
"The road is a failure!"

"200,000 troops, the whole army is destroyed?"

Yuan Shao received the news from the south, and the whole person was stunned!

This news is fake!

Cao Ah concealed tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands, it would be good to be able to hold Yanzhou, and he even defeated Yuan Shu's fool with fewer victories!

Even if you win, such a big victory is simply a little unbelievable.

"Even if it is 200,000 pigs, Cao Cao will also have to catch it for a few months, this is less than half a month, surrender of surrender, defeat of defeat, land of Kaecheng, the whole of Yuzhou will return to Cao Cao?"

Looking at the anger, Yuan Shao slapped the case heavily.

Impatient and violent in mind.

"Waste! It's just a loss of my Yuan family's face!"

"I'm still waiting to divide Yanzhou equally with you, you are good, give Yuzhou to Cao Ah to conceal, the world's first stupid pig!"

"When Cao Cao obtains this prefecture and county, his wings will be full, how will I control him in the future, Cao Ah will be my great enemy!"

Soon Yuan Shao's group of advisers arrived, and seeing the mess in the hall, everyone knew that Yuan Shao had gone too far.

I couldn't help but secretly rejoice in my heart, but fortunately it was overnight.

Seeing that everyone was coming, Yuan Shao coughed lightly and retracted his angry expression.

Then he said, "You are all here, I believe you have heard about the things in the south!"

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, and then they all replied:

"Lord, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu's 200,000-strong army was wiped out, and Shouchun was defeated, I have heard about this later!"

"Although there were some surprises, the news confirmed to be true, the five counties in the northwest of Yingchuan County, Chen Guo, Liang Guo, and Pei Guo in Yuzhou, and the northern part of Runan County all belong to Cao Cao!"

"Among them, Nanyang County is obtained by Jingzhou Liu Biao, and most of Peiguo is occupied by Tao Qian!"

Yuan Shao motioned for everyone to sit down: "All sit down and discuss!"

"What should be the current situation?"

The plan to seize Yanzhou has failed, and countermeasures must be quickly developed.

In order to atone for his sins, Xu Yu was the first to speak: "Lord, Cao Cao secretly hides a hundred thousand Qingzhou army, more than 10,000 tigers and leopards to ride, with evil intentions and treachery, you should be vigilant~!"

"Now that he has obtained most of Yuzhou, his soldiers and horses are strong, and he has plenty of food and grass, he should be a major threat to my Jizhou, and he has to guard against and control it!"

"I thought that one could connect with Liu Biao of Jingzhou and make it go north to threaten the newly occupied land southwest of Cao Cao, and the other would reconcile with Tao Qian to prevent Cao Cao from capturing Xuzhou and further entrenching him. "

"Third... Quietly connect with the highway, help it recover, in order to involve the south, threaten Cao Cao's south, and finally... It can make Guo Li and others in Guanzhong Chang'an go east, plunder Yingchuan and Henan Yin, threaten Chen Liu, so that Cao Cao cannot care about each other, and sit in the land of four battles, and there is no possibility of growth!"

This idea seems to be good.

Just when Yuan Shao was savoring Xu Yu's strategy.

Guo Tu stood up and scolded: "Xu Yu, you want to die!"

Xin Ping, Xin Bi, Xun Kan and the others all stared at Xu Yu with their eyes spitting fire.

Like Guo Tu, they are all from Yingchuan.

Xu Yu's fourth strategy, the bad idea of luring Guo Li, these Western Liang army bandits to rob their hometown, naturally made everyone dissatisfied and even hostile.

The Western Liang army bandits are a group of people, they ran to Yingchuan, and their hometown was not all destroyed.

Although everyone brought their families to Yecheng, the clansmen were still in Yingchuan. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Which family is not hundreds of people, if this is made by Xu Yu, bloody family feuds.

Xu Yu lowered his head, did not dare to argue with everyone, and was also anxious just now, so he said the fourth strategy.

Now he suddenly offended the Yingchuan faction, and it was really uncomfortable.

Tian Feng stood up and said: "Lord Gong, Guanzhong Chang'an, although there is a Son of Heaven, but Guo Li and the like, are all anti-thieves, but Dong Zhuo's rebel bandits, must not be in the same league with it, once the world knows, the reputation of the Lord will be ruined!"

"Lord, Xu Yu's plan is nonsense, not to mention that it is a great rebellion with the rebel thief Guo Li Gou, that is, to unite with Yuan Shu and Tao Qian, it is also a fish smell method!"

"Tao Qian, Yuan Shu and Gongsun Zan are my enemies when they unite, and Cao Cao honors the Lord as the alliance lord and is a friend of our army, how can there be a method of uniting enemies and destroying friends, then it will definitely chill the hearts of those who follow the Lord in the world, and put the Lord on the fire and roast it!"

"The heart of the people is not there, justice is not there, and the undefeated is defeated. "

Yingchuan faction scolded himself, it was his own gaffe.

If the Jizhou faction denounces itself, then it cannot be given up.

Xu Yu refuted: "Master, frustration is nonsense. "

"Whether it is an enemy or a friend, it can be transformed, since Cao Cao rejected my Yecheng, he has no longer been an ally such as me, and now his power is great, and it will inevitably threaten my Yecheng, and he is an enemy." "

"If the highway is defeated and fled Shouchun, and he is unable to unite with Gongsun Zhan, he will naturally not become my enemy, and the highway is the brother of the lord, the brother and sister, and he is the greatest friend in the world, not the enemy!"

"'Let's talk about Tao Qian, Cao Cao once attacked him, as long as Tao Qian breaks off contact with Gongsun Zhan, he can also be a friend of our army, one less enemy, one more ally, this is the method of long-distance friendship and close attack!"

One thing to say, Xu Yu's words, it is not unreasonable, and everyone privately exchanged ears and ears.

Tian Feng said, "Although Cao Cao is a potential enemy of my Yecheng, don't forget that he is still an ally, and he has not done anything to harm my Yecheng, nor has he gone north to attack Yecheng." "

"And the most crucial point, if we force Cao Cao towards Gongsun Zhan, do you think we can still win the battle in the north and determine the four states of Dingqing, Ji, You, and He?"

At present, Yuan Shao's biggest enemy is still Gongsun Zhan.

Although Kaihashi won the battle, he won the battle at Ryuminato again.

However, there were not many Gongsun Zan soldiers and horses eliminated.

To put it bluntly, Gongsun Zhan's strength is still there, still strong, if Cao Cao is forced to Gongsun Zan at this time, then (King Zhao Zhao) Yecheng will definitely lose.

If you don't want to win over Cao Cao, but want to unite the enemy to fight Cao Cao, this is simply a death stream, what is the difference with the stupid Yuan Shu.

Tian Feng's words made Yuan Shao chuckle in his heart, and he suddenly came back from his beautiful fantasy.

If you want to get Cao Cao, you must first solve Gongsun Zhan.

Otherwise, there would be danger to the south, and he would not be able to start a full-scale war with Gongsun Zan at ease and fight for Qingzhou and Youzhou.

"What Yuan Hao said is reasonable!" Yuan Shao thought for a while and said, "Xu Yu, you go to Xiangyang, Jingzhou, and congratulate Liu Biao on my happy Nanyang!"

"The change is going to Shouchun, telling the highway, and being good for himself in Yangzhou, Mo Zaisheng is connected with Gongsun Zhan.

When I have time, I will help him and Meng De to match up and eliminate misunderstandings between each other.

After all, I and the others are all playmates who grew up together, what grievances can't be said, everyone is calm and calm, and it is right to live in harmony!"

Người mua: sabmado

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