As soon as these words came out, Xun Yu was stunned!

It turns out that Cao Cao is playing this abacus!

Use the money raised by everyone in Yingchuan to repair the new city to suppress the bandits!

Cao Cao was not pretending to be broken by Guo Jia, and nodded: "Both of them!"

Generous acknowledgement is.

Xun Yu said, "Master, if you let them know that you use this money and grain to fight, I am afraid that they will feel uncomfortable in their hearts and somewhat reluctant." "

Together, I save money and take it out to build you a house and the city, and you will take it for consumption.

Cao Cao said, "It's just borrowing, it's not not returning it!"

"Repairing the city will not be possible for a while, and by next year's spring harvest, won't there be a lot of money and grain to feed back? Moreover, I cleared the yellow turban of Yuzhou, one stabilized Yuzhou, and the two, there will be a lot of prisoners at that time, and there will be no labor!

Crooked reasoning.

But Xun Yu couldn't refute it.

Guo Jia smiled and said:

"I think that the idea of the lord is good, the yellow turban bandits will be cleared out as soon as possible, not only can they save trouble and obtain a lot of labor, but also avoid it from instigating these thieves to make trouble in the future and affect the development plan of Yuzhou!

"It's good to break it early-Yuan Shu's thoughts. "

Xun Yu heard that the taste came.

Step by step, Cao Cao wanted to clean up the Yuzhou Yellow Turban as soon as possible and free his hand to deal with others next year.

"The Lord still wants to attack Yuan Shu?" asked Xun Yu probingly.

Cao Cao pointed to the east, and then to the west.

"North and South don't move!"

Xuzhou and Guanzhong!

Guo Jia came to lie down with Ge You: "It seems that the new rule of the Lord is not an ordinary big one!

What kind of person Xun Yu was, he immediately understood when he heard this.

Cao Cao is ready to snatch the Son of Heaven back, and wants to use force with Li Wei and Guo Qiang!

"Master, are you sure?"

Cao Cao said, "The matter is man-made, if it doesn't work in one year, it will be two years! You must believe that the Western Liang army without Dong Zhuo is just a scattered killing."

Wang Yunshang can still disintegrate the Western Liang Army, don't you have confidence in yourself!"

Xun Yu's heart was hot, and he stirred his throat, and his eyes became hot.

"Well, the Lord has this ambition, has this great ambition, Xun Yu will help the Lord to complete this matter even if he dies, Yingchuan will help the Lord Duke build the new city into a magnificent and spacious city, the Lord wants grain for us, and wants me to give people!"

Imperial capital!

Who would have thought that Cao Cao's ambition was so great that he would cultivate the imperial capital in our Yingchuan.

If it wasn't for Guo Jia breaking today, Xun Yu wouldn't have thought that Cao Cao had such a plan.

Yingchuan people are not at a loss!

With this, earn hemp!

Vision, pattern, temperament, the lord is a hundred times stronger than Yuan Shao and others!

At this moment, Xun Yu was truly proud and happy that he had gone south from Yuan Shao.

There is a light in front of you, emitting a faint light, guiding you forward!

Next, Cao Cao did not do business lightly, and talked with Guo Jiaxunyu about other things.

For the remaining three days, Cao Cao summoned Guo Jia into the mansion every day.

The two drank so much that it was called a joy.

Until the evening of the third day, Guo Jia said drunkenly: "Master, do you want to tell me something, but you are afraid that it will not be entrusted to anyone!"

Guo Jia is not stupid, Cao Cao is so busy with official affairs, he calls himself into the house every day to drink.

It's a big picture, but it's hard to say directly.

Teaching with smart people is to save trouble, and Cao Cao is not hiding, take out a glass pimple!

"Fengxiao, how about this thing, do you like it!"

When Guo Jia saw this thing, his eyes instantly lit up.

"Lord, this thing looks very beautiful, and if you use it to coax beauty, it must be twice as effective with half the effort!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hahaha, what Fengxiao said, then I will give it to you!" Cao Cao pushed the thing towards Guo Jia.

Guo Jia naturally will not refuse, although he does not love money, the thousands of gold dispersed and returned.

But talking to beauty about life requires money.

"Thank you Lord, it seems that I don't have to enter the house tomorrow, I can go to Cuihua and have a good chat about the new world!"

Guo Jia did not hide his debauchery because he understood that Cao Cao was the same kind of person as him.

Kind of confidant.

"Don't worry, where is one enough, I still have a basket here, you can bring it back!" Cao Cao clapped his hands.

The next moment, the two waiters raised a basket of glass pimples! Under the candle fire, dazzling, shining blind dog eyes!

One and two Jianyang treasures.

A basket, that's not as good as cabbage!

Guo Jia's eyes widened, and he stood up involuntarily.

Slowly approach, then rub your eyes, squat, and fish.

Suddenly, glass pimples fell all over the ground.

"This, this, this... Lord, you are digging mines!" Guo Jia's brain was a little inadequate.

Cao Cao enjoyed Guo Jia's expression.

Haha laughed and said, "How about it, do you like it?

Guo Jia wants to cry, if every beauty has one hand, he must not spray him Guo Jia with spit.

"Master, just say, what is this thing!" Guo Jia felt that he must be drunk, very drunk.

Cao Cao said, "You can call this object pseudo-glass, his real name is glass!"

"Of course, this is just glass scraps, failures, there are several rooms in my glass workshop in Zhencheng, how many there are, no one really counts!"

It's too lazy to count, the quantity goes without saying.

Guo Jiadao: "Master, you don't want me to give these things to... Change it to money and food!"

Cao Cao said: "Fengxiao is really smart, money and grain are good, but what I want is ore, salt, iron, cloth and other strategic materials, preferably talents!"

Guo Jia was a little eyebrow in his heart.

"Master, this is not easy to handle!" Guo Jia is not a fool.

If this thing is done, the world does not know how many families will hate him.

No wonder Cao Cao didn't find someone else to do it.

Stuff me directly as a newcomer.

However, after thinking about it, I found that Xun Yu, Chen Gong, and Cheng Yu couldn't do it at all.

"What conditions do you propose?" said Cao Cao:

"As long as it can be done, you want people and I give people, you want me to delegate power!"

That's a big enough condition!

Guo Jia did not hurry to speak, but looked at Cao Cao for a few seconds before saying, "Master, Jia has a word!"

"The lord can have someone to supervise the prefecture and county, and he can send someone to install the mansions of the major princes, as well as the side of his important henchman Wen Wu!"

This is very direct, that is, nakedly asking Cao Cao if he did anything to spy on his subordinates and the enemy!

Cao Cao was a little reluctant to answer at first, but he still had an expression in the face of Guo Jia's more genuine gaze.

He knows that he can't dodge, Guo Jiayi is serious, that is really true, prevarication can't avoid Ding.

Người mua: sabmado

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