After a whole evening staying with his friends, watching the newest Fantasy series, Ryan was on his way home.

After walking for a while, he heard a woman screaming on the top of her lungs.

"Emi quick get back, don't run onto the street!"

Right at that moment Ryan saw, how the girl ran onto the street, right in front of an incoming truck.

Without thinking twice and not disappointing the hero-material he was made of, he stormed onto the street and pushed the girl off the street.

After his good deed he closed his eyes, reminiscing about the past and viewing his whole life in just a moment. Still waiting for a while, the collision he waited to come for didn't happen and all that could be heard was a little girl screaming.

Taking a moment to take in his surroundings, he began to sweat profusely. The truck came to a stop about 10 to 15 meters away. Inside just sat an old driver with a dumbfounded look on his not so handsome face.

Looking in front of him, he saw the girl lying on the street with her knees bleeding from the impact of his good deed. Behind her were her parents, her mother crying and her father, who looked like some hooligan with a red face.

'Ah not good' were the last thoughts he had, before an enraged bull in humans clothing started shouting and jumping into his direction like some madman.

"You bastard! How dare you throw my sweetheart onto the street and hurt her!"

With his superior hooligan physique and bloodline, he arrived in front of Ryan in seemingly an instant.

Fast as Ryan's reflexes were, supported with the strength of his unique constitution, there was nothing he could do or even react properly. Hardening his skin and closing his eyes he got ready for the beating, which soon followed and threw him down onto the ground.

Unfortunately it didn't end here, as he fell onto a broken glass bottle, leaving behind lots of cuts at his head and throat.

Bleeding like a water tap releasing water, soon his vision began to darken. Soon the last thing he could hear, were the curses thrown by him from the little family and the truck driver.

'Wtf, how did I even offend you to such a degree. Especially you, ugly trucker."

Afterwards he lost consciousness.

Still, the awaited silence didn't come and soon the rows of curses got replaced by hearty laughter and some pitiful sighs.

Opening his eyes, all he could see, was people of different shapes and looks standing around him, enjoying themselves.

Dumbfounded as he was, all he could muster up, was a strange look on his face.

"Hey boy, it's not our fault you had to die so comically. But at least your intentions were noble..pffft"

And another round of hearty laughter followed, until a powerful voice interrupted them.

"OK, guys stop amusing yourselves for now and let's explain his situation to him."

His knight in shining armor's words got instantly betrayed by his appearance. He still had to try suppressing his laughter and tears threatened to flow out of his eyes.

Ryan trying to ignore their mean behavior on the inside and looking dignified and noble on the outside, not minding such matters, asked this weird group of people.

"Could you please explain what's going on?"

"Ah right, we are, what you would call gods. For example, I am the goddess of beauty." said a more or less too heavy woman, with a face like a triangle and one eye about one centimeter lower than her other eye.

The other gods just went quiet, knowing the consequences of laughing at the moment and valuing their life.

Ryan just thought 'beauty is a matter of taste', quickly dismissing the weird look he gave her.

"Ah well, to be honest, you just died at the hands of that hooligan of a father, who beat you up for pushing his daughter. Unfortunately you cut yourself by falling onto broken glass and died because of blood loss." chipped in another god, saving the awkward atmosphere.

"But do not fret, you made us laugh quite a bit, so we will give you another chance." said an old man looking righteous as one can be.

Still Ryan with his sharp senses countered almost immediately, doubting this old fogey and raising one eyebrow. "Are you sure, you don't just want me to further entertain you?"

His great insights having seemingly hit bullseye, caused the old man to start coughing heavily, resulting in him throwing his spit around uncontrolled.

Disgusted the other gods began to pummel him to the ground and continued the conversation.

"Sorry about this, but he is right. We want to give you another chance. We would take you as our representative, granting you some of our powers. What do you say?" The other gods began to look at him anxiously, as if they were on the edge of breaking down.

Sighing to himself and calming down, Ryan nodded, waiting for the details.

The gods letting out a sigh of relief, earning them another disgusted look from Ryan, went into the details. "Your current soul is still not strong enough to get all of our blessings, so you will just get one for now and the others will appear together with your future growth. As funny (cough) tragic as your death was, it would be meaningless, if you just died again. Consequently we agreed to grant you first the blessing of the vampire goddess, resulting in your bloodline changing and granting you some special abilities like a stronger body and your blood a regenerative factor."

"Well, I guess that's a good start for now. To be honest it's probably even quite interesting, so I don't have any complaints. Would I start again on earth?"

"Ah don't worry, you can probably get back in the future, when you are strong enough on your own. But we aren't allowed to send you back over there, since you lost your life inside this world." lamented another god.

"Later, when you get another blessing, from the space good or others and your strength is at a certain level, you will naturally be able to travel to other worlds. Traveling other worlds is limited by your strength and imagination, but nothing else. For example there are a lot of other worlds, as different as they can be. Aside from that the fantasy worlds of Earth's fiction exist as well. Therefore it might be a good idea to send you to some of these in the beginning, since you already have some knowledge about them."

Thinking for a moment and then nodding again, Ryan agreed to them. "Then let's start with One Piece for now. Will I start at the beginning of the story?"

"That's right. And before we forget it, since you will get a new body anyway, you now have the chance to decide on your appearance. Just think about your looks before we send you away. And good luck."

Closing his eyes, Ryan imagined his new appearance, not forgetting to learn from other people's mistakes in movies and novels, he thought of enhancing his secret weapon to an over average size.

"Tsk" seemingly displeased the 'beauty' thought he might forget the little details.

Rolling his eyes inwardly, Ryan completed his new body, when he suddenly felt a strong suction force and disappeared from the realm of more or less unique gods and goddesses.

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