Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 236: Zhou Wan dreaming together

  Chapter 236 Zhou Wan Dreaming Together

   "What, what's wrong?"

  Chen Si was startled when she woke up. There were a lot of people around, and there was a little Ke lying on the ground—of course she recognized the cat.

   Zhou Wan smiled slightly, knelt down and touched Xiao Ke's head, and asked Chen Sidao, "Do you recognize it?"

   "I recognize it, it's called Xiao Ke, and it's Miss Zhou Wan, your pet!"

  Chen Si nodded, his tone very respectful.

  Her abilities are almost useless, far inferior to a domain-level ability user like Zhou Wan.

   "You didn't know each other before, do you remember what you did before?"

   "Me? As soon as I wake up..."

  Chen Si recalled a little bit, her memory was disconnected an hour ago, according to her feeling, it was like falling asleep, she opened her eyes halfway, and soon fell asleep again.

  Zhou Wan glanced at Chen Ji. When he opened his eyes, he was purifying him with light and heat, right?

  It's a pity that the suppression was not continued at that time, and the sneaky guy ran away.


Chen Si was taken to the Supernatural Research Institute to see if she could find any traces left by the mysterious person on her body. The focus was on checking her memory, guiding her through hypnosis, and entering her dreams to find out—psychic-type supernatural beings can do it.

   "Who is the other party? What is the purpose?"

  Compared with how that person got in, Chen Ji was more concerned about these two issues.

  No one could answer him, and the rest were all at a loss. There had been no spies in the Aerospace Research Institute before, and other countries and forces were not interested in it at all. Biological research and supernatural research are the hardest hit areas for spies.

   There is only one cat who can answer Chen Ji.

   "Xiao Ke!"

  Chen Ji picked up Xiao Ke from the ground, made her smaller, and kneaded her in his arms.

  The black cat was meowing in his hand, slithering around, but refused to speak, as naughty as a rebellious girl.

  It wasn't until Chen Ji gave her a ball of light that she meowed comfortably and answered his question:

   "Uh, uh."

  Xiao Ke cleared his throat, and spoke with a human voice in the form of a cat: "I saw him far, far away, when the car was driving fast! He is the enemy, I remember!"


  Everyone was confused by her weird description and innocent words——Wei Hong and the others had strange expressions when they heard Xiao Ke speak for the first time.

   Zhou Wan thought about it carefully: "Xiao Ke, you were talking about the last time we went to America? It was when a group of people fought and you jumped around on the battlefield."

  A group of people fighting, it is said that the group of old Mo besieged the Blood Lion Club factory.


  Xiao Ke happily wagged her tail, indicating that it was that time.

   "It's that...who is it called?"

  Chen Ji immediately thought of someone, but he didn't remember his name. He remembered what he had done, and turned to look at Zhou Wan: "What is the name of the person who stole the Fragment of Destiny from your room?"

   "Lin Zhiyang!"

   Zhou Wan chuckled, she has always had a good memory.

   "Yes, that's him, where is he now?"

  Chen Ji was very impressed with him. He has fragments of destiny on his body, which can transform into another person and acquire different abilities, so that no one can grasp his body and can only lock him up.

   But Chen Ji guessed at that time that he must have a way to escape.

Sure enough, Zhou Wan said with some embarrassment: "After we came back by the teleportation array, Lin Zhiyang escaped the next day, and the surveillance captured him turning into an old man, hunchbacked and thin, with skin like a corpse, but with great strength. After breaking out of the cell, he turned into another person and disappeared into the ground.

  Zhang Jiande has always offered a reward for people to catch him. "

  Chen Ji felt a headache just after listening to the description, it was smoother than a mouse!

   I am afraid that only an all-around "supernatural person" like Mu Xiaoxiao can find his body.

   "You suspect it's him?"

   Zhou Wan asked.

  Chen Ji hugged Xiao Ke, who was in the form of a kitten, and waved her two paws, indicating that it wasn't my guess, it was Xiao Ke.

   "Oh yes, Xiaomay remember his breath!"

   Zhou Wan was thoughtful.

  If the person controlling Chen Si is Lin Zhiyang, then his purpose of sneaking in is most likely for the Destiny Fragment in her hand!

  The opponent may even have a way to transfer the Destiny Fragments out of thin air, without taking out the doomsday base.

  Zhou Wan and Chen Ji looked at each other, and they thought of being together tacitly.

   "Director Wei, let's go first... I'll bother you later."

  Chen Ji greeted Wei Hong.

   "Okay, it's more important to deal with infiltrators." Wei Hong had no choice but to let him go, and then said, "Let me sort out some urgently lacking or key areas of research and let Zhou Wan send them to you?"

   "Okay! I will help if I can."

  Chen Ji agreed, Zhou Wan is the only person in this world who can contact him at any time.

"Many thanks!"

  Wei Hong and other aerospace researchers watched Chen Ji and others leave.


  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan, dragging Ma Yien and Xiao Ke, wandered around the Doomsday Base for most of the day.

  Start searching from Area A where Zhou Wan lives, to see if she can find her again.

  But after searching from Area A to Area D, I went to several research institutes in the doomsday base, checked roughly, and still found nothing.

   "It seems that the other party hid after knowing that Xiao May found him."

  Chen Ji said regretfully.

  Zhou Wan was a little uneasy, "It's a waste of your time."

   "What stupid thing are you talking about?"

  Chen Ji held her soft hand, lowered his head and kissed her, and said in her small and crystal ear, "It is already the greatest harvest to taste the rare honey in the world today!"

  Zhou Wan pursed her lips, and after looking around, she dragged Chen Ji into the alley, regardless of Maien and Xiao Ke following behind, she eagerly hugged Chen Ji's neck.

   Offered his favorite honey-like vermilion lips.

  Chen Ji loves Zhou Wan to death.

  Whether it is the big Zhou Wan at the moment, or the little Zhou Wan in the movie theater, he loves it to death.


  Zhou Wan pressed against his face, and breathed rapidly beside his ear: "Have you tasted enough?"

   "How can it be enough, not enough for a lifetime!"

  Chen Ji kissed her again.

   After a long time.

   When Zhou Wan came back to her senses, she saw Ma Yien who was staring at her, as if she was studying, and even Xiao Ke was lying on her shoulder, watching intently.

   Zhou Wan blushed, turned around and hugged Ma Yien, and dragged her out of the alley.

  Chen Ji quickly followed.

   Three people and one cat returned to the dormitory in Area A from the underground city.

   "Woo~~ so tired~"

After entering the door and locking it, the black cat girl switched forms in a second. In the blink of an eye, the kitten transformed into a human form. She pounced on the sofa and grabbed the blanket and rubbed it vigorously. Her white and slender body writhed like a cat on the sofa and let out a sound. purrs.

  Zhou Wan glanced at Chen Ji, seeing that his eyes were involuntarily attracted by Xiao Ke, she didn't bother, let him see.

During the three years she was away, Xiao Ke has formed a concept. She doesn't like to show her human form when she is outside, but when she returns to her dormitory, after closing the door, she doesn't like the cat form. She just likes to wear nothing .

   "Ahem, Xiao Ke, come and put on your skirt!"

  Chen Ji tried hard to look away, but Xiao Ke's appearance was really cute, with cat ears and cat tail, innocent and alluring, which belonged to the style of pure desire.


  Xiao Ke jumped off the sofa, with bare feet, and ran to the big cat nest she put against the wall with a smile:

  A beanbag big enough to accommodate her human form.

  She curled up inside and flicked the cat's tail, smiling triumphantly at Chen Ji, as if inviting him to play with her.

  Chen Ji didn't dare to look at her anymore, so as not to get too angry.

   Sitting on the sofa with Zhou Wan, chatting casually.

   "Lin Zhiyang won't be able to catch it for a while, so let's put it aside for now. Remember to take Xiao Ke with you, she can find out the other party with her ability!"

   "Well, I remember~"

   Zhou Wan leaned in his arms and nodded obediently.

   Actually, Chen Ji didn't need to remind her, she would remember these things.

   But now Chen Ji hugged her and told her to be careful, which made Zhou Wan feel very happy, and her heart was full of sweetness.

  I just want this moment to last forever.

   "The mutation brought by Mu Xiaoxiao is estimated to be related to the Fragment of Destiny. Next time you build a laboratory away from the doomsday base, I will come over again and invite her to do experiments to see what the problem is."


   "At present, I plan to take both you and Mu Xiaoxiao to the intersection of the four worlds to see what changes."

   "Well... how do I go? I can only go to modern times, and Xiao Zhou will switch with me."

   Zhou Wan looked at him.

  Chen Ji said his plan: "Do you still remember the martial arts world I told you about? On the Arctic Continent of Shu Min's world, I found some items here."

   Zhou Wan, who was in love with him and was leaning on his arms with his arms around her waist, let out a silly "ah?", expressing her doubts.

Chen Ji smiled, stretched out his hand to knead her soft palm, and said: "Finding the source of those items may allow you to go to Shumin's world, and I will go with you from the North Pole to the place where the four worlds meet! "

   “…transfer station?”


   "Then you have to tell that Miss Xia in advance."

  Zhou Wan's IQ finally returned, "Also, let me help you find the specific locations of those items. It may not be easy to find, after all, nearly four years have passed."

   "It's okay, look slowly, is there any change in the building where you are? The building where the four worlds meet has become a weak point in space..."

  Chen Ji chatted with Zhou Wan.

After sorting out everything, at nine o'clock in the evening, Zhou Wan urged him to go back: "She has no way to contact you directly, although she knows that you came to my place, but today... anyway, go back, she should At work, you go pick her up!"

  Yesterday Chen Jigang had a date with Xiao Zhou Wan and took away her first kiss.

  Zhou Wan infers from her straightforward personality that the little Zhou Wan must miss him very much now, and Chen Ji can comfort her missing him when she goes back.


  Chen Ji agreed, and then kissed Zhou Wan.

  Seeing that he was about to leave again, Xiao Ke also rushed over from the cat's nest, hugging him and kissing him too—this is what I learned from Zhou Wan.

  Even Ma Yien, who was in a daze at the side, looked over.

  Chen Ji kissed each of them on the forehead, gave Xiao Ke a light ball, and then pulled Maien to say goodbye to Zhou Wan.


  Zhou Wan watched the two disappear into white light, feeling a little lost, stretched out her fingers to caress her hot lips.

   She didn't know how many times she kissed Chen Ji this day.

  She personally felt what Xiao Zhou Wan felt when she was dating.

   I also saw Chen Ji and Ma Yien, Xiao Ke...

   "Xiao Ke!"

  Zhou Wan hugged Xiao Ke who was lying on the sofa bored, held her small face, and asked her seriously: "Do you want to marry your master in the future?"


  The black cat girl tilted her head.

   "Meaning, if you don't want to, then you get dressed! Got it?"

   Zhou Wan has a headache, how should I explain it to her?


  Xiao Ke shook the cat's ears, suddenly realized and said: "Have a kitten with him?"

   Zhou Wan's expression froze.

   "But I don't want to give birth to meow~"


  Not then? Cats seem to have that kind of thinking at a fixed time...

   It's a headache, let's talk about it later.



  Chen Ji and Maien returned to Earth.

  The night in the city is still very lively, and the fireworks in the old street outside quickly dissipate the depressing feeling brought by the doomsday world.

  Chen Ji took out his mobile phone, and there were messages from the little lady and Astana, as well as some questions about Mu Xiaoxiao, but there was no one from Xiao Zhouwan.

   "Are you angry?"

  Chen Ji murmured in his heart, and after leaving Ma Yien at home, he immediately drove the Mercedes-Benz sent by Xiao Zhou Wan to the company.

  In the financial center before ten o'clock in the evening, many buildings are still brightly lit, and people who work overtime often don't go home until eleven or twelve o'clock.

  This is the hard part of beating workers.

   Fortunately, Chen Ji has become rich and free, and now he has become a capital of evil.


  When he arrived at the company, the girl at the front desk gave him a sweet smile.

"Still at get off work?"

  Chen Ji asked casually, and then took a look at the company, more than half of the people were hard at work. Of course, working overtime at night would give them a lot of freedom, and many people worked while watching movies.

   "For the development of the company, everyone voluntarily works overtime." The girl at the front desk explained seriously.

"speak English!"

   "Uh, it's '28,000 salary, the company is my home'."

  The girl at the front desk touched her two index fingers and said pitifully.

  Chen Ji couldn't laugh or cry, "Pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and try not to exceed ten o'clock in the future...Is the president in the office?"

   "Yes, here, the president is here!"

   "Well, I'll go find her, you guys should get off work early."

   "Chairman, walk slowly!"

  The girl at the front desk watched the handsome, young chairman with a net worth of tens of billions go up the stairs.

   Only such an excellent man can hold down President Zhou's aura, right?


   "Knock knock."

  When the door was knocked, Zhou Wan in the CEO's office didn't look up, and let the man walk in, and then picked her up from the chair. She still looked indifferent, looking down at the documents in her hand.

  Letting this man pick her up and put her on his lap to sit, the two of them are extremely intimate, like a couple.

   He even put his arms around her waist again and kissed her face.

  Zhou Wan never spoke.

  The exquisite facial features hardly changed.


  Chen Ji took a breath and exclaimed: "My Xiaowan is so cold, she deserves to be a cold beauty in Haicheng!"


   Zhou Wan hit him with her head.

  Chen Ji took the opportunity to kiss her lips, Zhou Wan raised his hand to cover his rosy mouth, and said in disgust, "I don't want someone who just kissed someone else to kiss's not a date."

  Chen Ji suddenly realized: "You have already guessed what I am doing today, no wonder I am so calm, okay, okay, I missed a game again, and I hurried to see you right after I came back."

  Zhou Wan's expression moved, her eyes softened, she dropped the document, and after a moment of hesitation, she stretched out her arms and wrapped them around his neck.

  Like last night when the two were dating.

  Chen Ji hugged her tightly.

   "I'm not stupid."

Zhou Wan is like a girl in love who quickly forgives her boyfriend, hugging him intimately, the previous indifference turned into a soft smile at this moment: "She must have been very envious last night... No, she must have experienced it last night." It's my dream of a fake date with you."

  Chen Ji couldn't help laughing, Xiao Zhou Wan was still stubborn, kiss her more later, and see if she is still stubborn.

   "In short~"

Zhou Wan's fair cheeks were slightly red, "I already guessed that she wants to see you, and I know you can't wait to see her...Since she dreamed of me, then I can also dream of what she did to you tonight. Why are you in such a hurry?"

   Looking for you in a hurry, this word has the magic power to make Chen Ji's mood fluctuate.

  Especially when little Zhou Wan was still sitting in his arms, hugging his neck, and wearing professional attire.

   "But I'm anxious to see you."

   Chen Ji looked at her and said.

   Zhou Wan blushed, and said in a low voice, "I'll coax me, I'm not making an appointment with you now...uh."

  She was kissed by Chen Ji.

   Soon the two became a natural kiss.


   "President, would you like some supper..."

  A young secretary came to the door, took a look inside, and his eyes widened.

In the past, Mr. Zhou, who was cold and calm and never looked at men more than once, is now sitting in the arms of Chairman Chen Ji, hugging his neck and kissing him. At a glance, she saw that the president was completely intoxicated , Forgot everything, just wanted to be intimate with her boyfriend.

  She left in a hurry.

  After hesitating for a moment, he chose to stand at the door of the president's office, keeping others away.

  Even if something really happens inside the door, she will firmly keep the secret for the president!


  The secretary waited for nearly half an hour before the president and chairman came out from the door. The president put his arms around the chairman's arm like a virtuous wife, bowed his head, with a blush on his face, and left the company together.

   It was the chairman who greeted them and asked them to leave work earlier.

   "Four-dimensional space-time is indeed a husband and wife company!"

   She sighed enviously.


  Eleven at night.

  Chen Ji sent Zhou Wan back home, the car drove into her villa, and bumped into Quqin who had just returned.

  A pair of sharp eyes swept over.

  Chen Ji bit the bullet and greeted: "Hello, Auntie, my name is Chen Ji, and I am... Zhou Wan's intern boyfriend!"

   "Fake, no."

   Zhou Wan negated lightly, pushed him back into the car, and urged him to leave quickly.

  Even Chen Ji couldn't drink a sip of tea.

   I just don’t want him to see his mother-in-law so soon!

  Chen Ji had no choice but to smile awkwardly at his future mother-in-law, saying that he would visit again next time, and drove away.

   "Is he your boyfriend?"

   Quqin asked nonchalantly.

She has grown up, and her slim daughter stood in front of her, pursed her lips, and then answered her: "Mom, I won't be able to explain it clearly for a while... When another daughter of yours appears in front of you in the future, will you tell me again?" Tell her."


   Quqin was dumbfounded.

  After she saw her precious daughter kissing that Chen Ji in the garden last night, she thought about how her daughter would answer.

   As a result, now, "Another daughter?!" She looked at her daughter in surprise.

   "Mom, you will know in the future!"

   Zhou Wan fled back to her room.

  Although he chose to escape, a certain worry in his heart eased a lot.

   The two of them appeared in front of their mother, so they should be able to convince their parents, right?

  Her life has been out of the scope of normal people.

  For example, tonight, she will definitely dream of another Zhou Wan, knowing how the other party will kiss Chen Ji.

  At the same time, another Zhou Wan will also dream of her.

  One thing will appear in the dreams of both of them, will it superimpose on each other, resulting in stronger feelings?

  (end of this chapter)

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