Everyone commented on these things one by one.

"Hey, none of you found out that Liu Bei abandoned his wife and concubine again, and this time he didn't even ask for his two brothers, and ran away directly!" Cao Cao was disgusted by Liu Bei one after another, and his eyes were fierce at this time, and he paid special attention to this matter.

Liu Bei's wife and concubine were lost again, and they were captured by themselves.

For people like Cao Cao who like women, their interests are always different from those of others.

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned, and their eyes turned to Cao Cao.

There was a hint of strangeness in his expression.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?" Cao Cao saw that the atmosphere had quieted down, and all four of them were facing him.

"Hehe, Boss Cao, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!" Ye Qing stopped talking, said half and kept half, and then took the dishes and enjoyed the food.

Cao Cao's old face was not red, and he was fine with what others said.

Only Ye Qing's evaluation he attached great importance to.

"Haha, that, Mr. Ye, don't misunderstand, isn't it what you said Liu Bei likes to do the most? Cao Cao forcibly defended, saying that he really had no idea about Liu Bei's wife and concubine.

"We all understand, we all understand!" Ye Qing continued matter-of-factly.

The other three couldn't help nodding, but their eyes showed that they believed that you were a ghost.

"Sir, the next battle between Cao and Yuan is the battle, who exactly belongs to the Central Plains and the North?" asked Chen Gong.

Cao Cao occupied the Central Plains, and Yuan Shao settled north.

It seems that Cao Cao's territory is not small, but the gap between the two is not ordinarily large!

After the fourth and third dukes, there were countless protégés and former officials, unparalleled advisers, fierce generals like clouds, and sufficient soldiers and food, according to the four prefectures of Hebei, Hebei, You, and Qing.

300,000 men with armor! The rear is worry-free, and the iron rides rolling, sweeping south.

After an official eunuch, he started a small family, struggled hard, and fought in the south and the north, and only then did he occupy the three prefectures of Yan, Xu, and Yu, and the land of four battles, with less than 80,000 men with armor, lack of soldiers and horses, and insufficient food and grass.

Internal and external troubles, lack of morale, civil and military panic.

Such two people, the probability of victory and defeat between the two sides is very different.

"Hey, it's not early today, let's rest early~!" Ye Qing didn't mean to continue.

Another moment of truth!

Tickle people, the biggest decisive battle in the north is about to begin, and it is really painful to break here.

"Sir, let's talk about it again, it's not dark yet!"

"Sir, finish talking about this big war, I really want to hear it!"

"Sir, if you don't finish my life, I will lose sleep in the future!"

Ye Qing stood up, clapped his hands, and didn't respond to the four at all.

I still want to hear it, no way.

"Hey, that's it, let's get here today!"

Although Cao Cao was also desperately eager to know what kind of battle he had with Yuan Shao, Ye Qing deliberately broke the chapter here, and he couldn't help it.

Ye Qing's character was very clear to him.

"Today's harvest is not small, it's time to go back!" Chen Gong also nodded and stood up.

The Yuan Cao War is about to begin, so it's not far from the unification of the world!

The story is numb, and after listening to it at once, it will not be interesting in the future.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong returned to the mansion hall.

Chen Gong said, "Master, Mr. Ye has already pointed out Liu Bei's various evil deeds, and he will definitely betray you in the future, how should you deal with him!"

People like Liu Bei must no longer be as so-so as in history.

This kind of hypocrite, real villain, Gou Qixiong must be killed!

If you don't kill the world, you will definitely be stirred up by it, and I don't know how many people will be harmed.

Wherever Liu Bei went, he took the war with him. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The general trend of the world was originally very clear, but it was stirred up by Liu Bei, muddy, and repeated.

I don't know how many more people died because of Liu Bei.

Cao Cao said with a deep groan: "Liu Bei is indeed a hero, and subjectively speaking, I admire him." "

"However, this person is too good at disguise, hides too deeply, and has an improper mind, and is not willing to live under people for a long time, and it is indeed a scourge to stay behind!"

The things Liu Bei did had a reason to kill him 10,000 times.

"However, Liu Bei still can't die at my hands, and if he wants to kill, he must kill reasonably, justifiably! Especially now that I have no grudge with him, I make a rash move, no one is convinced, but righteous." "

Chen Gong pondered for a moment and said, "Master, is Beihai Waikong Rong a good opportunity?"

"Without Liu Bei, Tao Qian would have no external help, and Xuzhou would be able to get it at his fingertips, and there would be no need for repeated wars, so that Xuzhou would be empty and desolate. "

According to Ye Qing, the battle between Cao Cao and Tao Qian, the battle between Liu Bei and Lü Bu, the battle between Liu Bei and Yuan Shu, the battle between Lü Bu and Yuan Shu, the battle between Cao Cao and Lü Bu, and the battle between Cao Cao and Liu Bei.

Oh, good fellow, the rich Xuzhou tossed and turned so much, almost exhausted its vitality.

"'You want to kill Liu Bei by the hand of Guan Hai?' Cao Cao's eyes darkened and he muttered:

"This plan is feasible, but it can't really kill Liu Bei, with Liu Bei's cunning, once the army is defeated, he will directly run away with Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, and he won't care about the life or death of those soldiers, so Guan Hai can't kill Liu Bei." "

Liu Bei is not a person with feelings and righteousness.

Once it threatens the safety of his life, any wife and concubine, and any righteous brother can be abandoned.

Therefore, to kill with a knife, he can only defeat Liu Bei and interrupt his rescue of Beihai.

Chen Gong said, "Then we will send a group of men and horses to ambush in Qingzhou, disguised as Qingzhou Huangjing, wait for Liu Bei's army to be defeated, and attack on the move, killing Liu Bei who was left alone!"

"At that time, the lord can also take advantage of the trend to send troops to attack Qingzhou in the name of suppressing bandits, one to subdue the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, the two to solve the danger of Kong Rong to win the righteousness, and the three to take Guan Yu Zhang Fei and Tai Shici!"

Three birds with one stone.

Yuan (Qian Hao Zhao) could have killed four birds with one stone, but Chen Gong had concerns and did not want to get involved in the battle between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao too early, which was a key place for the two countries to fight.

If Cao Cao rashly intervened, it was likely to cause a bitter beating between the two armies.

Therefore, Qingzhou can not be used for the time being.

But you can't let Liu Bei go to Xuzhou anymore!

Cao Cao said, "Let me think about it, even if you want to do this, you can't do it." "

Chen Gong said, "Lord Yingming, it is indeed more suitable to hand this matter over to the school office!"

"By the way, Lord Lord, the Taishan thief should also make contact, if you can win Zang Ba and the others over, then the battle against Tao Qian next year and the annexation of Xuzhou will be even simpler!"

Cao Cao said: "I will let Fengxiao handle this matter, now that he has just prepared for the school office, there are many things, so it is not appropriate to spread the seedlings to the outside too quickly." "

"And at the moment, the suppression of bandits is important, and we need to focus on the Yuzhou side!"

Người mua: sabmado

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