"Ahh..mhhm..ahh" after sinking his teeth into her charming throat, Ryan began sucking her blood, making her feel a bit pain, as well as pleasure, causing her to moan uncontrolled. That doesn't mean Anne is fond of pain, rather it is part of the process, since it's a quite intimate process for vampires.

Anne's body began to feel hot, marking the beginning of the process. She began to sweat all over her body and lost control over her emotions. The further the process went the more pleasure and lust she felt instead of pain.

Pressing her body onto Ryan's and clinging around him with her arms and legs he had a hard time concentrating and reigning in little Dracula. Giving in now would be detrimental and even dangerous, since he can't stop the process and stopping halfway wouldn't turn her into a vampire, but something more bestial only living on its instincts.

'Come on girl, that's not really helping at the moment. It seems it's a blessing and curse at the same time being handsome to such degree..'

Her hair began to turn white, in contrast to its former deep black. Two sharp teeth began to grow and her eyes took nearly the same color as Ryan's. Her skin got even paler, without looking unnatural or unhealthy. On the contrary she looked even more beautiful than before, granting her an overall look of a cold beauty.

As she felt her blood becoming more and more potent the more was she searching for an outlet of her heat. Succumbing to her instincts she locked her legs even stronger around his waist, causing his brain nearly to malfunction short of losing concentration at the crucial moment.

Not becoming careless he got close to the end exchanging his blood with hers bringing the process to a closure and pulling his canines out of her throat. Not forgetting licking the leaked blood in the process he lessened his grip on her back, granting her more freedom.

Now still slightly overwhelmed by the potent awakening of hers she turned the tables and bit him into his throat causing him to groan for a moment before pushing her a bit, causing her to let go. Licking her lips she stared him into the eyes before bringing her lips onto his.

Unable to resist, Ryan started to respond and explored her body, which was still clinging to his to the fullest enjoying all of her curves, causing her to moan like a beast.

Feeling her tongue pressing against his lips, he responded in kind, feeling pleasure his former life didn't have in store for him. They didn't stop until her body slowly began to cool down, and she separated, grasping for air.

Her body slowly lost all his strength dropping itself into his embrace before slowly closing her eyes and falling unconscious.

Seeing the smile on her face Ryan unconsciously began to smile himself before picking her up in a princess-carry, laying her on top of a bed in the ship.

Afterwards he began to feel the changes in his own body. Aside from his strength, which is undoubtedly even higher than before, he felt a connection with Anne. It wasn't something like hearing her thoughts or being able to communicate with her without speaking, but he could slightly feel her emotions and the state of her heart.

Thinking back to the whole process his body began to become lively again until he had a disgusted look on his face.

'Ah that's problematic, I really don't want to make males into vampires if it escalates like today. But on the other hand, it's not like my whole crew has to consist of vampires.'

Shaking his head he threw that thought to the back of his head thinking of other stuff.

'Right we haven't even spoken about our name and the name of our ship, but that's not something I should decide on my own.'

While Ryan was lost in thought the Navy HQ got a report about what happened in Loguetown and were now discussing how to react.

"We shouldn't let her off without a public bounty this time. We were after her since the incident in O'Hara and close to her capture some stranger with probably vice-captain strength helps her to escape again." said one of the vice captains.

"Hmm other opinions on both of them?" asked Sengoku looking really troubled.

"It's too much of a coincidence, that such a strong person, we didn't even know of, comes to her help at the right moment. I'm in favor for bounties for both of them. Just portray them as pirates, the criminals they are, for not following the Navy's orders. Put him as 'dead or alive' as usual, but make sure we get her alive. If not, there's no way we can use her to get Nico Robin into our hands." Akainu barked, clearly showing his hatred towards pirates, without even taking in the possibility of them not being pirates and completely disregarding the fact of them committing crimes themselves.

Sengoku still looked troubled looking around the room and asking again. "Alright, anybody else?"

Silence reigned inside the conference room, since nobody dared to disregard Akainu's opinion, Kuzan was sleeping and Kizaru didn't care as usual.

Sengoku just sighed at the sight of them and decided to just comply, before creating more trouble for himself. "Fine then, Akainu you decide their bounty and make sure it's still published today."

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