Cao Cao soothed, "I understand, Meng Zhuo will never betray me!"

"Otherwise, how could I enter Chen Liu and discuss this matter with Meng Zhuo!"

"You don't want to die, and I don't want to, so we need to plan ahead and plan ahead!"

Zhang Qiao couldn't help nodding: "Yes, yes, we need to plan in advance, and we must not let Lü Bu ~ enter Yanzhou." "

Cao Cao shook his head: "This alone is not enough, Lü Bu is a cavalryman, and he can't prevent it at all." "

Zhang Qiao couldn't help but be a little disappointed, he knew that Cao Cao was right.

Hanoi County is next to Chen Liu, and Lü Bu has Yuan Shao to help cross the river very simply.

"Meng De, let's talk about how we need to plan!" Zhang Liao was flustered at this time, and he had no mature idea at all.

Cao Cao saw that the fire marquis was almost the same, so he said, "Does Meng Zhuo know where I came to Chen Liu?"

Zhang Qiao shook his head.

Cao Cao said, "Yingchuan Xu County!"

Xu County!

Zhang Qiao was still confused and did not understand what Cao Cao meant.

Cao Cao said, "I went there to investigate, and found that Xu County is suitable to become the seat of the Zhendong General's Mansion!"

"Zhencheng is too close to the beginning, if I have heavy troops in Zhencheng, he will not be able to sleep, so we will take the first step to avoid its edge and take a step back to the sea and sky!"

Cao Cao wanted to move his seat of government from Zhencheng to Xu County.

Zhencheng was also newly built by Cao Cao and is still a new city.

So soon to give up.

In this way, Yuan Shao's desire to seize Yanzhou is true.

Otherwise, how could Cao Cao back down and avoid disaster.

"Yingchuan Xu County is good, you can temporarily avoid the original edge. Zhang Qiao asked, "What next?"

You Cao Cao went to Xu County, but I can't go!"

"We must be prepared to lose Yanzhou, or even give up Chen Liu. Cao Cao said with a pained face:

"Only in this way can we deal with Benchu for a long time, I believe that we will cede Yanzhou to Benchu, he is not good to continue to force and coerce us!"

Zhang Qiao's heart was dripping blood.

Giving up Chen Liu, this is a bad idea.

You Cao Cao still have the new Yuzhou, what do I have?

"Meng De, your price is too great!" said Zhang Qiao unwillingly.

Cao Cao took in Zhang Liao's expression and knew that Zhang Liao was reluctant to give up Chen Liu, so he explained:

"No matter how big the price is, we must also pay, because today we pay to get more tomorrow, temporary concessions are for tomorrow's progress, leave people and land, then everyone and land will survive, and if we keep land, everyone will lose!"

"We are too weak now, we can't fight at all, even if it is a small Lu Bu, it is difficult to deal with!"

"Of course, if Meng Zhuo can deal with Lu Bu, I will fight to the death, and I will have a good fight with Ben Chu!"

Zhang Qiao suddenly cried.

I fought with Lv Bu and joked.

Lü Bu's guy is so violent, he has not seen it, the battle of Tiger Prison Pass back then, but he can see it clearly.

There were no fierce generals under him, and the soldiers were average, and they couldn't stop Lü Bu's Hezhou Wolf Horse at all.

Cao Cao saw that Zhang Qiao had completely hit the bottom, so he hurriedly said: "I want to overthrow Xu County and rebuild it, if Meng Zhuo is interested, he can help me plan and supervise, I want to show Meng Zhuo as the assassin of Yuzhou." "

"With Meng Zhuo's talent and qualifications, I want to believe that the imperial court will definitely allow it. "


Zhang Qiao was surprised and stunned.

Form me for Yuzhou?

Cao Cao was so generous.

Seeing that Cao Cao did not seem to be faking, Zhang Liao asked excitedly in his heart: "Meng De... Me, is it really possible?"

Yuzhou is what you beat down, you don't find a henchman to be Yuzhou, but throw it to me, it's really incredible.

This surprised and surprised Zhang Qiao.

Just now, he was still worried about the loss of Chen Liu.

Cao Cao gave himself such a big gift package.

"What's not feasible. Cao Cao stared straight into Zhang Qiao's eyes and said:

"Meng Zhuo is like my own brother, he is my confidant, you said that you will always support me, I believe Meng Zhuo will never betray me, how can I chill Meng Zhuo's heart." "

These words simply moved Zhang Qiao!

"Meng De understands me!" (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

"Meng Dezhen is my reborn parent, no, my own brother!"

"In the future, I Zhang Qiao will be in the same boat with Meng De, and I will definitely not let Meng De down!"

Whoever betrays Meng De, I Zhang Liao will not betray Meng De!

Cao Cao laughed when he heard this, and then said, "Come on, Meng Zhuo is drinking three cups of it today!"

"Xu County will be entrusted to you to prepare, and you will have to bother more about Yuzhou!"

"It must be, Meng De rest assured, Xu Xian, you will leave it to me, I will definitely build it for you!" Zhang Qiao was in a smooth mood, naturally he was a big bag, and he showed his style of eight chefs again.


Zhang Liao announced that he was no longer holding the position of Chen Liutaishou and asked Cao Cao to appoint a new Chen Liutaishou.

At this point, the entire Yanzhou was completely returned to Cao Cao, and there was no more princely power in the prefecture.

Perfectly solved Zhang Qiao's affairs, and also found someone to supervise the construction of the new city of Xu County, Cao Cao was naturally in a good mood.

Leaving a group of soldiers and horses to take over Chen Liu, set up a major road to check the city, and then returned to Zhencheng in the east.

The Battle of Kuangting completely brought Cao Cao's reputation in Yanzhou to a high point.

Let the people of Yanzhou see that Cao Cao has enough power to protect them and give them a stable life.

So more and more people supported Cao Cao.

Outside the city!

The official road was full of people standing on both sides, and the long line was directly lined up ten miles away!

"Haha, Lord look quickly, there are more people out of the city to greet us this time!"

The generals looked at the crowd who could not see their heads, proud and happy.

"Not necessarily all of them are from Yancheng, maybe there are many people from other places, just to see the demeanor of the lord and see my mighty master in Yanzhou!"

"No, I think, it must be the battle of those family giants, seeing that the Lord Gong defeated Yuan Shu, this time it can be regarded as a complete obedience, don't dare not come!"

The Saga Haoqiang is the most likely to meet the wind rudder.

The battle of Kuangting, such a big victory, they were also frightened.

Now Cao Cao is like the sky, and the soldiers and horses are too strong.

If he is still not interesting and does not come out to express his position, it is estimated that he will soon be cleaned up by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao half-squinted his eyes, and the old god was there:

"Tell the soldiers to cheer up!"

"To show the last military posture to our fellow villagers and tell them that we will not be wrong to support us. "

"Only a mighty master like us can ensure their safety and bring a good life and a good life to everyone!"

"Lord is mighty, Yanzhou is mighty!" the generals roared in unison.

Then one by one, they stood tall and walked sonorously.

The dusty ones immediately patted to show the last side.

Soon the vanguard arrived at the greeting area.

"Cao Gong has returned from a great victory, the people of Yancheng, the people of Yanzhou, welcome!"

"Beat up!"

"Long live General Zhendong, long live Cao Gong!"

"Great Han mighty, great Han ten thousand years!"

Along the way, the people all shouted loudly, one louder than the other.

Excited and excited, the soldiers who fought for Yanzhou and Cao Cao returned Wan! .

Người mua: sabmado

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