"Ding! Congratulations to the host for teaching the students what it means to save Kong Rong from the North Sea, and Tai Shici to ride the yellow turban alone! Cao Cao Xu Tian besieged, Dong Guo's uncle's cabinet was edicted! Liu Bei cleverly captured Cao Bing, defeated Yuan Shao, and the Taoyuan brothers scattered Guan Yu and surrendered to Cao Cao!"

"Ding, specially reward the host for the power of one bull and four tigers, the great success of the iron cloth shirt, and the mastery of smelting. "

Three rewards.

"It's the reward strength again, plus this time, I have the power of ten bulls and six tigers!"

"If I go to lift weights, I will properly crown until I retire!"

"The iron cloth shirt is complete, well, what is this, defensive power!"

Ye Qing immediately clicked the iron cloth shirt, and the next moment, a flood power surged up from the soles of his feet, filling his limbs and hundreds of remains, and at the same time piling up towards the skin on the surface of his body.

The process lasted for a while before stopping.

During this period, Ye Qing could also faintly feel that his muscles were a little swollen.

After it's all over.

Ye Qing pinched his skin, as if nothing had changed.

It's still so delicate, but it's tougher.

According to the reminder of the exercises that had just surged out of his mind, Ye Qing's luck dantian, and then he instantly filled his body with rectification.

I felt the similarities of 460.

Ye Qing clenched his fist and slammed lightly towards the wall.

The rectification wall seemed to collapse, but there was no pain in the arm.

"Boom, what a bull pen!"

The iron cloth shirt is complete, the knife and gun are invincible, and he is about to become a god.

This time, he is no longer a banmen axe, and can better guide the blacksmiths in Caojia Village to build new things. At the same time, I also fill my own lack of knowledge in this area!

Ye Qing was extremely happy, and the things rewarded this time were very good.

"It's been almost a year since I came to Caojia Village, it's time to go out and walk, and it's not okay to be bored at school every day!"

With the iron cloth shirt, coupled with the wind recognition technique, Ye Qing felt that as long as he was not lost when he went out, there would basically be no danger.

Yes, if you want to go out for a walk, it is best to go to the hospital in the city to check it out.

Where exactly did this eye hurt and how much damage was there?


The next day, Xun Yu introduced Du Zhao, Zhao Jian, Fan Qin, Jiang Gan and others into Fushi.

After introducing their origins, Cao Cao happily included everyone in his account and gave them official positions one by one.

After arranging Du Zhao, Zhao Jian, Fan Qin, Jiang Gan, and others, Cao Cao began to mobilize the armies of various units, and appointed Xu Huang, Li Tong, Li Jin, Zhu Ling, Cao Hong, and other generals to Yuzhou to clear and destroy the Yellow Turban thief army, and solve the problem of the emperors who occupied the mountains one by one.

Among them, Gong Du and Liu Pi in the northwest of Ru Nan were killed by Li Jin!

Yingchuan Yellow Turban He Yi, Liu Pi, and Huang Shao were attacked and killed by Cao Hong!

The remnants of Gepi Yellow Turban were forced down by Xu Huang!

In just one month, Cao Cao's generals completed the eradication of the yellow turban in Yuzhou.

At this time, the weather turns cold, and it is also troublesome to travel back and forth.

The army was basically stationed in various parts of Yuzhou.

The fact that Cao Cao's soldiers moved south to Yuzhou and expanded the new city in Xu County also quickly reached the ears of the major princes.

The first to be happy was naturally Yuan Shao, because the intelligence sent back from Zhencheng showed that Cao Cao wanted to move his seat to Xu County to reach conditions with the Yingchuan family.

At that time, Cao Cao's soldiers and horses will naturally lean towards Yuzhou, which is a great benefit to himself, indicating that Cao Cao is afraid of himself and has no intention of going north.

The second happy one was Tao Qian.

Xu County is far farther away from Tanxian than Zhencheng.

Cao Cao focused on Yuzhou, which was much less threatening.

A large stone that Tao Qian was hanging from was finally put down.

The most disturbing is Yuan Shu.

"Damn, this guy Cao Cao is endless, even if he occupies Yuzhou, he still wants to move his seat to Xu County, which is clearly the heart of death!"

"Now that he has solved the remnants of the Yellow Turban in Yuzhou, he will definitely attack me next year and take my Jiujiang!"

Yuan Shu was so anxious that he turned around.

Cao Cao has not yet released himself, how can this be good. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Now Yangzhou has not taken all of them.

Tao Qian's old thing still wants to compete with himself for Yangzhou, where there is still an alliance.

"Report, Lord, Sun Ce asked for a meeting, saying that there is a great treasure willing to be dedicated to the Lord!"


Yuan Shu listened to the worried face, and suddenly became concentrated, but became serious.

What treasure can Sun Ce give himself?

Unable to figure it out, Yuan Shu ordered someone to call Sun Ce in.

Soon after Sun Ce came in, he complimented and politely.

Yuan Shu said, "I heard that Bo Fu has something to offer me!"

Sun Ce said, "There is something I want to offer to Duke Yuan, it's just... This object was left by my father during his lifetime, it's too special!"

Then Sun Ce began to turn a corner and sell miserably.

It is said that the Sun family did their best for Yuan Shu and attacked the enemy, but in the end died tragically at the hands of Huang Zu, Liu Biao's subordinate.

I dare not forget revenge at all times, and now I want to make meritorious contributions to Yuan Shu and lay down the land of Yangzhou to give to Yuan Shu, but I have no soldiers in my hands.

Yuan Shu was not a fool, and immediately understood Sun Ce's thoughts.

This kid wants to borrow troops and then develop and grow himself.

Yuan Shu originally wanted to refuse, knowing that after Sun Jian's death, a thousand elite parts were accepted by Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu himself lacked elite soldiers at this time, how could he be willing to release people.

You must know that Sun Jian's subordinate general, Huang Gai, and others are very brave and good at fighting.

Sun Ce naturally understood that just selling misery would not impress Yuan Shu.

So he opened the box he brought and undertook it: "Duke Yuan, Sun Ce is willing to use this thing as a guarantee to bring back his father's old ministry and cross the river for the lord."

I also ask Yuan Gong to see the father's feelings!"


This is!

When Yuan Shu saw the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, he suddenly couldn't move his eyes.

Staring dead at the missing corner and the heirloom jade seal made up with gold.

Agitating his throat, Yuan Shu was ecstatic.

I have long heard that the jade seal is in the hands of the Sun family, and this time I finally saw the real thing.

Yuan Shu reached out to touch it, but soon came back to his senses.

Sun Ce offered jade seals, such as treasures, which can be said to be a great achievement.

Thinking that Sun Ce was still young and had no power, even if he fought the most in the next county, he had a way to rely on it, so he said: "Yes, I will let Huang Gai and others lead your father's thousand old pawns to your dispatch temporarily, hoping that you can inherit the style of your father and kill the enemy bravely." "

Sun Ce secretly sighed and finally took back his father's old thousand.

But the jade seal of the kingdom was sent out, and the Sun family could no longer touch it.

There are still some regrets.

"Jade seal, jade seal, give you up today, and I will snatch you back in the future!"

"You belong to my Sun family, and my Sun Ce swears that he will take you back in this life, otherwise he will not die well!"

Taking advantage of each other's harm, Sun Ce painfully sent out the jade seal of the kingdom, and then took a thousand Sun Jian's old ministry, killed the river, and began his own journey! .

Người mua: sabmado

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