Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 237: Taking Zhou Wan to ancient times

  Chapter 237 Taking Zhou Wan to Ancient Times

  Chen Ji came to Zhou Wan's villa the next morning, and when he picked her up to go to work, she glared at her just after they met.

   Chen Ji was baffled.

   After much deliberation, I couldn't figure out how to offend her.

   "What's wrong? Are you angry with me early in the morning?"

  Chen Ji pushed her into the co-pilot seat, and when he fastened her seat belt, he asked her with a smile.

  Zhou Wanying turned her head away, and said after a long while: "Whenever you kiss her in the future, you can't kiss me again... No, you can't go on a date with me again! Separate!"


  Chen Ji thought she was jealous, but after thinking about it, he felt wrong.

   If you are jealous, you will finish eating last night, and the jealousy of Da Zhou Wan is far inferior to that of the little lady and Astana.



   "Last night you were in a dream..."

   "Don't say it!"

  Zhou Wan hurriedly covered his mouth, blushing all over her delicate face.

  Chen Ji understood.

   It turned out to be like this.

  Yesterday he kissed Zhou Wan in two parallel time-spaces, big Zhou Wan during the day and little Zhou Wan at night. As a result, when they fell asleep, they dreamed of each other together, causing the dreams to overlap and their physical sensations to double.

  Zhou Wan probably experienced the emotions of puberty again, and had to go to the bathroom to take a shower and change clothes when she got up in the morning.

   "Okay, I won't talk anymore!"

  Chen Ji suppressed a smile, but was glared at by her again.


   Zhou Wan, with blushing cheeks and a little charm in the corners of her eyes, is so beautiful that it makes one's heart beat.

   What's more, she is already half his girlfriend.

  Chen Ji lowered his head, kissed her red lips quickly, and then closed the car door for her.

   "Bad guy."

  Zhou Wan pursed her lips, and the blush spread on her face.

  Chen Ji drove her away from home, out of the community, into the traffic going to work, and drove towards the company.

  It looks like a couple who go to work together in the morning...

   "Did you tell Shu Min?"

  In the Mercedes-Benz car, Zhou Wan in the co-pilot seat remembered this and turned to look at him: "If you want to take Da Zhou to Shu Min's world, you have to tell her in advance."

   "I said it last night, and she replied to me this morning, saying yes, you are very welcome to go."

   "Hmm... She usually goes to bed at nine o'clock in the evening, Haishi?"

  Zhou Wan smiled. There are many differences between modern times and ancient times, and she is getting used to how to get along with Shumin little by little.

   "Yes, basically she wakes up earlier than me every day."

   "I heard that Shu Min can practice swords?"

   "That's right, her mother used to be a heroine and a princess at the same time!"


  The two came to the company chatting.

   Chen Ji rarely stayed in the company for a day, caring about the progress of the game project.

The project of "Goddess of Starlight: Astana" has been established, and the recruited personnel are also in place one after another. In addition to the game practitioners, there are also many big names in artificial intelligence. They took the initiative to cut their salaries to join 4D Technology. Let's develop this game with an initial investment of one billion.

  It is a pity that Astana's name has been uploaded on the Internet of the earth, but Chen Ji still failed to invite her to come to the earth.

   On the contrary, after working for a day, Chen Ji got a message from Mayen:

  He can take Zhou Wan to the world of martial arts.

  Little Zhou Wan, not Big Zhou Wan!

"I really?!"

  When Chen Ji was about to get off work in the evening, after Chen Ji told her the news, he saw her surprised expression, as if he was very happy that he could travel to other worlds with him.

   "The ancient martial arts world where Shu Min lives... Is there any Opening Heaven Palm? Five Tiger Skills? How about Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? What was the ancient city like?"

   Zhou Wan asked a series of questions, Chen Ji smiled, even a girl has a martial arts dream?

  Unfortunately, he is already a fairy in the world of martial arts, and she can't realize her dream of martial arts even if she wants to.

   "Ask Shumin first, if I can go there!"

   Zhou Wan thought about this again.

  Chen Ji nodded, and sent a message to the little lady.

   There will be no reply for a while. It is estimated that the little lady is reading a book, or writing her novel.

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan went to have dinner, and it was seven o'clock in the evening before they received a reply from the little lady.

   "Young master and elder sister Wan go down to earth together? Yes, yes!"

In Hongye Mountain, Xia Shumin, who just finished dinner in the study, wrote with a brush on her face full of joy. The two maids beside her looked at her curiously, and Cuizhu murmured, "Sister Wan? That old lady? Miss, Miss , you are really... ".

  Xia Shumin didn't notice the maid's expression, and continued to write: "However, if Sister Wan comes tomorrow, Shumin can only give her the clothes she has prepared, and there is no time to tailor them."


After reading her words, Zhou Wan realized the clothes problem, and said with a smile: "Tell her, don't rush to prepare my clothes, this time I will go to Shumin with you, mainly to find space cracks , In addition, there are those modern items you mentioned."

   "Okay, travel until next time."

  Chen Ji replied to Xia Shumin.

   Then she saw her say: "Shu Min thought that Sister Wan would arrive later, and just said that Sister Wan is coming as a guest, but she didn't expect to come soon~"

  Chen Ji understood. No wonder he was able to take Zhou Wan to the martial arts world suddenly. It turned out to be similar to the way of crossing the anchor point.

  He decided to do an experiment!


Chen Ji sent an oracle to the Goddess of Starlight in the Shenen Continent: "Remember what I told you earlier, the name is Mu Xiaoxiao'goddess" from the Nine Realms? She is about to come to the Shenen Continent. Tell the believers about this matter, but there is no need to specially prepare a grand welcome ceremony."

   "Great God, Astana has received your oracle."

  The Goddess of Starlight gave him a faithful reply.

  Chen Ji nodded in satisfaction, looked at Zhou Wan, and saw her strange expression.

   "Now I know what kind of existence you are in the Divine Grace Continent."

   Zhou Wan said quietly.

  Chen Ji held her silky little hand: "No matter how I become, I will always be Chen Ji, a not-so-ordinary person on earth."

   "An ordinary person who is not ordinary? You are still ordinary."

  Zhou Wan wrinkled her little nose.

  If it weren't for the connection with Da Zhou Wan that spanned time and space, she would be the most common one among Chen Ji's blind date partners. Even a blind date with him is a very common form.

   But he has already boarded his thief ship, and it is impossible to leave.

   "What shall I prepare tomorrow?"

  Zhou Wan quickly skipped the topics that made her a little unhappy, and asked Chen Jidao.

It's not that she is eager to go to the world of martial arts, but she already knows that Chen Ji's interaction with them can make him gain more power. In addition, if she goes to the world of martial arts, maybe she can also give Da Zhou Wan's doomsday world bring about change.

   "The North Pole is very cold, and the place where the four worlds meet is also very cold. Tomorrow we will still wear thick clothes, but we don't need to wear them. We will change at Shu Min's house."


  The two went to the shopping mall again, because Zhou Wan said that they couldn't go to other people's houses empty-handed, they had to prepare some gifts, at least two catties of fruit to go.

  Big Zhou Wan soon found out the news, and was very happy, and told the two to be careful, she was walking with Chen Ji and Xiao Zhou Wan in her dream.

  After reading her words, Chen Ji wanted to bring her to the main world even more, to end that doomsday!



  The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

   "Are you ready?"

  In the living room on the second floor of Binjiang Daping Floor, Chen Ji smiled and asked Zhou Wandao in full armor.

She was carrying two gift boxes in her hand, and seven or eight cups of milk tea—because she heard that the little lady’s family loves to drink cold milk tea in modern society, so she bought it last night and put it in the refrigerator, so as not to buy it in the morning. less than.

  As for Chen Ji, he was carrying their clothes and some fruits.


   Zhou Wan nodded heavily.

   Feeling quite nervous.

  She is going to travel to ancient times this time...

  Modern people can only rely on archaeology to restore that era, even if the world she is about to go to is an ancient world with the existence of true energy and martial arts.

  However, from Xia Shumin, who is classical, graceful and well-educated, one can also get a glimpse of the unique cultural temperament of that era.


   Chen Ji nodded, took out his mobile phone, and asked another Zhou Wan: "We are ready, how about you?"

   "I'm ready too."

   Zhou Wan, who was in the dormitory of the doomsday world, answered him.

  There is a special time-space connection between the two Zhou Wan. Now that Chen Ji takes the little Zhou Wan to the world of martial arts, there may be problems with the big Zhou Wan.

  Chen Ji asked the little lady again.

  After the three worlds were ready together, he took a deep breath and clicked the travel button provided by Maien on his mobile phone—you can just say it directly.

  He and Zhou Wan turned into white light together.

   Zhou Wan seemed to be frozen, and Chen Ji could see her being frozen. After a while, when a picture of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains appeared beside her, Zhou Wan came "alive".

  She blinked, "Are you there?"

  It was a vast expanse of whiteness all around.

   Zhou Wan quickly noticed the picture of a thousand miles of rivers and mountains, but she didn't know what it meant, and only regarded it as an illusion after time travel.

  After taking a few glances at the three-dimensional landscape painting, she saw that the scroll trembled, and the sun, moon and stars slowly appeared above, illuminating the continental lakes on the scroll.


   Seeing the changes in the picture scroll, Chen Ji was very surprised, but before he had time to look more, he and Zhou Wan were sucked in by the Tianmen, and when they could see clearly the things in front of them, they had already arrived in an antique study room.

  Wearing a blue skirt, elegantly dressed, delicate and elegant Xia Shumin stood up in surprise: "My lord, sister Wan, you are here!"

  Zhou Wan helped Chen Ji to stand still, and glanced at the study.

  In addition to Xia Shumin, there are two other pretty girls who are exactly the same age as Shumin, and they should be the personal maids of the noble ladies in ancient times.

  The study room is very quaint, with a brush holder on the desk, an inkstone, and an incense burner inside the room, burning an elegant fragrance.

   However, the study is not completely devoid of modern items:

  There is a water glass with a Q version of Pleasant Goat on the desk, a mobile phone, a ballpoint pen, a modern knife and a fruit knife, and a half-eaten spicy strip...


Xia Shumin exclaimed, blushing, and hurriedly picked up the spicy sticks and handed them to the two maids, pretending to be justified: "Cuizhu, don't put the unfinished spicy sticks on the desk, otherwise Sister Wan and Young Master will misunderstand that it is I ate this~"

   Cuizhu was very confused, and subconsciously took the spicy strips.

  The twin sister Luzhu on the side reacted quickly: "It's miss, you still don't feel enough after eating the rice porridge in the morning, so you took out the snack bag from the young master when you returned to the study... eh."

  She was covered by her young lady's white and tender hands.

  Zhou Wan burst out laughing, the seemingly well-behaved ancient daughter is actually more eloquent than anyone else, and her personality is not rigid at all, she is vivid, no wonder Chen Ji likes her so much.

   "So my Shu Min bought so many snacks when I went to the supermarket last time?"

  Chen Ji shook his head and clicked his tongue.

  The last time the three of them went shopping in the supermarket and bought a lot of food, Chen Ji told her that spicy snacks should not be eaten too much, but she secretly put a lot of them into the shopping cart.

  The little lady blushed, twisted the handkerchief with her two little hands, lowered her head and said pitifully: "I just bought some... and gave them to the green bamboo."

   "Not at all!"

   Cuizhu puffed her cheeks and said, "Miss ate most of it."

  Xia Shumin went to pinch her face, and the master and servant started fighting again, and the green bamboo on the side was in charge of mediating.

   Zhou Wan saw what the daily life of Miss Gu Qianjin, a maid with whom she was very close, was like.

   Moreover, there was no one else in the study, but the two maids were allowed by Shu Min to watch from the sidelines, which proved something.


   After a while.

   "Miss Zhou, this is your tea, please use it slowly."

   Cuizhu came with tea, poured tea for the three of them, stood aside with the saucer, and did not sit down.

   Zhou Wan was very curious about them, and asked, "Have you always served Shumin? Are you Shumin's personal maid?"

   "Returning to Ms. Zhou, yes, my sister and I are both Miss's personal maids. We have entered the Xia Mansion since we were young, and we have always followed the Miss's personal servants to do things and learn things."

   Cuizhu was quite proud in his words.

   At the beginning, there were a dozen or so people who came in with their sisters, but only she and her sister were left by the young lady's side to serve the young lady and grow up together.

   "Sister Wan."

  Xia Shumin, who was wearing a skirt, sat dignifiedly on a mahogany chair, and said in a soft voice: "Green bamboo and emerald bamboo will marry into... my husband's family with me in the future."

  She glanced at Chen Ji quickly, lowered her head shyly.

  The two twin maids, Xia Fei's cheeks.

  Chen Ji didn't know what to say for a while, and being looked at by Zhou Wan with weird eyes, he could only bite the bullet and say: "You don't have to follow your lady all the time, you can find a good family and marry out."


  The faces of the two servant girls were pale, and they knelt down together, trembling, not daring to say a word.

  Zhou Wan suddenly realized that different worlds do have different cultural customs. In ancient times, the maid would marry the young lady and give birth to the future master to become a concubine.

   But this is already the best way for them to survive as maids. If they are kicked out, they will not be able to hold their heads up.

  Based on this, it is no wonder that Chen Ji has so many beautiful elf believers in Shenen Continent...

   "Get up quickly, my uncle and I don't want you..."

  Xia Shumin was kind-hearted. She felt sorry for her maids, so she quickly helped them up and looked at her fiancé with aggrieved eyes.

  Chen Ji didn't want her maid. If it was according to the rules of Yongkang County, he would do this because he disliked her. It meant that Xia Shumin would be wronged after she married, and she didn't even have a helper in her husband's house.

   "These things will be discussed later, Green Bamboo, Green Bamboo, what do you think?"

  Chen Ji knew these things would happen since he had a tryst with Xia Shumin and was followed by the maid.


   The two servant girls stood aside with their heads bowed, "We listen to my uncle."

  My uncle has a soft heart, as soon as the lady pleads for mercy, my uncle will agree.

  They will definitely serve Miss in the future.

   will also serve my uncle.

  (end of this chapter)

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