"Sir, I have a doubt!" Chen Gong said:

"Didn't Liu Bei vote for Yuan Shao, why is there no shadow of him in this battle!"

"There are two major martial generals under Yuan Shao, one is Yanliang and the other is Wen Ugly, and neither of them appeared!"

Yanliang and Wen Chu can be said to be the earliest martial generals who started with Yuan Shao.

When he was fighting against Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao still put the name of his second general on his lips every day, saying that if there was a second general here, it would not be possible for Hua Xiong and Lü Bu to be arrogant in front of the camp gate.

As a result, such a big battle, Yuan Shao did not send the two to appear.

"Hahaha, or Accountant Chen listened to the story seriously, and found that Yanliang, Wen Qiu and Liu Bei were missing!"

"Let's leave an episode for the time being, and we'll talk about it later!"

"You can guess and associate as much as you like!"

It's good that Ye Qing didn't say it, and when he said this, it aroused everyone's desire to explore.

Where did Yanliang, Wen Qiu, and Liu Bei go?

"Sir, although Yuan Shao was defeated, however, Hebei is still strong, Yuan Shao still has many soldiers and horses in his hands, how did Cao Cao finally seize the north?"

Achieved as the first prince of the world.

Ye Qingdao: "Yuan Shao has three sons, the eldest son Yuan Tan, the second son Yuan Xi, the third son Yuan Shang, the third son Yuan Shang was born because of Mrs. Liu, so he was pleased by Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao wanted to abolish Chang Li Xiao, so that Yuan Xi was stationed in Youzhou, Yuan Tan was stationed in Qingzhou, and his nephew Gao Gan was stationed in Hezhou, and each of the four led a state..."

Next, Ye Qing slowly explained how Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao's three sons and subdued Gao Gan to take Union Prefecture.

Everyone listened wonderfully, it turned out that after Yuan Shao's death, Cao Cao's road to the north was not easy.

The three Yuan brothers did not attack internally, and Cao Cao had difficulty finding fighters.

If the three brothers are united, it is difficult to predict whether they will win or lose.

Unfortunately, the three brothers Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang fought with each other for power, and their advisers also had their own selfish intentions, and they all died in the end.

"Yuan Shao was so unscrupulous that he even died, handing over the four points of the great north to his three sons and one nephew, so that the power of the four states could not be unified with the outside world. Cao Cao shook his head and sighed, secretly vigilant, the future Cao Wei, should not be like this.

Isn't the reason why the world fell apart that the imperial power was eroded and divided among the princes?

Power is poison, and if everyone is tainted, it will cause trouble.

"Cao Pi violated the law, broke into Yuan Shao's mansion, robbed Yuan Xi's wife, and reached the son to inherit his father's will!" Chen Gong suddenly said leisurely.

When Cao Cao heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

The old face couldn't help but blush!

Chen Gong was obviously reminding him that you had a good son.

Ye Qing said: "Yes, or Accountant Chen grasped the point, this Cao Pi has inherited Cao Cao's lecherousness, the first thing he did when he entered Ye City was to search for beauty, but this Zhen Mi he robbed was terrible, not only stunned Cao Pi, but even Cao Cao and his son Cao Zhi were fascinated!"


I'm fascinated by women again!

Even my newborn baby Zhi'er was fascinated?

Cao Cao's heart suddenly clicked, and his heart became terrified.

Otherwise, there will be a joke in the back!

The father and son are all coveted for their beauty, and this is worth it!

Chen Gong's face became gloomy, and when he looked at Cao Cao, his eyes became complicated for a while.

Old Cao Na Old Cao, why do you have so many affair stories in your family, and always make trouble on women!

Ye Qing ignored Cao Cao and continued to tell the story, Cao Cao conquest Wuhuan, Guo Jia died of illness halfway!

"Guo Jia is dead!"

When Cao Cao heard this, the whole person was not good!

Another untimely death!

It's about the same as Xia Zhicai.

This is true for both of them. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Although Guo Jia is dead, he left behind a great plan..."

In the middle of the moon, the fire was extinguished, the remnants were withdrawn, and everyone listened to it mesmerized.

Ye Qing finally finished telling the war in the north, and Cao Cao's class returned to Xu Du to reward the ministers!

"It's a pity that Guo Jia died of illness at such a young age!" Chen Gong saw that Cao Cao had no interest after hearing Guo Jia's death, and the whole person lowered his head and was silent, so he asked:

"Sir, do you know why Guo Jia also died young, how good it would be if he could find his lesions in advance and diagnose and treat them!"

Ye Qingdao:

"Guo Jia actually has no serious illness, and there are three main reasons why he died young!"

"One is greedy cups, like Xia Zhicai, drinking like water, drinking all year round. "

"Second: it is greedy, mixed among prostitutes all year round, and there are many concubines, without restraint, and the deficit is serious. "

"As the saying goes, wine is a gut-piercing medicine, color is a bone scraper, stained with both, do you think he can live long?"

I see!

Chen Gong then showed his expression.

Cao Cao suddenly woke up.

It turned out that Guo Jiade was not a terminal illness, but because the wine was not temperate, so that his body was severely deficient.

It seems that in the future, he will send someone to supervise Guo Jia and can't let him come willfully.

"Sir, you only said two points, didn't you still say one point?" Xu Chu was confused, but not stupid, and immediately raised his doubts.

Only then did Chen Gong and Cao Cao refocus their gazes on Ye Qing.

Ye Qing said: "The third and most important point, Guo Jia takes drugs!"


What's the thing?


Chen Gong, Cao Cao, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei were all stunned and stunned!

"Guo Jia smoked five stone scatter, and he was still refining pills at home, and he also personally swabbed and ate the refined pill 510!" Ye Qing shook his head slightly:

"Five stone scatter is a kind of poison that can make illusions, food can make people hallucinate such as ascending to fairyland, becoming immortals and gods, confusing the mind, it is a chronic poison, long-term use, you will die!"

"Not to mention alchemy, these deadly ore raw materials will be added to it, not only will you not become a god and live a long life, on the contrary, it will die faster, and die worse!"

After listening to Ye Qing's explanation, everyone had a creepy feeling.

Since ancient times, I don't know how many kings hope to live forever, and then order people to refine elixirs.

It turns out that this is a special elixir, which is a poison that kills people.

Eating will only die faster.

Cao Cao couldn't help but secretly luckily, fortunately, he learned this from Ye Qing, otherwise he would unify the Central Plains in the future, in order to find the method of immortality, in case he also ordered people to refine the elixir and take a few pills, it was not to be buried in the soil earlier!

"Don't listen to Mr. 's, don't know the calamity of Five Stones, don't listen to Mr. 's solution, let alone know the harm of elixir!" Chen Gong looked at Cao Cao and said meaningfully:

"Such evil arts and evil things, you must not listen to it, I and other good people, should avoid it, try my best to let the villagers know, be careful!"

Ye Qing nodded and praised: "It's still Accountant Chen's high consciousness!"

"Take a bite of drug and fall into the mouth of the tiger; cherish life, stay away from poison!"

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