"Cao Cao is very treacherous, the lord is a descendant of the fourth and third dukes, the first-class clan in the world, the reputation is too high, Cao Cao does not dare to kill the lord, nor dare to cut off the back of our army, so there is salvation in the south, only defeat does not die; if you do not die Cao Cao's hand, you will die in mutiny." "

After speaking, Yang Hong let out another long sigh.

Although he could see the situation, he could not break the game.

Can't change the result!

This time, Yuan Shu was defeated too completely, worse than Tao Qian.

At least Tao Qian's Xuzhou did not lose a city and a county, but only lost 50,000 stone of grain.

And Yuan Shu completely lost the land of Yizhou, and even the richest Nanyang had to give it to Liu Biao.



Yuzhou Army Barracks!

Thirty-five thousand Yuzhou had already begun to run out of food and was hungry.

Facing the 20,000 Qingzhou troops outside the camp, they did not dare to fight, and could only hold the camp to the death.

Liu Xiang was so worried that his hair began to turn white at this time.

The whole person was old and haggard, and his eye sockets were deeply sunken.

"General, I heard that the Lord Duke and they were defeated, 150,000 troops, attacked at Puhe River Crossing, 80,000 troops, the Lord has already ignored us, retreated to Fengqiu to protect himself!"

"General, what should we do, there is no food in the battalion, and the soldiers 06 have begun to dig the grass roots in the field and kill the mounts of the generals. "

Liu Xiang raised his head and wanted to say something, but finally held it back.

Now he can't do anything, say anything is nonsense!

Suddenly, someone hurriedly broke into the camp tent, clenched his fists and reported: "General, Cao Jun has come to envoy, saying that he has brought big news." "

Cao Cao's messenger.

Although he expected such a day, Liu Xiang did not expect it to come so quickly.

So he said, "Let the envoy of Cao Jun come in!"

Soon a scribe walked in, saw Liu Xiang, and hugged his fist and said:

"Yanzhou Maoji has seen General Liu!"

The person who came was Mao Ji, one of the two people that Cao Cao arranged to besiege Liu Xiang at Kuangting.

"Mr. Mao, here... If you have anything to say, just say it!" Liu Xiang sat up straight and raised his hand.

Mao Jie said: "There are two things here, one is to tell the general and the Yuzhou generals a big news, and the other is to persuade the surrender, there is no food in the Yuzhou military camp, I am afraid that it will not last for a few days, and then I believe that the general does not want to see all 35,000 people starve to death!"

Liu Xiang let out a long sigh, which was regarded as acquiescence, and only said: "Tell me about the news you brought!"

"Yuan Shu led 70,000 remnants of troops into Fengqiu, and a few days later received the news that all the counties in Yuzhou were attacked by our Yanzhou army, and fled from the south gate the night before, and the 70,000 army was ambushed by our army at night, and 20,000 were folded!"

"Retreated into Taishou City, fled through the south gate again that night, was ambushed by our army again, and broke another 20,000 soldiers... Now he is fleeing south along Yingshui and wants to go to Yangzhou Jiujiang!"


This news was too shocking, too much to make Liu Xiang and others rush.

The reason why they held on to Kuang Ting was that Yuan Shu led the army to save them.

Now Yuan Shu fled all the way south with the remnants of the army, losing his armor and abandoning his armor, and the soldiers and horses were constantly damaged, according to this development trend, I am afraid that if he fled to Jiujiang County, there were no more than a few thousand soldiers and horses left.

Now all hope is broken.


Liu Xianghammer wept bitterly.

The other generals also sighed heavily.

Mao Jie did not urge, let alone speak, after the gang sighed and cried.

Liu Xiang only then converged his expression, and finally said helplessly: "Fall, we descend!"

If you don't descend, you will die.

There are no more reinforcements, only surrender.

Yuan Shu will never be able to come back to save them.

Their backers fell.

Thirty-five thousand Yuzhou troops surrendered to Cao Cao, and the Battle of Kuangting came to an end.

As the situation in Yuzhou deteriorated, in the end, after Zhang Xun of the prince Wancheng learned the news, he also directly broke through the siege with the remnants of the army, gave Nanyang to Jingzhou, and went to the direction of Shouchun to find Yuan Shu.

After a series of escapes, Yuan Shu fled all the way to the north bank of the Huai River with only 5,000 remnants of the army.

"Lord, Cao Cao's cavalry is not chasing!"

"This time we are really safe!"

The crowd will rejoice in appeasing Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu was already about to cry without tears at this time, and he was injured no more, looking at the only five thousand remaining soldiers in his hand, he was choked and unable to speak. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

After a long time, he said:

"Cross the river, enter Jiujiang, and use Shouchun as the garrison of our army in the future!"

Yuzhou is lost, can only temporarily attack Yangzhou, based on Yangzhou, to dominate the world again!

Within a few days, bad news came from the direction of Peiguo, and Tao Qian took advantage of the defeat of Yuan Shu's army and retreated to Shouchun, and sent troops to the west to attack all parts of Peiguo.

Peiguo is a county with a large population and rich land, and it is the east of Runan, and the lower reaches of Huainan.

In the past, Yuan Shu and Tao Qian each got half of each other, and they were safe and sound.

As a result, Tao Qian's complete westward march meant that Tao Qian's troops could easily threaten Shouchun, which made Yuan Shu angry.

"Pass the order to Ji Ling, the 50,000 army does not need to return to Shouchun, directly wave the division to the east, recapture the Pei Kingdom, and teach Tao Qian a hard lesson!"

As soon as Yuan Shu's order was passed on, someone hurriedly came to report:

"The Lord Gong is not doing well, General Ji Ling heard that our army was defeated, and Cao Cao was pursuing the Lord Gong, so he led an army of 50,000 to the south to help, and Cao Cao, who was pursuing us halfway, suddenly led the army to the east to ambush General Ji Ling.

General Ji Ling was ambushed, 50,000 troops, 30,000 damaged, 10,000 lost, General Ji Ling only took 10,000 soldiers and horses to escape to Longqiang. "

Ji Ling was also defeated, and the 50,000 army was gone!

080 This time, Yuan Shu's last courage was gone.

Directly fainted, leaving a panicked crowd.


Yuan Shu was defeated, and the world was shocked, and everyone was surprised!

Yuan Shao's 250,000-strong army was almost completely destroyed, and the rich Yuzhou was lost, so he could only flee to Shouchun for refuge, which was really unexpected by the major princes.



"I, Jingzhou, joined forces with Yanzhou to defeat Yuan Shu, and although I only occupy Nanyang, I also get the most beautiful place. Liu Biao said:

"Although Yuan Shu was defeated, he got away with it, intending to resurrect in Shouchun, and will be a threat to the east of my Jingzhou in the future, what do you think should be done?"

Kuang Yue said, "Lord, you can continue to unite with Cao Cao to control Yuan Shu!"

At the same time, he was sending envoys to Xuzhou, and this time Tao Qian attacked Pei Guo and fought with Yuan Shu, and Tao Qian had been laying out Yangzhou, and now Yuan Shu wants to occupy Yangzhou and fight with Tao Qian for his recovery. "

Others seconded.

Now the situation is clear.

Liu Biao brushed his beard, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice for a moment:

"In that case, Deng Xi, you sent an envoy to Zhencheng to visit Cao Cao!"

"Wang Wei, you sent an envoy to Xuzhou Tancheng to visit Tao Qian!"

"No!" Deng Xi and Wang Wei both took orders, and then sent envoys to Yanzhou and Xuzhou respectively to submit the matter of alliance! .

Người mua: sabmado

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