At a small island on the beach something like a small portal could be seen. After a short moment a person got thrown out of it, landing headfirst into the ground.

Laid on the sand was now a figure of approximately 1,90m, which is rather tall for average people outside the world of one piece. Long silvery white hair with, a handsome face with blood-red eyes and a overall muscular stature, leaning to the thinner side.

Standing up and spitting the sand out of his mouth, the lone figure began cursing to the heavens.

"I bet you old farts are already enjoying yourselves again!"

After Ryan got sucked into the portal, he started rotating uncontrollably, until finally flying onto the beach eating sand. Calming his mind he noticed, that he had some clothes on, which looked rather good.

'Seems like it wasn't that beauty goddess, that was responsible for my clothing.'

He wore black pants with a white shirt and brown leather boots. Not the typical vampire attire, but not bad, taking into account, that he will probably take the pirate route.

As if stuck by lightning Ryan remembered something and hastily took a look inside his trousers, before letting out a big sigh of relief, before a creepy grin made it's way onto his face. About 50 meters away on the beach a child could be seen, whose eyes were covered by his mother, before speeding away together with her.

(Cough) not taking to heart how they reacted, Ryan began to inspect his new body. He could feel that he has become stronger by a big margin and fortunately he could stay outside under sun just fine. His body was full of vitality, like never before. It seems at least he wouldn't die of old age. Aside from this, he could feel his blood, as if it was one of his own limbs.

'Probably I am even able to control my blood outside my body. But well, no use thinking too much about it. I better go looking which island I got onto and start exploring.'

After walking for a while he arrived at a town. Before long, he entered and listened to the pedestrians.

'It seems they threw me to Loguetown, that doesn't seem to bad.'

Walking for a while he passed by a secluded alleyway and heard something rather interesting.

"Finally I got you, Nico Anne. Don't think I will let you escape again. You don't even know how to use Haki and swing these little daggers at me, a logia user. Hahaha, even if there's no official bounty for you, as the sister of Nice Robin you are still wanted by the navy."

Hearing this rather interesting and at the same time confusing dialogue, Ryan walked into the alley to see, what brute would try to kidnap said sister of Nico Robin.

'It seems there were missing information in the original story or the story line doesn't progress as it did originally' Ryan thought while making his way over. Since his death resulted from his overbearing heroic spirit, he now took a more secure approach of testing the waters first.

When he finally arrived, he saw a dashing beauty pressed against the wall. She stood at about 1,78m, rather tall for a woman. She had long black hair and green eyes. Her bosom and behind were quite bountiful, pushing here overall appearance together with her beautiful face into the top category.

Getting out of his stupor he noticed the features of the guy, who is pressuring that princess onto the wall. 'If it isn't Cpt. Smoker. It really looks like many things deviate from the original story. The Smoker here seems more like a total cunt.'

Feeling another gaze on their bodies, both Anne and Smoker turned their heads and looked at Ryan. Anne seemed to regain hope of escaping the Navy's clutches and Smoker looked rather annoyed, before shouting at Ryan.

"Hey punk, scram or I will put you under arrest."

Ryan's eye began to twitch after hearing this thug-like version of Smoker. He was quite intrigued by his character and his disappointed expectations.

"Hou and if I don't leave?"

Smoker looked at him liken he was an idiot. "Didn't I already tell you I would arrest you?"

Ryan got a little embarrassed inside, but there was no helping it, since he always wanted to use that line. Not losing momentum he began lecturing Smoker, without responding to his question.

"Seems like the Navy is now into kidnapping beauties, how honorable." He kept strolling closer, while winking at Anne, making her roll her eyes.

The closer he got, the further enraged Smoker was. "Do you really dare to interfere with the Navy? You should know the consequences."

Ryan, who became really annoyed by now, decided to just take him down and flee together with Anne. "Let's just end this..." he said in a low voice, before continuing "let's see if you can take one of my attacks."

Having ended his sentence Ryan pushed his new strength to the maximum and disappeared from his previous location. While pushing ahead he got ready to kick Smoker onto his chin and knock him out cold.

Unfortunately even surprising himself, he couldn't control his strength and was way too fast. Misjudging his speed and distance he got too close and swung his leg full force into Smokers little cigarette, before the latter could even react and use his logia powers.

Letting out a shrill scream, making even Anne put her legs together, Smoker began to collapse.

Ryan just coughed awkwardly before offering Anne his hand to help her up. She still looked at him, as if finding fault with his vicious attack.

He turned his head away. "We better leave here quickly, before somebody else comes."

No longer hesitating she took his hand, and they both began to run away together. Smoker whose voice was now closer to that of a girl, spit out curse after curse, that he would remember him, until they were long gone.

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