seen And Unseen Make Everything Appear And Disappear..."

C. Sora: "Self Made Arts 1 : Formless Doors!!!!"

Gerard: "Heh... What will those powered up Doors help you achieve everything you say?"

Gerard: "I shattered them before and I will do it again..."

Gerard: "Hmm??"

Just as Gerard was ready to punch out towards C. Sora, he felt something twisting inside his body and when he looked down he saw twirling around doors twisting the energy composing his body...

Gerard: "What's this...??"

C. Sora: "That is the plate of my food..."

As C. Sora spoke he clapped his hands and then the flames in his body burst apart with more intensity and seemingly could be seen vanishing...

At the same time from the twirling points on Gerard's body black spots appeared that if anyone could focus their eyes on them they would see round spheres pulsing...

More than twenty had appeared and before Gerard could make head or tails of this, C. Sora voice resounded in the area as all the spheres exploded...

C. Sora: "Devouring Black Flaming Heart!!!"

Instantly his body was set in a blaze from inside out constantly burning with black flames while his size was slowly but surely started shrinking...

Gerard: "Guh... What are these flames..."

Gerard: "Impossible!!! I am a warrior of a God..."

C. Sora: "A god??"

C. Sora: "You said that in the past as well..."

C. Sora: "However I would like to correct you there..."

C. Sora: "Even a God will die if he gets exposed to the true power of these flames much less a self-claimed warrior like you..."

When Gerard heard what C. Sora said, he wanted to refute it however his figure had shrunk into a fifteen meter and was almost encased in a sea of black flames...

Grimmjow and Harribel looked at C. Sora with a frown on their faces as his abilities are off the charge and any hope they might have harboured in reaching his Level was shattered...

Especially so for Harribel who fought with him but in the end the more she saw, the more she realised she could have been killed by his flames...

After watching the flames completely burn everything not leaving even ashes behind, C. Sora started smiling from within his mask before it started crumbling...

At the same time, his body started slowly vanishing from his feet upwards indicating he used everything he had...

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