One night of drunkenness!

Get up the next day!

Cao Cao drank the decanting soup and ordered people to call Chen Gong and Cao Ang.



When Cao Cao saw the two, he came and motioned to sit down.

Only then did he say: "During this period of my expedition, what happened in the city, tell me specifically!"

"Especially the new brick factory and some of its related new factories. "

Cao Ang explained in detail the beginning of the new brick factory.

After listening, Cao Cao did not have parity, but looked at Chen Gong: "Gongtai, Mr. Ye strongly advocates the red brick house, before the cold winter, how much can we rise, how many people can we settle in?"

Chen Gong replied: "Lord, after careful calculation, the construction of red brick houses is very fast, especially the townhouse low-tile house, as long as there are enough manpower, a simple house can be built in three or five days without problem, and the fine decoration of the house can be postponed next year, and the people will have surplus money and food at that time."

In this way, it can also stimulate the economy through consumption, so that all parts of Yanzhou can be full of vitality and recover from the war. "

"It is conservatively estimated that three months can improve the winter accommodation requirements of millions of people!"

After listening, Cao Cao said, "Since you can, then hurry up!"

"You can first go north and then south, and gradually advance to Yuzhou, after all, the north should be cold early, so that we can solve the problem of the people living well in the cold this autumn and winter as much as possible!"

"By the way, what new tricks has Mr. Ye come up with recently?"

Cao Ang replied: "During this period, Mr. Ye has been teaching Cai Zhaoji and Sable Cicada about maternal and child health care, and Cai Zhaoji has learned most of it and has entered the door!"

Chen Gong also said: "Cai Yong has said hello to me, and I hope that the government can organize some women to hand over to Cai Zhaoji to set up a medical and health department, which will be used to train and teach women all over Yanzhou how to give birth scientifically, how to raise children scientifically, and how to make women and children healthier!"

"Money and food are easy to handle, and now we have some family resources for the two bumper harvests, that is, personnel... It's going to be more troublesome'!"

Cai Yan wants to change old habits and popularize more advanced maternal and child health care knowledge.

It conflicts with the old customs of the original Han Dynasty.

At that time, it will inevitably lead to new contradictions and frictions.

If you don't get it right, General Zhendong's mansion will set it on fire.

Of course, there is also the machismo of Chen Gong and others, and the inferiority of men and women will be impacted.

Yes, he also began to hesitate.

Cao Cao was also silent.

The trade-offs are not simple.

"Father, do you know the fertility rate of the Great Han?"

"How high is the maternal mortality rate?"

"How high is the infertility rate for early marriage?"

"How high is the rate of child death?"

Every question of Cao Ang is like a thorn.

Zade Cao Cao and Chen Gong were in great pain.

"Father, Mr. Gongtai, don't you want the population of the Great Han to flourish, don't you want to make the vitality of the Great Han not damaged, such a simple and clear thing, why don't you do it, why don't you allow it!"

"There are the people for the rivers and mountains, the people for the empire, the people for the hegemony, and the incense for thousands of generations. "

The hall was so quiet that needles could be heard, and the three of them were breathing rapidly.

After a long time, Cao Cao opened his eyes and looked at Chen Gong.

Chen Gong bowed his hand and said, "Congratulations to the lord, the world rises and falls, and there are people in the future!"

"Hahaha, good!" Cao Cao looked at Cao Ang, who was bitter and pleaded for the world, and said with relief in his eyes:

"It's really my good boy, not bad!"

"If I can make my Han women die less during childbirth, if I can make my Han children die less, if I have fewer sterile people, why not give up some of the man's power!"

"A woman is a woman after all, can she still turn the world upside down?

Cao Ang was dumbfounded, you all pretended to have feelings just now.

Test me with this!

"Okay, Zixiu sit down. Cao Cao said to Cao Ang:

"Continue with the research that Sir asked you to lead..."

Next, Cao Ang continued to report on the progress of the paper and glass workshop.

Papermaking still needs time to brew, and there is no effect at all for the time being.

However, the direction of glass progressed greatly, and Cao Ang took out a few glass-like gadgets from his sleeve.

Exquisite, crystal clear and translucent.

"If I don't know that this object is made of sand and stone, I will collect it as a treasure trove!"

When Cao Cao saw these glass gadgets, he knew that they were fake, but he still couldn't put them down and kept stroking.

Good things always attract the eye.

Chen Gong said, "We know that this thing is made of sand and stone, but others don't!"

"If we trade this thing, it will be very popular, and we will not be short of money and food, even if there is no high-yield fetish, this glass alone is enough for us to accumulate enough money and food to arm hundreds of thousands of troops!"

Cao Ang said: "'The family likes to collect such beautiful things, once one family owns it, I believe that every family will definitely compare, at least it must own one!'"

"I heard Sir say that this steppe barbarian worships animal totem wolves and eagles, and if we can make glass-shaped wolves and eagles, I am afraid that these steppe barbarians will fight for them if they break their heads. "

The steppe barbarians have always been light on property, and the gold, silver, copper, jade, pearl agate and all kinds of valuable things they plundered will try to trade them with traders in the Central Plains to buy grain, salt and iron!

Therefore, although the totem made of glass is also a treasure, these people must be fighting to hide it, and there is no reason to trade it out.

"It seems that Zi Xiu has learned a lot from Mr. Ye, and he will calculate the grassland barbarians, and it is good to have such a long-term vision!"

First, glass can bring unimaginable wealth, and second, the eldest son Cheng (Promise Zhao) instrument, the future is expected to keep the business, and the rivers and mountains he has laid down are not afraid of being deceived by others.

Of course, thinking of this, the city of Wancheng came to his mind, as well as the two names of Zhang Xiu and Jia Xu.

You must not lose your nephew in the throne.

Chen Gong said: "The glass is produced, but someone needs to secretly pour it out for the lord!"

"This person must not only be resourceful, but also have a keen and precise vision, as well as bold strategies, and more importantly, he must be with the Lord and not consider the family issue. "

The sale of glass must go through dark channels in the early stage, and cannot be blatant.

"How is Zhicai?" asked Cao Cao.

Xia Zhicai is not from a family.

Chen Gong shook his head: "Although Zhicai is not a son of a family, he also has wisdom, excellent strategy, and loyalty to the lord, but his vision is narrow, military planning is feasible, and business will be bad!

Người mua: sabmado

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