"It's out! It's out!"

"Copy the first piece of paper, tap, don't move, worry about the water..."

"Continue to copy paper, the technique should be soft, fast and light..."

In turn, the wet paper is detached from the carton, layer by layer, and the water in the paper keeps gathering ~ dripping on the ground under the action of gravity.

No one dared to breathe a sigh of relief and continue - tense their nerves.

It was not until most of the water was dried by the weight that the folded paper was uncovered one by one, and then attached to the baking wall.

Smooth with a brush gently!

Soon the baking walls were covered with freshly made paper.

With the sensing of the temperature inside the baking wall, the wet paper slowly evaporates the water and turns into dry white paper.

Although it has not yet been uncovered, looking at its color and shape, and looking at the thickness of its thinness, the craftsmen know that this new low is generally a success.

Just wait for it to dry and remove it, then pick up the pen and polish the ink to see how much ink it absorbs.

If there is no problem, then even if the new paper is a great success, everyone will be rewarded.

"Uncover the paper, swing the ink!"

"Please Grand Duke!"

Cao Ang saw that the craftsmen took new paper and pen and ink, so he laid out the white paper, and then took the pen and wrote down the four characters of Longteng Huaxia!

The white paper is moisturized and absorbed, and the brush strokes reach, and the ink arrives, leaving traces and fullness.


When everyone saw this, they were immediately overjoyed.

It's done!

"Good, good, good, the new paper is successful, everyone in the paper mill has merit, and everyone has a reward!" Cao Ang could no longer suppress his suppressed emotions, and called three good words in a row.

Everyone in the paper mill was even more excited than Cao Ang.

"Come, immediately send two new pieces of paper to your father, and tell him that the new paper is made, and the heavens will be prosperous!"


At that moment, someone took the white paper, rolled it up and put it into a bamboo tube, and then quickly went to report!

Not long after, Cao Cao came with Chen Gong.


"Duke Cao!"

Everyone saluted, and Cao Cao said, "Exempt, all disrespectful!"

Saying that, Cao Cao began to look around and inspect the paper mill and observed the various processing processes.

After a circle, I was even more excited.

When I saw the white paper stacked with a thick hand, my eyes once again shone brightly.

"Well, we finally have an inexhaustible white paper, whether it is writing or drawing, it should be the best in the world!"

"In the future, all bamboo tablets will be able to be made into books on white paper, and a large number of bamboo simplifications will be saved, and it will be convenient to carry books to meet friends!"

A cart of bamboo can be collected in a white paper book.

What a convenience this is.

"Lord, such great achievements will surely make the Cao family famous for eternity, and it will also be the foundation for me to rule the world and change the dragon of China. Chen Gong said:

"When vigorously producing, reduce costs as much as possible, and make it inclusive of government offices and schools." "

"Birth, a large number of students, make hard for me, I want to build more paper mills, produce more white paper!" Cao Cao couldn't help but get up:

"Send the cut paper to Mr. Ye first, and at any time, we must give priority to meeting Ye Xingsheng's needs. "

Cao Ang said, "It's my father, so I ordered someone to cut it and send all the paper produced today to my husband!"

With these papers, it will be simple and efficient to record Ye Qing's words and deeds in the future and various teaching content knowledge.

And there is no need to cover up anymore, making up lies to deceive Ye Qingcao's village that there is no paper.

"Gongtai, I think I can go to Mr. for a drink tonight!"

This is another month, winter is coming, and nothing happens left and right.

The paper also came out, a big plan was about to begin, Cao Cao still had some bottomlessness in his heart, and wanted to go to Ye Qing to solve it.

Chen Gong said: "It's time to go to Mr. for a drink, the red brick house is also largely completed, just go to Mr. to relax!"

Don't see that he and Cao Cao hold great power, and the scenery in front of people is infinite, but the two are also walking on thin ice, for fear of doing something wrong.

Only when they came to Ye Qing could they return to the appearance of an ordinary man, and they could relax wholeheartedly, be unrestrained, and live the life that a normal person should have.

When Cao Cao and Chen Gong arrived, the smell of meat was already wafting from the courtyard.

"Boss Cao, Accountant Chen, come in quickly!" Ye Qing heard the footsteps of the two from afar, and said directly:

"Today you made ancient paper, I guessed early in the morning that you two would come. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Cao Cao and Chen Gong looked at each other, and Cao Cao said, "Sir really knows that things are like gods!"

With that, he passed through the arched courtyard door.

The Eight Immortals Table made by Ye Qing himself had been set up in the courtyard, with chairs of various styles, and the hot pot pots on the two stoves were already tumbling, and they were stuffed with meat.

On the low table next to it, several layers of various vegetables are spread.

These vegetables are all grown in greenhouses.

The two sides adopt the model of a northern earthen kang greenhouse, with shelves on it and glass made by glass workshops.

In winter, the sunshine greenhouse appeared in Yanzhou in the three kingdoms of Han.

"You can eat, it's cold in winter, eat early and warm early!" Ye Qing motioned for the two to sit down.

Xu Chu and Dian Wei couldn't wait for a long time, and directly began to pick vegetables and hot vegetables in a basin outside, and finished a bowl in two mouthfuls, and the speed was so fast that people were scolded.

This is also the reason why Ye Qing specially engaged in two hot pot pots to beat the bottom of the pot.

At a table with Xu Chu Dianwei, it is simply a Niu Jue peony, and it is gone before eating the flavor dish.

"Well, Mr. Ye has a life, don't dare not obey, open the meal!"

Cao Cao also rubbed his hands, quickly picked up the chopsticks, and filled a bowl for himself.

That's what delicious to eat, and you're welcome.

"Sir... It's time to fight Yuan Cao today!" asked Chen Gong while eating.

Listen to the story of hot pot, this is the right way to open.

There is no wine and no story, and the hot pot is tasteless to eat.

Ye Qing smiled slightly, and then shook his head: "No, we have to talk about one more person before talking about the battle of Yuan Cao!"

Another episode story.

Fortunately, this morning came, Cao Cao and Chen Gong were not afraid of hearing the battle between Yuan Cao, so they ate quietly and waited for Ye Qing to speak slowly.

"We mentioned a person earlier, I wonder if you remember?" asked Ye Qing.

Then stuffed himself with a beef pee pill.

Biting gently, it is juicy and delicious.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong looked at each other and stopped chewing.

Who did Ye Qing mention before?

It seems that what has appeared is either dead or falling.

"Sir, we really can't guess who it is, or you can say it directly!" Chen Gong put down his chopsticks and filled everyone with wine.

"Sir, whether he is a human or a ghost, you say that we will not listen!" Dian Wei gritted his flesh and echoed vaguely.

Người mua: sabmado

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