Anne was stirring the ship, when she felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.

Looking into the direction the possible thread was located at, she saw Ryan standing on top of the mast, staring at her as if in a trance. In a moments notice he vanished from the spot he was standing on and appeared directly behind Anne, sending shudders down her spine.

Nervously turning around, while she was still shocked from his sudden change of behavior, she noticed his eyes. His already captivating eyes with blood-red pupils now had an even intenser shade of red. It was as if a beast awoke inside of him, now staring directly into the soul of its prey.

"Ryan is everything alright with you?" confused and a little afraid of her captain Anne tried to get through to him.

Ryan still overwhelmed by his vampire instincts leaned closer to her until they could feel each other's breath.

Anne thinking he wanted to kiss her was still paralyzed and closed her eyes half in fear and half in anticipation. After waiting for a few moments she mustered up her courage to open her eyes again, only to see his sharp teeth making their way towards her throat.

Shocked by the sudden turn of events she instinctively pushed him back to the hull of the ship nearly knocking him into the sea. The powerful waves, which were colliding with the ship sent a big load of water into his face, startling him awake.

Ryan got back to his senses and after a short observation of his surroundings he got a good idea of what happened. Sighing inwardly for his lack of self-control over his instincts, now that the tension from before was gone, he shot an apologetic look towards his vice captain, which soon after changed into a resolute one.

"Anne I guess it's better I tell you a bit more about me and my situation. It more or less involves the way I could make you stronger as well."

Waiting for her reply he didn't avoid her eyes, since this might as well be the crucial moment, with their future relationship at stake.

Anne managed to calm down as well, now, that this beast is reigned in again, and she recognized how serious he was. Completely focusing on him she locked eyes with him, waiting for him to continue.

Understanding her intention he began to explain "Originally I wasn't a resident of this world and got transported over here after my death. I know this might hardly sound believable , but through the process of transmigrating I got a blessing and probably more will follow in the future."

Ryan afterward recounted what happened in detail, while Anne listened seriously, not wanting to miss anything. To the end she was deeply pondering, before responding. "So you actually are a vampire at the moment and tried to drink my blood. Is it necessary for you to survive?"

Ryan answered slightly embarrassed. "To be honest it doesn't seem that it is necessary. It's more like an instinct. It has certain benefits, like a slight increase in my strength and a pleasant feeling."

Telling her, what information he got in the process of inheriting the blessing of the vampire goddess, Ryan was thinking for a moment before going on with his explanation. "That way I could even help you getting stronger. You would become a vampire as well, without any big detrimental factors. In vampire jargon you would become something akin to one of my future wives."

He waited a moment for her reaction, but she remained silent. As curiosity overtook him, he tried to meet her gaze again, only to find her avoiding his. Her face had a slight red tinge to it, which just further enhanced her charming looks.

Since the situation didn't allow joking or flippant behavior he steeled his nerves after a big gulp. "Well it's just how it was called and used to be. I wouldn't force you to anything. I hope I could have your loyalty, regardless of you giving up your humanity for strength or not. But in the end it's up to you. You should keep in mind, that our souls would form some sort of connection before you decide."

After giving it some thought Anne responded to him still hesitating a bit. "I don't really mind. We just met each other today, but I have the feeling you will stand at the top of this world in the near future. Considering what you told me and if it's really true, you will probably get far too strong for this world alone and staying with you will promise an exciting life, without having to flee all the time. But before that I would like you to know more about me as well."

Ryan was happy, that she had a certain extent of trust in him and his future accomplishments and decided to accept her regardless, what she was going to tell him.

"You probably know of my big sister Nico Robin or better known as Devil Child. I was younger than her and not in O'Hara at that time. Since I was too young to learn old languages I didn't get hunted down like her in the beginning, until they wanted to use me to get hold of her. Since then, I became one of the secret top targets of the Navy and Cipher Pol." After her short explanation Anne nervously directed her gaze to Ryan, only to see him smiling at her and take her into a hug.

"You probably had a lot of trouble and weren't able to live a proper life until now, but did you really think something like this would scare me away? You already heard my story and know my strength, which will only rise in the future. Of course, I will accept all of you. I wouldn't have made you my vice captain or offered you more strength, if I thought you were an untrustworthy person."

A tear made its way down her face, which Ryan swiped away, before it could ruin her stunning looks even just one bit. After a while of calming her emotions she had a much more resolute look on her face, as she turned to Ryan.

"I will trust my gut instincts in this matter and put my trust in you. I want you to grant me strength and in return become your strength. My former life might sound easy, not as problematic for stronger people, but for me it was a living hell without friends and family and I finally see a chance to live my life how I want. The first decision I make without the pressure of others will be becoming your loyal vice captain. And your first wife."

The last part was muttered so silent, that Ryan didn't hear anything of it, totally oblivious of the growing feelings of his first captured maiden.

Ryan leaned closer in to her opening his mouth and slowly pushed his sharp canines inside her soft throat.

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