When Zhang Qiao heard this, his heart warmed, and he couldn't help nodding with emotion: "It's still Meng De who has feelings and righteousness!"

"Some people say that I didn't do anything when Yuan Shu came over, I was a traitor in Yanzhou, and he wanted to attack me and kill me, but how did they know that I also had bitter intentions!"

"Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Chen Liu, how can I block Yuan Shu's army, I can defend Chen Liucheng without losing it, it is already difficult!"

Zhang Liao heard that Cao Cao was coming to Chen Liucheng, but he was so frightened that he didn't sleep well for two days and nights.

It was afraid that Cao Cao would liquidate him, so he directly took his position as a great defender and took Chen Liujun.

When he heard Cao Cao's words, he could be regarded as having a place in his heart, and he was also relieved!

You see, none of Cao Cao's soldiers and horses entered the city, this is to appease himself, not to take the city!

"Meng Table rest assured, I don't mean to blame you, Yuan Shu's army is pressing, in fact, I am also afraid!" Cao Cao laughed at himself:

"I almost sent my wife and children to Yecheng, if it weren't for the harsh conditions at the beginning, it is estimated that I would not be able to see my wife and children now!"

This is true, the hostages went to Yecheng and waited to help Yuan Shao work for a lifetime.

If you want to see people, you can, go to Yecheng by yourself, but Hugh wants to take people away.

"It's still Meng De brave and martial, and he has the courage to beat Yuan Shu to the ground, 303 not only get out of my Yanzhou, but also lose Yuzhou!" Zhang Qiao sent a horse fart and held Cao Cao high.

People like Zhang Qiao have no big ambitions, but they want to guard their acres and three-point land, so they are the best at making friends on weekdays.

Never do offending people's business, popularity is good.

Even if Yuan Shu called, he did not move Zhang Liao, only thinking about capturing Yanzhou, and letting Zhang Liao continue to be Chen Liu's guard.

This was also the fundamental reason why Zhang Qiao did not resist Yuan Shu at all.

The boss can change whoever he wants, as long as he doesn't take his territory, it's easy to say anything.

Soon entering the Taishou Mansion, Zhang Qiao brought out the best things to entertain Cao Cao.

The two talked and laughed at the banquet, and they were very harmonious, and the subordinates on both sides also toasted and praised each other.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Seeing that it was almost done, Cao Cao said, "Meng Zhuo, do you know what has happened in Yecheng recently?"

Zhang Qiao was stunned.

Why did you get involved with Yuan Shao again?

Zhang Liao shook his head, where did he know what Yuan Shao wanted to do?

Cao Cao half-squinted his eyes and said:

"My Yanzhou won this time, but I wasn't very happy at the beginning!

Zhang Qiao wanted to cry, although he did not have great ambition, it did not mean that he was stupid.

When Yuan Shu's army was defeated, the princes of the world counted Yuan Shao as the most disappointed.

Because he had no excuse to enter Yanzhou, he could only work on the side in a hurry, and finally poured cold water on it.

It's weird to be in a good mood.

However, Zhang Liao could not say, he could only pretend to be confused and shook his head sharply.

"Hey, it seems that Meng Zhuo you are in danger!" Cao Cao saw Zhang Qiao pretending to be stupid, and immediately exclaimed, he also wanted to scare Zhang Qiao.

Zhang Qiao was stunned when he heard Fang, and his heart was also stunned, and his face was inexplicable and doubtful.

"How did Meng De say this?" Zhang Qiao became modest.

Cao Cao's face suddenly turned cold, and then he sighed slightly: "Yuan Shu's defeat may be a good thing for us, but Yuan Shu's defeat is not what Ye Cheng wants to see." "

"Some people may think that our Yanzhou is too strong, they will threaten it, and they are ready to fight with the enemy and solve the problems of their relatives!"

Yuan Shao wants to move Yanzhou.

Zhang Qiao's face was instantly unhappy.

Yuan Shao, this person, Zhang Qiao, knew that he had never been well.

And there is a hatred with himself.

If he wanted to move Yanzhou, Eighty Percent would attack him first. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Back then, he took Han into Chen Liu, but he took the risk, but fortunately, Cao Cao made peace for himself, and Yuan Shao let himself go.

"Meng De, this can be taken seriously, some things can't be said nonsense!" Zhang Liao was a little suspicious, Cao Cao also understood it, and he was very treacherous.

However, Cao Cao is very moral, and he is still different from Yuan Shao, who has no conscience. (agdd)

Cao Cao glanced at everyone at the table, and stopped talking.

Zhang Qiao immediately understood, and then waved his hand:

"I've drunk a little too much today, let's all disperse!"

Cao Cao just pretended to be drunk and lay on the food table and snored.

When everyone saw it, they suddenly cried and laughed, Cao Cao, you slept too fast.

Just got drunk at the banquet, can you respect our intelligence.

After everyone left and the hall door closed, Zhang Liao came over to add clothes to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao woke up with a yawn and said to Zhang Liao: "Meng De knows Lü Bu?"

Zhang Qiao nodded: "Didn't Lü Bu go to Yuan Shao, what do you have to do with Chen Liu's affairs?"

Cao Cao poured himself a glass of wine and said with a smile: "You don't know something, Yuan Shao won't keep Lü Bu there, and now using Lü Bu is a cooperation between the two sides!"

"Once Lü Bu helped Ben defeat the Black Mountain Army and repelled Zhang Yan and the others, Lü Bu should leave Jizhou, where do you think he can go then?"

Zhang Qiao pondered for a moment when he heard this, and then his eyes widened and his mouth widened.

"He, he... It won't be Chen Liu, who fancy me!"

Cao Cao cast a really clever expression.

"Yuan Shao, how dare he take my Yanzhou land as his favor?" Zhang Qiao suddenly wanted to scold Yuan Shao?

Cao Cao said, "As far as I know, Yuan Shao will definitely not let Lü Bu return to Union Prefecture, and Union Prefecture is in the hands of his nephew Gao Gan, if Lü Bu is allowed to go to Union Prefecture, such as letting the tiger return to the mountain, leaving himself with trouble, I believe that the group of famous men in Yecheng will not be able to let this happen." "

"Yes, Lü Bu can't go to Hezhou, he can only go south, and after crossing the Yellow River, only we will be Yanzhou!" Zhang Xiaozi remembered himself.

Because this is the most likely.

Yuan Shao definitely wanted Lü Bu to replace him, so that he could re-intervene in Yanzhou and drag Cao Cao back into the palm of his hand.

But in this case, he will become the first object to be sacrificed.

"So Meng Zhuo, we will always be grasshoppers with a rope, brothers. Cao Cao picked up the wine glass, poured himself a sip, and continued:

"The lips are dead and cold, one glory is prosperous, and the other is damaged. "

"Chen Liu is lost, Yanzhou is not guaranteed!"

"I can retreat to Yuzhou, but what about you, Meng Zhuo?"

Cao Cao's words were half-truths, plus he had always spoken infectiously, and this atmosphere was tense, and it was not bad at all.

Zhang Qiao was afraid and frightened, and helplessly took a few steps back, and then sat down on his butt.

Dry and astringent lips.

"Well, how is this good?"

"Mengde, you have saved me, I am one with you, and I will always support you!"

Looking at Cao Cao in front of him, Zhang Liao knew that he still had a life-saving straw to grasp.

Cao Cao must have a way to save the situation.

Người mua: sabmado

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