"Zhicai can't do it, then... Ziyang!"

Cao Cao said, "Zi Yang is shrewd enough, or is the pattern of being born in the sect room bigger than the pattern of drama talent!"

"No, Zi Yang is too shrewd, he will think too much for himself!"

Cao Cao spread his hands now: "Just come to the public stage, and this matter will be left to you!"

Chen Gong couldn't laugh or cry: "I can't either, I'm too rigid!"

Chen Gong is now well aware of his shortcomings and flaws.

This amuses Cao Cao and Cao Ang.

But take a closer look, Chen Gong is indeed a little rigid.

At this moment, someone outside the hall said: "Lord, Xun Yu entered the mansion to ask for a meeting, saying that he introduced a great talent to the lord. "

Cao Cao's eyes lit up.

Chen Gong said, "It seems that the right person has arrived!"

"Really?" Cao Cao showed a surprised expression.

"The lord should remember the man who ordered people to look for it some time ago, according to the tip, he recently came to Yancheng and entered Wen Ruo's mansion!"

Always leave some space for Cao Cao to play.

"Hahaha, good, good!" said Cao Cao:

"Hurry up, please Wen Ruo follow... No, I'll personally go outside to greet you!"

Chen Gong said to Cao Ang:

"Grand Prince, I'll go with you, let's go and inspect the progress of each factory and workshop!"

Cao Ang knew that Chen Gong was preparing to avoid suspicion and deliberately avoided Xun Yu.

So he took Chen 827 out of the hall, bypassed the front yard, and walked through the arch on the other side.


Cao Cao deliberately walked out without shoes, and said eagerly: "Wen Ruo, which one is the one you introduced!"

Xun Yu pointed to Guo Jia next to him: "Master, this is Guo Jia Guo Jia Xiao!"

Guo Jia saw Cao Cao's appearance almost barefoot in socks and no shoes from a distance, and his eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

"Yingchuan Guo Jia meets Cao Gong!" After listening to Xun Yu's introduction, Guo Jia hurriedly made a serious offering.

Cao Cao grabbed Guo Jia's hand and looked Guo Jia up and down again.

The appearance, complexion, and figure are generally the same as those in Ye Xian's story.

I couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Fengxiao doesn't need to be polite, I have heard of your talents, and I hope that the star arch moon is finally waiting!"

Guo Jia pretended to find out suddenly, and his expression was surprised: (agaj) Guo Jia has always heard that Cao Gong is thirsty for talent, and today he is really better than the rumors, Cao Gong actually came out barefoot, Guo Jia is a nameless person, grateful to the heart, there is nothing to repay in this life, willing to drive Cao Gong and seek stability in the world!"

When Xun Yu heard this, he noticed that Cao Cao was not wearing shoes, and he was also surprised.

The Lord's thirst for talent has reached this point.

Coming out barefoot should be a beautiful talk for the world.

"Haha, if you can get filial piety, you are barefoot to step on the knife mountain, how about wading through the sea of fire." Cao Cao was so happy that it was so sweet that his heart was sweet.

This Guo Jia is not only smart, but also very quickly crooked.

Isn't this exactly the talent I need?

Isn't this exactly what goes well with my Cao Cao, a confidant who smells the same?

The three entered the hall, and Xun Yu simply mentioned the matter of finding Guo Jia and then introducing him.

And said that there are still many talents in Yingchuan, and he has already written letters, most of which should come over.

The subtext Cao Cao understood, Guo Jia was a stepping stone, and the Yingchuan family agreed to build a new Xu County as a request for Cao Cao's new rule.

"Good, good, I have Wen Ruo, just like Gaozu Xiao He, internal affairs can be safe!" Cao Cao was a little happy and floated a little, as soon as these words came out, Xun Yu darkened half of his face.

Xun Yu was a Hanchen and was loyal to the Great Han all his life. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Cao Cao meant that there was a slim person standing on behalf of the Han, and Xun Yu was naturally unhappy.

You Cao Cao has only won the land of two states, and you will create a rebellion against the great Han!

Guo Jia hurriedly covered and said, "Lord, Wen Ruo's talent is far superior to Xiao Chengxiang, could it be that in the future, you will send troops to Guanzhong, take back the Son of Heaven, and assist Your Majesty with Wen Ruo and Wen Yiwu?"

Cao Cao listened, and instantly sobered up.

Looking at Xun Yu's expression, he instantly understood in his heart, and hurriedly smiled: "Taking back the Son of Heaven, assisting Mingjun, and making the Han stable, rich, and prosperous, this is the common vision of me and other heroes and famous men in the world." "

"But... It is really not easy to achieve this, for example, Ye Cheng will be the first to disagree!"

Successfully shifting the topic and contradiction, Cao Cao secretly cast a grateful look at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia smiled slightly, then leaned back, and his bohemian style directly began to show.

Xun Yu's face turned from black to worried when he heard this.

"Lord don't need to worry much, Yecheng may not be all far-sighted, ambitious, and have the heart of the world!"

"Although there are many talents, the leading person must have this kind of mind and temperament, as well as the mind!"

Yuan Shao, Xun Yu has long concluded that it will not be a big deal.

Strategizing and less decisive, selfish, like to play clever, but not talented, simply can't use their own group of smart followers.

Cao Cao nodded slightly, he had also mixed with Yuan Shao and others since he was a child, and he was too clear about Yuan Shao's temperament.

If Yuan Shao was really talented, he would not be able to dominate the world himself, and would have submitted to him long ago and charged for him.

What a toss.

It is that he does not see the future of Yuan Shao, and he also knows that the world handed over to the hands of the two brothers of the Yuan family will be destroyed sooner or later, so he has to fight for each other.

Have a good fight with the princes of the world!

"Today, I have a matter for filial piety, you two will help you two to see one or two!"

"Yuzhou must be stable and stable, the new governance office must be built to have a good environment, I want to send troops to clear the yellow turban in Yuzhou, first, to stabilize the prefecture and county, second, to expand the population, and third, to give back to Yingchuan, do you think this autumn and winter is appropriate?"

Send troops again!

Xun Yu really didn't expect it.

This time to counterattack Yuan Shu, no less than 80,000 soldiers and horses have been used.

The army has just returned to Zhencheng, and before they have rested, they have sent troops again!

Xun Yu said, "Master, I thought it would be better if Ming Chun was moving!"

"At that time, our army's spring harvest is completed, the new season of potato harvest will be bumper, and there will be more money and grain to launch the eradication of the yellow turban in Yuzhou."

And after an autumn and winter toss, the strength of the yellow turban will also be greatly reduced, and it will be easy to clear it at that time!"

Yuzhou has just taken it, there is not much money and grain there, and the grain and grass are bound to need to be transferred from Yanzhou, which is time-consuming and depleting.

When the spring harvest is completed, Yuzhou grows autumn and winter potatoes, and when the harvest is full, it is simple and convenient to transfer grain directly from Yuzhou.

Losses can also be kept to a minimum.

This is Xun Yu's consideration.

Cao Cao set his sights on Guo Jia.

Guo Jia's eyes were vicious and well-prepared, and he half-narrowed and asked with a smile: "Master, this time you sent troops, did you seize a lot of money and grain, and you didn't bring it back in Yuzhou!"

"Or are you going to transfer grain and grass from Yingchuan?

Người mua: sabmado

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