"Cao Cao's army is mighty, and now there are 100,000 armored men, and among the princes of the world, they have already ranked among the forefront!"

"The former Cao Aqiao has been revealed, and no one in the world dares to underestimate it!"

"It seems that we need to re-evaluate Cao Cao and make a personal judgment on him!"

Near the gate of the city, among the greeting processions, there were several men in Chinese robes.

One by one, they commented on the team that returned from Cao Cao's victory.

"By the way, what about that kid Fengxiao, why didn't he come on such an important occasion?"

Everyone searched around, but they didn't see the guy with a pale face but full of talent.

"It is estimated that ... It was too late to communicate with the girls last night, and I haven't gotten up yet!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly, and they all had a feeling of careless dating.

"I heard that the singers in the green building have all come out, could it be that the girl Fengxiao is looking for is not the other girl!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone "040" instantly chilled.

"Don't talk about it, I'm afraid that the overnight dinner will spit out, I think Fengxiao is not such a person!"

Everyone nodded.

However, neither of them believed the other's eyes, because they both betrayed each other.

"I heard that Wen Ruo is looking for us, we... Want to get him back?"

Someone immediately changed the topic.

Everyone pondered, the question is a bit complicated.

It's not something you can say with a pat on the head.

"I think it depends on where Cao Cao places us in Yingchuan?"

"That guy from Yuan Highway, although he occupies Yuzhou, he ignored me and other Yingchuan, did not pay attention to it, and I don't know what kind of temperament Cao Mengde will have!"

Jiang Gan said: "How can it be stronger than Yuan Shu, Wen Ruo and Gongda have been reused, even Xia Zhicai can become a henchman and plan everything, which shows Cao Cao's heart for employing people!"

Fan Qin said: "Zao Yi has been recommended to Cao Cao's shogunate and become the captain of Tuntian, which shows that Cao Cao still attaches great importance to my Yingchuan, and is also good at using people!"

Zhao Jian said, "Let Wen Ruo test Cao Cao, give us the answer, and we will enter the city!"

In the north they will not go.

There are Guo Tu, Xun Kan, Xin Ping, Xin Bi, Chen Lin and others, and an avenue has been paved.

On the other hand, they need to paving, so that the Yingchuan family can firmly control the world and always be the winner!

Returning to Zhencheng, Cao Cao feasted the people of Wen Wu.

It is the Lord who rejoices and is happy.

"Lord, now that Yuzhou has been attacked, what should I do?"

A scribe stood up and asked.

Cao Cao glanced at him, and this man, he remembered, was from Yingchuan.

It is a son of a small family.

Although it is not a great talent, it also fills the shortcomings of Yanzhou's lack of manpower.

Cao Cao couldn't help but glance at Xun Yu.

Then he glanced at Xun Yu again.

Only then did they sweep their gaze to everyone, and everyone stopped toasting and communicating with each other, and all their eyes focused on Cao Cao.

If the state county is large, this flat can be more or less a lot of location.

Both civil and military can benefit.

As Cao Cao's first or second followers, it was undoubtedly an opportunity for them to be promoted, and who did not pay attention to their future future.

Cao Cao withdrew his eyes, stood up, walked to the middle, and with the strength of the wine, said boldly: "Yuzhou is the first step in the growth of my city, and it is also an important place in the south of my city. "

"I want to move the office to Yingchuan, what do you think?"

Governance relocation?

The crowd was flabbergasted.

In particular, it turned out that some officials in Yanzhou lied even more!

The relocation of the government means the transfer of the political center.

It also means the transfer of benefits and rights.

Can they not lie?

And the officials from Yingchuan were overjoyed.

No matter where the government is placed, it will inevitably benefit the people of Yingchuan.

However, strangely, at the banquet, no one stood up to express their position, and the atmosphere was a little quiet.

Cao Cao said, "Why, don't dare to say!"

"I'm not a man-eating tigress, I'm happy to return from a great victory today, I can say anything, I can discuss it!"

"Speak freely, and if you are not convinced, you can debate it. "

Yanzhou officials have set their sights on Chen Gong, the current benchmark.

Chen Gong seemed to have known for a long time, quietly eating food and wine, and his calm and relaxed expression made people surprised and surprised.

Even Xun Yu and Xun Yu and the others were surprised. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Chen Gong did not object.

As Cao Cao's chief strategist, Chen Gong seemed too calm.

Could it be that Cao Cao had already discussed with him.

The two couldn't help but sink their hearts.

Someone gently bumped Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu saw that everyone was stirring themselves out, so he had to bite the bullet and say:

"Lord, as soon as our army has won a big victory, will it cause turmoil when it moves to the administrative office?"

"Yingchuan is too close to Nanyang, Liu Biao is allied with us, will this move provoke him and loosen the plan of the two alliances against Yuan!"

Cheng Yu is not stupid!

From beginning to end, it was not said that the government could not be moved, and there was no opposition ...

Cao Cao pointed to the north and said:

"Remember what Ye Cheng said before we sent out the troops?"

At the mention of this, everyone thought of Xu Yu.

Suddenly, his brows furrowed.

Yecheng asked the people of Yancheng to move their families to Yecheng as hostages.

Yuan Shao's signal to send troops was strong.

If it weren't for Gongsun Zan in the north, he would have gone south.

This time, Cao Cao couldn't win Yuan Shu at all.

So, threats from the north are always there.

"This time we won, but have you ever thought about it, the crisis of our four battles in Yanzhou can change!

"Compared with the collapse, the temporary turmoil of the migration and governance office, which one is lighter and which is heavier!"

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

It turned out that Cao Cao was afraid that Yuan Shao would send troops south, and the city was too close to the city, on the south bank of the Yellow River, as long as Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses guarded the river, the city would be lost in an instant.

As soon as the city is broken, no matter how good the situation is, it will fall apart in the big territory.

Therefore, staying away from Yecheng is a long-term solution.

"Besides, you really think I'm going to move the government now!" said Cao Cao with a smile:

"I'm not stupid, and at the same time, I don't have this ability in Yanzhou now, and there is no city in Yingchuan that has this foundation to accept our Zhendong General's Mansion!"

Everyone was stunned.

It seems that Cao Cao has something to say.

Not now to move 4.0, but later.

When is it later?

Yingchuan does not have the conditions to install a house now!

Everyone had an epiphany.

Xun Yu and Xun Yu looked at each other again, and also brushed their beards and pondered.

Suddenly they seem to understand something?

Cao Cao is opening conditions!

The government can be placed in Yingchuan, the question is what do you Yingchuan take to give back to me.

I give what you want, but you will give what I want!

I see!

After figuring it out, Xun Yu stood up and said:

"Lord, I thought that the Zhendong General's Mansion was most suitable in Yingchuan, there are mountains and rivers, not far from Yecheng, and only two or three hundred miles to the Yellow River crossing, the north can lead to Jizhou, the east can enter Yanzhou Jianghuai, the south can go down to Nanyang Jingyue, and the west can enter Luoyang into Guanzhong, which is really a good place to dominate the world!"

Người mua: sabmado

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