They walked further around the city with no special destination in mind. Just enjoying the architecture of Silver City. The buildings in the innermost part of the city mostly consisted of two- or three-story buildings. Their style resembled buildings built in the baroque epoch on earth.

"Captain not bad, coaxing a young boy to get a cook join our crew." Anne said while still laughing a bit.

Ryan didn't answer but as he heard a commotion up ahead. There was a crowd watching in in the middle of the crowd was a young couple confronted with a party of three. The young couple had above average looks and seemed quite close. Two of the party of three probably were the guards of the figure in due middle. They stood towering over most other people and looked like humanoid animals.

Ryan didn't take long to register them as Zoan-type devilfruit-users. One of them was a goose, while the other one was a pug.

'How can you even fight like this. They got really unlucky eating such a fruit, I didn't even know, there are useless ones like them. But on the other hand it makes sense, the Anime wouldn't show too much useless information and characters. But really, the pug has such short arms and the goose doesn't seem too strong either.'

As they got closer and circled around they tried to get through the crowd.

"Who is so brazen to..!" Just as some burly man wanted to shout at Ryan and his two women, he turned around looking into their eyes. He abruptly began to sweat and nearly pissed himself as his legs gave in. Earlier he wanted to eat something in the 'Sleeping Sea King', but upon noticing Ryan he made his way over to some stalls ending up further into the city close before the commotion happened.

"Do you have any complaints?" Ryan getting used to his new role asked in a rather cold voice.

"No, no sir please take my place." the burly man replied. 'Are you fucking joking? Is it you or is it me with the 250.000.000 Berry bounty?'

"Alright then" after making his way further in Ryan took another look at the third person situated in the middle.

Ryan's eyes nearly popped out of its sockets.

'It can't be. How is this possible! Is it my senses playing tricks on me?'

Right before his eyes was a young man, probably only a little younger than himself. He had a fit body with well-defined muscles and luxurious clothes. Going further up one could notice his broad shoulders, that could make every male envious. Further up ahead was his face. More precise in the form of a triangle was his face, coupled with his eyes slightly shifted up and down respectively he resembled a certain someone Ryan came along on his 'journey'. In addition, one of his ears grew at a really weird angle, complimenting the overall appearance of his face.



A certain goddess inside the divine realm was sneezing, nearly falling out of her chair. She sat there enjoying a beauty mask. The only noticeable detail probably was the uncommon arrangement of the two pieces cucumber over her eyes.

"Seems like someone is thinking about my eternal beauty. Hmpf, as if I would be that easy to get"


Close by some other gods played poker as they heard her monologue. Some nearly chocked to death, waving their hands wildly, nearly causing a catastrophe in another world.

"Get a hang on yourself!"


"I will take you with me today. I always get what I want!" the young scion declares authoritatively, causing the young couple to glare daggers at him.

Ryan not wanting to get messed up with the situation and wanting to further observe only mumbled lightly under his breath, "what a cliche, the young spoiled brat wants to take another ones woman.."

What Ryan didn't know was, that the young master clearly heard every single word. His left ear was aligned perfectly to catch even the sound of a fly a hundred meters away, if just the direction fits. His face turning red he turned towards Ryan and not even considering who the other party might be. Be it out of anger or his standing he berated him.

"Hm, a lowly pirate wants to give his worthless opinion? But you are wrong, who wants that bitch. I took a liking to her boyfriend and as the city lord's son I will take what I want." He declared proudly in his arrogance.


Ryan felt blood rushing up his throat, barely managing to push it back down thanks to his abilities as a powerful vampire.

'Really formidable. Nearly forcing a vampire to be on the receiving end of a huge blood loss. What a huge humiliation I just managed to escape. I can't underestimate him.'

"Men bring me the boy, you can leave her alone. As for that pirate, just end his life. We don't need such scum inside our city!" heeding his contradicting logic, his two guards made their way over.

The crowd sucked in a big breath of air. Most people already recognized Ryan.

'Seems like that spoiled brat meets his end today' most of them thought and they weren't far from the truth.

Ryan just looked at them as if he was an idiot.

Meanwhile, Anne was clenching her fists not acting without an order from Ryan. Mai however wasn't as restrained. She vanished from the spot and one could hear the sound of a sword being sheathed.

After a moment of confusion the heads of his two guards rolled to the side and their body fell down causing blood to spray out of their throat.

Ryan was a bit surprised, but that was it. After coming to this world he maintained part of his easygoing nature, but he isn't naive. Through their travel they met many small-time pirates and degenerates. Not everyone could be dealt with carelessly and in turn he himself already killed some of them. At the beginning he had slight trouble adapting to the feeling, but it was a necessity to survive and in the end he successfully became part of this new world.

If they don't search for trouble with him or cross his bottom line he wouldn't act carelessly. But now he crossed their bottom line. The reputation for a pirate crew was essential, which he already smeared successfully before even ordering Ryan's death.

Mai's face could now be said to be covered in a layer of frost, as she made her way over to the young master of the city lord. He was already crawling on the ground, wetting himself. There was no resemblance with the arrogant young man from before.

"You, you are.." he now finally recognized Ryan and tried to plead for his life. "You can't, I am the so.."


Again the sound of a sheathed katana as Mai turned around, making her way back to Ryan and Anne.

"Let's leave, I already lost interest in touring the city." Ryan said as he turned around, followed by Mai and Anne, leaving behind a shocked crowd and a couple whose expressions were mixed with gratefulness and fear. As well as the headless corpse of a young master.
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