Obviously, everyone has no patience to guess.

Ye Qing said, "Remember the jade seal!"

The Jade Seal of the Kingdom.

It turned out to be Sun Ce!

"I see, Sir wants to continue to talk about Sun Ce!" Chen Gong's eyes flashed:

"Sun Ce is in the south, Cao Cao wants to fight a decisive battle with Yuan Shao, it is necessary to stabilize the south and solve all the troubles, so as not to make trouble behind his back at the critical moment of the war. "

Liu Biao's dog guarding the family naturally would not attack Cao Cao, and he knew very well that if Cao Cao fell, the first unlucky person would be himself.

At that time, Yuan Shao's million-strong army would follow the trend to the south and sweep through Jingyang and other south.

In this way, the only problem that Cao Cao had to solve was Sun Ce.

Yice's geographical location will inevitably send troops to the north and seize the opportunity to capture Xuzhou and Huainan and Huaibei.

Although it will not directly poke Cao Cao's soft underbelly Xu County, but a few bites are enough for Cao Cao to cry.

Therefore, before the decisive battle, Sun Ce must solve the "three, three, three" must be solved!

Ye Qing said, "It's still Accountant Chen who answered quickly!"

"That's right, Sun Ce's existence gave Cao Cao a great threat. "

"Today we will focus on how Sun Ce started, how he established himself in Jiangdong, and laid down the counties of Jiangdong!"

The previous ones are all abbreviated and roughly mentioned.

did not elaborate on the experience, this time in order to make Cao Cao and Chen Gong and others understand the battle of Cao Yuan Guandu more clearly, Ye Qing specially explained Sun Ce's affairs clearly.

After all, this involves the chaotic war of the Three Kingdoms behind, the Wu-Shu Alliance.

Halfway through the meal, everyone finished listening to Sun Ce's beginnings.

"Unexpectedly, Sun Ce was so brave and fierce at such a young age!"

"Yes, the generals of the junior army under Sun Ce are also very fierce, although they are not twenty-four generals, but they are all very good!"

"There are talents in Jiangdong, Xiao Xiaoya!"

The more everyone listened, the more frightened they became, and at the same time, they pinched the sweat for Cao Cao.

Yuan Shao in the north is about to sweep south, and it is unstoppable.

There was such a fierce Sun Ce in the south, and Cao Cao was afraid that it would be difficult to deal with.

"Sir, didn't Sun Cehou take advantage of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's sneak attack during the Great Northern War?" asked Xu Chu.

He was already half-fed and began to burp.

With wide eyes, he listened carefully and asked.

Ye Qing shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sun Ce originally wanted to sneak attack, but unfortunately, he died!"


Sun Ce is dead?

Everyone was amazed, surprised!

The young Sun Ce has high martial arts skills and a group of loyal fans.

With the assistance of Jiangdong Jianghuai masters, there should be a hegemony.

As a result you say he died!

"Accident!" Ye Qingxiao took a sip of wine and added:

"Everyone in the world is surprised, even Sun Ce himself did not expect that he would die so humiliated!"

"Sun Ce is a person we said earlier, he loves adventure very much, and he will rush ahead in every battle, leading the way, so Yangzhou was defeated by him in just a few years.

But it is precisely this fault that hurts him, as a general he has nothing to blame for doing this, as a commander of one side, a prince on the other, committing a danger becomes a fatal injury!"

"Once he went out hunting, rode alone and walked far away from the generals, and then was politely killed by Xu Gong's three gates. "

This, this, this!

Died at the hands of a disciple of an old enemy.

Seeing that he was about to join forces with Yuan Shao to attack Cao Cao, the result... He's dead!

Chen Gong thought thoughtfully.

Do the three disciples really have such skills?

Unable to help but be suspicious, he looked towards Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was also present with the old god, brushing a handful of beard.

After killing Cao Cao, he also did not believe that Xu Gong's three disciples had such skills, and it was estimated that his own advisers did it.

Most likely Guo Jia.

"Sun Ce is so brave, he really underestimated the enemy!"

"Sir said, Sun Ce is fierce, but this guy is not suitable to be a prince, it is good to be a brainless general. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Dian Wei and Xu Chu began to argue again after they were full.

Ye Qing gently patted the desktop.

A concussive air flow rushed straight at Xu Chu and Dian Wei, causing their faces to change, and they each hurriedly took two steps back.

Don't dare to argue.

"As soon as Sun Ce dies, won't the Jiangdong regime collapse!"

"Sun Ce's son should be just a young child, if he is prosperous, he has someone to support him, but in this world of great controversy, I am afraid that he will not be able to keep this family inheritance at all. "

Cao Cao bowed his head slightly.

Yangzhou collapsed, and without Sun Ce, it would inevitably go its own way.

Ye Qing smiled slightly: "No, the Jiangdong regime has not collapsed, although Sun Ce is dead, and his son is young, but you have forgotten that Sun Jian has more than one son." "

Brother and brother!

The four words immediately appeared in the minds of Cao Cao and Chen Jun.

After the Great Zhou destroyed the merchants, the Zhou rite was performed, and the Zhou Rite stipulated that there was a difference between the concubine and the elder, and the chief succeeded to the throne, which was the death of the father and the succession of the son.

But before the Zhou, the succession system implemented by the Shang Dynasty was, brother and brother!

The throne is not passed on to the son, but to the younger brother, and sometimes it can be passed on one after another, and there are several brothers who succeed in the situation of inheriting the throne0...

Sun Ce's death and his brother's succession to the throne also seemed possible.

Therefore, the Jiangdong regime did not collapse and continued to stand firm.

"Sun Quan succeeded to the throne and controlled Jiangjiang, assisted by Zhou Yu, Zhang Zhao and others, and Lu Su, Zhang Qi, and others coordinated to handle political affairs, and Jiangdong was safe for a while.

Cao Cao made Sun Quan a general, pacified Jiangdong, and went to a major threat. Ye Qingdao:

Next, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had no worries and fought a decisive battle with peace of mind. "

So Ye Qing officially talked about the battle of Guandu!

Zhang Liao fights Zhang Tai!

Gao Yan Zhan Xu Chu!

Yuan Jun crossbow his hair, Mr. Cao Cao. An army of 100,000 surrounded the Cao camp, and Liu Ye offered a thunderbolt car to break Yuan Shaolou's car.

After a month of war, Cao Cao's army lacked food and wanted to retire... Xu Huang cut off the grain road and severely damaged Yuan Jun... Yuan Shao didn't need Xu Fu's scheme, Xu Yu threw himself at night to Cao Cao..."

"Cao Cao sneaked up on Wuchao, burned down the granary of Yuan Jun, fought Yuan Jun at night, Yuan Shao listened to Guo Tu's rumors and wanted to kill Zhang Tai, Gao Yan, Zhang Tai, Gao Yan threw Cao Cao... The Cao army attacked in an all-round way, Yuan Shao was defeated, and he fled Yecheng... Cheng Yu offered ten ambushes... Finally, Cangting won a great victory, and after defeating Yuan Shao's 300,000 soldiers and horses, Yuan Shao fled back to Yecheng, and he couldn't afford to be sick ever since..."

Guandu won

Kuratei also won!

Hit until Yuan Shao vomited blood and was lying in bed.

Cao Cao's blood boiled when he heard this, and he couldn't help himself, and raised his head to the sky and howled.

No one knows better than him what kind of mood it is to defeat Yuan Shao.

He has been suppressed by Yuan Shao all his life, and since he was a child, he has been treated as a follower and a follower.

The battle of Guandu completely reversed the 5.3 trend of the game, and finally gave himself the upper hand and won Yuan Shao.


Cao Cao closed his eyes and stretched out his hands, wanting to embrace the stars in the sky.

Chen Gong and the others also heard that their eyes were slightly red.

It was really not easy for Cao Cao to win.

Such a dangerous situation, he survived to Yuan Shao's side, and finally seized the opportunity, won more with less, and turned defeat into victory.

Crushed the number one prince in the world.

After two consecutive defeats, the 600,000-strong army could not defeat Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao's mentality and faith were completely gone.

Even if he doesn't die, he can't beat Cao Cao, and he doesn't even have the courage to fight.

The more arrogant and conceited, the more superiority he has, and the more people who have stood at a height since childhood, the more they can't withstand the blow, and they can't bear things after passing the level of not being careful.

Therefore, Chen Gong asserted that Cao Cao would definitely capture Jizhou and unify the north and the Central Plains.

Become the strongest prince overlord in the world.

Người mua: sabmado

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