Cao Cao turned to look at Xun Yu without speaking.

As if to remind him that this is not enough!

Xun Yu then said: "I know a place, named Xu County, this place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is a large area of barren and good land, if it has to be reclaimed, the army will be fortified, and there will be plenty of food and grass!"

"Yingchuan has always had high rollers, and is willing to contribute family funds to renovate Xu County and build a new city for the main duke, with the General Anzhendong Mansion. "

Good guys, renovate a new city.

It was built by the people of Yingchuan without Cao Cao's money and efforts.

The Yingchuan department is also too basic!

You must know that the original Zhencheng was only overthrown, not the whole city was renovated.

This is still Yanzhou's big money.

In order to welcome Cao Cao and stabilize Yanzhou, grain and grass were only borrowed, not offered.

Although Cao Cao only paid back half of it, and everyone did not plan to ask for a back, it must cost a lot compared to rebuilding a new city, and it was a big city like the state rule.

Cheng Yu asked, "I don't know how long this Xinxu County can be built!"

"If it hasn't been established for ten years, has the ruling office been stationed in Zhencheng!"

The eyes of the Yanzhou faction suddenly brightened.

Yes, if you only shout slogans, you will fool people too much!

Xun Yu thought for a while, communicated with Xun Yu for a while, and then replied: "One year! Give us one year, and we will definitely build a wide city for the lord." "

"Good!" Cao Cao didn't need Cheng Yu and these people to squeeze the Yingchuan faction, and directly clapped:

"Since Wen Ruo has some ambition, I have received the heart of Father Yingchuan!"

"From now on, Zhang Liao will be the envoy of Yuzhou, supervising the construction of Xu County New City, and Wen Ruo will be responsible for contacting the high rollers in Yingchuan, so that the high rollers can help Zhang Qiao build the new city within one year!"

"When will it be built, and when will the governance office be moved to Xu County!"

When everyone heard this, they said, "The Lord is wise!"

The matter is settled.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that the person who supervised the construction of Xu County New City turned out to be Zhang Liao, not Xun Yu himself.

However, soon everyone reacted back, Chen Liu actually accepted it, and Zhang Liao, a former prince, became Cao Cao's vassal, and was no longer in an equal princely relationship.

Rather, subordination.

Cao Cao quietly solved such a big hidden danger.

The means end is high name.

Xun Yu and Xun Yu laughed bitterly in their hearts.


was deceived by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao originally planned to choose Xu County, and Cheng Yu was just a striker who threw bricks and jade.

No wonder Chen Gong didn't object, no wonder Xia Zhicai didn't participate in the wine banquet.

But this loss, the Xun family is willing to eat.

This is a trade that you want to make, and it is good for everyone.

So there is no need to break it!

After the banquet.

Xun Yu left with Xun Yu again and got into the carriage.

Xun Yu said, "Uncle, isn't our price a little too big!

A new city larger than the state government, the cost of money and food, the transfer of people, need a lot.

It can be said that it will consume most of the resources of the Yingchuan family.

Enough for every family to hurt.

Yingchuan has suffered frequent disasters since the Yellow Turban Riots, and it can be said that everyone's life is not good, and the landlord's family does not have much surplus food.

This time they all took out, and it really cost people their lives.

Xun Yu said: "There must be a big pattern in doing things, for example, Chen Gong is more long-term than we think, with a broader temperament and a larger pattern!"

"Only by serving the public can we truly dominate the Zhendong General's Mansion!"

Xun Yu was stunned. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Those big eyes seemed a little incredulous, these were the words spoken by the uncle.

Are we a family, dedicated to the public?

Xun Yu usually does not smile, but at this moment, he smiled slightly at Xun Yu:

"Moving the government office into Yingchuan will not only allow everyone in Yingchuan to become the shogunate's henchmen and hold more real power, but also have a large army guarding it, do you think there will be turmoil in Yingchuan?"

"There is no turbulent Yingchuan to allow everyone to continue to develop, and the benefits can be calculated!"

Since you want to do business, you have to look at the long term, and it is not the endowment of Yingchuan people, nor should it become the goal and direction of Yingchuan people!"

Xun Yu seemed to understand, but he didn't fully understand.

Soon the carriage stopped at the mansion.

The two walked in, the hall was brightly lit, and there were already more than a dozen scribes sitting there.

Seeing that Xun Yu's uncle and nephew had returned, one of the first people asked, "Wen Ruo, how is the situation?"

Xun Yu did not reply, but looked at a face, and everyone turned their eyes to Xun Yu.

Xun Yu nodded: "It's done, but you have to give some blood!"

So Xun Yu told the wonderful content of the banquet.

Du Zhao, Zhao Jian, Fan Qin, Jiang Gan and others had rich expressions.

"I thought that I would bleed, and I thought of cutting my flesh and scraping my bones!"

"The price is a little big, everyone's family is not much!"

"Yes, in the end, even half of his reputation has to be given to Zhang Qiao, which is really a little unpleasant!"

The major families in Yingchuan contributed money and efforts, and as a result, Zhang Qiao was built by a governor, and he took half of his fame, so unwilling!

"Haha, you guys don't build it!"

At this time, from outside the hall, a young man with a wine sac in his hand walked in, full of alcohol, the young man had white lips, a bloodless face, and his steps were vain, but his seemingly confused eyes shone with a ghostly light, like a jackal in the night, accurate and terrifying.

Yes, although everyone in the hall was angry, no one dared to reprimand him!

Even Xun Yu and Xun Yu got up.

"Fengxiao, how do you always like to eavesdrop, you can't be serious, sit down and do a good job!"

The person who came was none other than Guo Jiaguo Fengxiao, whom Cao Cao had worked so hard to find.

"I don't sit with 013 you, you are not a beauty, it's boring to talk to you!" Guo Jia poured himself a sip of wine and said with his tongue open:

"The wine in Zhencheng is good, I'm going to get drunk!"

"Before I was drunk, you quickly agreed to Cao Gong, otherwise I would have asked Cao Gong to choose another location as the place of governance, that place is better located, blessed, and all the princes in the world are moved!"

After speaking, Guo Jia fell to the ground with a bang, and the wine in the wine sac trickled out, ruining the ground.

Everyone looked at each other.

"It seems that we have no choice!"

"Xu County is the best choice at present, we will lose something in the short term, but in the long run, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!"

Zhao Jian nodded and said: "Potatoes and corn are both high-yield things, as long as there is a stable environment, Yingchuan will be the richest place in the world in the future, and Yingchuan Academy is afraid that it is expected to reopen." "

When it came to Yingchuan Academy, everyone couldn't help but be awe-inspiring, and at the same time worried.

Cai Yong came to Zhencheng, and with the support of Cao Cao, he had already started to build Cai's Academy and recruit and cultivate talents.

If Cai Yong becomes the climate in Zhencheng, the future Yingchuan Academy will hang.

After all, with Cai Yong's appeal, he is no worse than Mr. Shui Jing and others!

At present, Mr. Shui Jing and others are avoiding disasters in Jingzhou due to the war, and if Yingchuan does not have enough security, he will not be able to return to those former mountain chiefs and teachings.

Người mua: sabmado

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