"Haha, I just want them to not sleep!" Cao Cao sneered contemptuously: "Liu Biao's guardian dog, his capture of Nanyang is only to protect the safety of Jingzhou, not to go north!"

"Zhisho moved to Xu County, Nanyang we must take over, not only because of the geographical location, but also because Nanyang has a large population, fertile land, and is the source of Han Water, control Nanyang, we can attack Guanzhong from two directions." "

"Of course, this is an afterword, the government moved to Xu County in order to adjust our strategic goals and direction!"

"Make sufficient preparations for attacking Jingzhou, Yangzhou and other places in the south!"

"I have calculated with Gongtai that expanding Xu County will take at least one year of construction, so for the time being, Liu Biao and we will not have a conflict, and this year is enough for us to solve Xuzhou." "

"Then our next goal is only the west and the south, and sooner or later we will have to fight Liu Biao and Yuan Shu. "

"At that time, it was just time to take advantage of this to move the seat of governance to Xu County, so it was also convenient to send troops south to attack Jingyang!"

Plan and decide.

Xia Zhicai now understood that Cao Cao had planned this for a long time.

It seems that before sending troops, he is expected to win, and there are other plans with Chen Gong.

"On the other hand, my Dahan's talents are basically in Yingchuan, doesn't Zhicai feel that it is a sin to let them drain?" Cao Cao's eyes suddenly became gloomy:

"Talent is not used by me, nor can it be used by the enemy!"

What I can't get, why should I give it to others.

The princes competed for hegemony, fighting for land, population, money and food, and talent.

The way of great competition, all capital that is conducive to becoming stronger, needs to be contested.

If you don't take it, you will make someone else!

Sooner or later, the Son of Heaven will return to the east, and Xu Capital will have to be built sooner or later, so why not plan early.

History has proven the value of Xu County, why not amplify it.

It would be a pity not to firmly hold this advantage in your hands and amplify it in advance!

"Lord Gong is wise!" When Xia Zhicai heard this, he also had to admire Cao Cao's foresight.

Zhencheng was too close to Yuan Shao, and Cao Cao would have a battle with the victors in the north, and it would be a big war.

Zhencheng is obviously no longer suitable for pampering.

It can only become an important hub for the transfer of military food.

Moreover, the city has no danger to defend, and it is relatively passive.

"Master, then which army are you going to let guard Xu County?" asked Xia Zhicai.

Since the previous site selection problem has been solved, then construction and development has become the most important follow-up matter.

Cao Cao said, "This time, we have captured nearly 180,000 soldiers and horses from Yuzhou, more than the Qingzhou army, and I want to divide 100,000 tun to guard Xu County and 80,000 to garrison Luoyang!"

"Guarding Luoyang?" Xia Zhicai frowned slightly, a little puzzled:

"Lord, Luoyang has been abandoned, and there are still Western Liang troops in the west, and they will go south to plunder at any time, and they will guard Luoyang, I am afraid that the gains will not be worth the losses, but it will cause dissatisfaction in Guanzhong. "

Xia Zhicai did not understand why Cao Cao, who had always been wise, was provoking Li Guo and others in Guan Zhong for the sake of a ruined land.

Those guys are bandits, who do not produce and live by looting.

When the calamity in Guanzhong is over, it will definitely go south and plunder Shandong.

In Luoyang Tuntian, I was afraid that the meat buns beat the dog and made a wedding dress.

Cao Cao said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, Li Wei and Guo Xiao are not worried, the four generals of Western Liang are only Fan Chou brave, but they are about to die of internal strife; Zhang Ji has a little contact with us, and then he will definitely leave Chang'an and settle in Hongnong, and with him, Li Wei and Guo Xiao will not be able to go south at all!"

"Although Luoyang is a land of ruins, isn't this the good land of my tuntian?"

Luoyang was originally the land of the Son of Heaven, and the land was fertile, and in the past, it was in the hands of great families and heavy ministers in the dynasty.

Now that Luoyang is in ruins, all the land has become borderless, which is simply not too good for Tuntian.

Moreover, he can also use the name of Tuntian to control the various checkpoints and fortresses in Luoyang, and build it into a closed world that is truly unique to the Cao family.

Xu Du was only a transition, and Cao Wei wanted to do the work of standing on behalf of Cao Wei and rule the world.

In the future, it will definitely move back to Luoyang.

At that time, the Hanchen of the Manchu Dynasty in Xudu will definitely be dumbfounded.

Will Fan Chou die?

Seeing Cao Cao so determined, Xia Zhicai's eyes showed bewilderment.

Could it be that the Lord sent someone to Guanzhong again?

It is necessary to instigate internal strife among the Western Liang Army in order to seek greater interests.

"Newspaper, the lord, the Zhencheng side sent a letter from the eldest prince and Chen Biechai!" (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The man behind him sent two copper pipes up.

Cao Cao pinched the sealing mud, poured it out and looked at it, and laughed up to the sky:

"Good, good, it's really heavenly help me!"

"It seems that we will be able to repair Xinxu County soon!"

After reading it, Cao Cao handed the letter to Xia Zhicai.

Xia Zhicai took a look.

I saw that Cao Ang reported to Cao Cao above, and the new construction plan that Zhencheng had recently made.

Prepare to vigorously launch the Red Brick Factory, as well as other supporting factories.

In order to solve the problem of housing for the people of the military and the displaced people in various places.

At the same time, it is also to improve the cold and frost protection of the people under the rule.

The coal stove is just a palliative solution, which really allows the people to sleep comfortably in winter, can protect against the cold, and must be a warm and airtight house.

"'The Lord is going to build a new city with red bricks?'

Cao Cao said: "This is natural, the cost of red bricks is low, the output is high, the time is fast, it is most suitable for repairing the new city, and it can save a lot of expenses." "

"As for the issue of service life, I think it is not a question of thinking about concerns in our turbulent times for the time being. "

In the world of great strife, all resources must be given priority to war readiness.

Xia Zhicai had already vaguely guessed that Cao Cao wanted to do something.

However, this kind of precaution is a bit strange.

This is also too ahead of its time.

Where did the confidence of the Lord and Chen Gong come from, feeling that this world will eventually belong to us.

Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that Yuan Shao's power is greater, and Jizhou's heritage is stronger.

Yuan's energy was beyond imagination.

The Cao clan only has the qualifications to compete for hegemony, but it does not have the background of hegemony, which is why many people are still not optimistic about Cao Cao and are unwilling to devote themselves to the city, be loyal to Cao Cao, and do things for him. The people of the world still value the Yuan family the most, even if they are old princes like Jingzhou Liu Biao.

"Let's go, we should also go back to Zhencheng, there are still many things, many people waiting for us!" Cao Cao turned on his horse and then whipped down the mountain.

All the soldiers followed down the mountain.

Passing by Chen Liu, Cao Cao stopped specifically.

Zhang Qiao led his men out of the city to greet each other.

"Congratulations to Meng De, for winning this great victory, once I solved the danger of Yanzhou, I drove Yuan Shu to Huainan!"

Cao Cao stepped forward, directly grabbed Zhang Qiao's hand, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Meng Zhuo is becoming more and more polite, you and I have a deep friendship, although it is not blood, it is better than brothers, my great victory is your great victory, it should be that we rejoice together!"

"I, Cao Cao, can be today, thanks to Meng Zhuo's support all along, and whoever dares to snub Meng Zhuo is my enemy. "。

Người mua: sabmado

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